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<br />62Yr-8ECOND REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tall Clause
<br />
<br />1'ho H.llman Gcnerol S.pply 1I0.B.. Lloc.ln. Nu"',.
<br />
<br />88__1016
<br />
<br />
<br />THAT 1 or WE, THEODORE C. MOLCZYK and JEAN ANN MOLCZYK, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />1
<br />
<br />of
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />, ill consideration of tllC sum of
<br />
<br />
<br />C oUllty a1ld Statc of
<br />
<br />SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO IlOOTHS DOLLARS-----------------------.. ($ 7 I 000 .00 )--- DO LLA RS
<br />
<br />
<br />ill hand "aid, do hereby SELL alld CONVEY UlltO
<br />
<br />RICHARD J. S'fREHLE and HELEN K. STREHLE, Husband amt \.Jifed- ",.". .'\ ,(mortgagee),
<br />oj Hall COllllly, alld Sla/e of Nebraskba " ""'k'. "..:;'.'i ;:;,thc.f~II~~~iIlJ:~:scribed prelllislls
<br />Hall C d (' of Ne ras a,e ' ,;,', ,.._,'.' ..li,,~l" . 't
<br />situatcd ill 01111/)', all .J/ate : .' '....'.,. ..,."".. TO-WI:
<br />
<br />EaBte~ly One Third (E 1/3) of Lot Six (6) and all of Lot Seven (7), Bloek
<br />Eigh ty Three (83), Orlginal Tov..n now Ci ty.cf Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />The ill/cntioll beillg to cotlvel' hereby all absolll/a title ill fee simple illcluditlg all the rights of homestcad and dowel'.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tile "remises above described, 'with all the appllrtellatlCeS therellnto belongillg unta
<br />thc said mortgagee or mortgagees (HId to his, her or their heirs and assigns, forN,er, provided always, mId thesll pres-
<br />ents are lI(Jon the esprllss cOlldi/;oPl that i/ the said mortgagor or tIlortgagors, his, her or t/.llir heirs, exe':ldors, admin-
<br />istrators or assigns shall payor calfse to b,' paid to the said mortgagee or 1Il0r/gagees alld to Ms, her or their heirs, es-
<br />ecutors, administrators or assigns, the Sl/ll' of
<br />SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/lOOTHS OOLLARS-----------($7 .OOO.Oapol/urs, payable as follows, to-~vit:
<br />
<br />Monthly payments of interest only in the amount of $58.33 due each month beginn~ng
<br />August I, 1987, and continuing for 18 months until Januaxy 1, 1988, at which time
<br />a balloon payment for the entire principal balance of $7,000.00 will be due.
<br />
<br />1:
<br />
<br />with interest thereon at 10 per cent per atlllIWI, payable monthly :xmxxart1gJ5 accordillg 10 the tenor and effect oj
<br />the promissory 1Iote with interest COliI' 0115 attached oj said Mortgagors, bearillg evCtl date with these pres-
<br />ents, and s1iall pay all taot-es o1ld any in/cresl on, or matllring installments of prillcipal, dlle 011 allY prior mortgagc and
<br />assessments lcv.Jd upon said real estate alld ail o/her laxes, levies and asscssmcnts levied UPOll tllis fIlortgage or thc
<br />1Iote which this mortgagc is givcll 10 Seellrl', before the same becomes dclinqwmt alld kecp IIII' bllildillgs 011 said
<br />premises insured for the slim $ . loss, if an)', payable to such first morlgagecs or this /IIortgagee, or both,
<br />111m tl.ese presents be void, otherwise to be OIld remain ill Jull force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if lhe said mortgagor sllall fail /0 pay such taxes and such illterest on,
<br />Or matl/rillg installments of prillcipai, due 011 any prior fIlorlgage and procHre sllch i/lsllrance, thC71 tlris mortgagee may
<br />pa)"suclJ /a.1'I'S atld such illtrrfSl on, or maturing illstoilmetlts of principal, due 011 slIch prior mortguge alld procure
<br />suth insllrance " utld the Slltll so adviJtl(l'd n>ith interest at niue per ce#lt shall be paid bv said mortgagor alld this tHort-
<br />90Ue shall slalld as security for the sallie. (;?) Thai a failure to pay OIlY of said moue)', either prillcip;l or illlerest Otl
<br />th.is or any prior mortgage, whl'lI the same. becomes due or a failure to comply u,jth (III)' oj /!le foregoiJlg agrecments,
<br />sllaU taUSI' the T(lllOle Slllll of llton!)' lwrt'm sCCl/red to be coJlle due alld collectable at OIlCt' at tlte oplioll of 'he fIlort-
<br />qagee,
<br />" IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said mortgagee, pending foreclosure oj /lJis mortgage atlll aJI.'r decree and
<br />peHdin{/ stay tlureotl or appeallhen-/rom and (iC/llling sell' of prcltlises /IIortgaged, may pay such ta.rcs at/d maturing
<br />i~t"es' or tMiuring instolltlll'llts oj p rill cif'a I, 011 prior In orlgages, procure SI/ch illslII'OtlCe atld Slid. SlIIIIS shall be
<br />add!d to th, atnQlIt~t dllt' on durre mirl "1'011 cONfirmation oj sale by the cOllrt ordered taken au/ oj proceeds of sale;
<br />or. If rl'dtelJttd dllYlng stll)', aPI"'1l1 or Jafl', Jurll amounts sllall be coliec/cd Jill' Salll,' (/S thol/glr it were u p(/rt oj sll(1I
<br />decree. t-~
<br />. Sigfll'd Ihis c;? ~ do)' oj ~'-<...-
<br />
<br />~~~J0
<br />
<br />! ~
<br />
<br />o!
<br />
<br />, 1981
<br />"'~~ / ,0' /.11//// ('
<br />...c:e::"'l:',~~,t7L~ /./Z4~/~
<br />TflEOOORE ~. ~~ LCZYK \, . //
<br />'>I:4(!--.,..... t( ". '. :/I'/;-.~. t Icv
<br />Jr.,<N ANN HOLCZYK I ) .
<br />./-
<br />
<br />
<br />-
<br />