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<br />.7) <br />t <br />~~ <br />;,' <br />i <br /> <br />~r <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />101611 <br /> <br />leBO ~Oll <br />Page 2 01 2 <br /> <br />(cl The ropaymenl in full by T!uslor(s) 01 all amounls advanced by Benellcl!HY. alllS option,lo oron behalf 0' TruSlor(sl asprolecl,ve advances <br />authorized herein, In Ihe loon ogreemont(s). or tn other Inslrumont(a) whtch may be given 10 evidence such advances, plus Interesl on all such <br />advances, payable as provided In the nole(sl. 10lln agreemenlls) or other Instrument(s). <br /> <br />(d) The payment in full of any and 011 other past. presenl or fulure. dllect or COnli'lgent, debts and liabilities of TrUSlor{s) to Benelic,ary of any <br />nalure whatsoever. <br /> <br />Thie Trust Deed will be due January 1, 2008 or upon the payment in full 01 allsurns secured hereby. <br /> <br />Truslo'(sl hereby warranll"allhey held lee Simple Illle 10 Ihe above deSCribed property. Ihatlhey have gooei and lawful aulhorlly 10 deed and encumber Ihe same. <br />thaleald property I~ free and clear of allloens and encumbrances. e.coPI encumbrances 01 record. and Ihelthey will warranland defand said property againsl all <br />claimants Whomsoever. Truslor/S) also heroby waive and relinquish all righls 01 dowo" homesleed, dlSlrlbutlve share and e.empllon ;.'1 and 10 Ihe above described <br />property, <br /> <br />Trullor(s) and each of Iham lurlhar co.enanl and agree with Benellclary al (ollowI: <br /> <br />(1) To pay ell liens. )udgmen!s or othor assGssmenls agamst said Tru~1 Estate, and 10 pay when due, ronts, loes or charg'3s upon SOlei Trust Estete or under <br />any lease, permil. license or privilege aSSigned 10 Beneficiery as addilional securlly to Ihis Trust Deed. including those on publiC domein <br />(2) To insure and keep Insured buildings and oth~r improv~manls now on Dr heresller placed on said Trust Eslele 10 the salislacltOn 01 Beneliciary Such <br />insurance Sl1all be approved by and deposiled with Be"eficiary. and endorsed with loSS thereunder payable to Beneficiary. Any sums so received by Beneficiary may <br />be used 10 pay for reconSlruclton of Ihe destroyed improvements or If nol so epplled may. at the opllon 01 Beneficiary. be applied in payment 01 any indebtedness <br />malured or unmatured secured by this Trust Deed <br />(3) To keep all buildings. fixtures end other improvemenls now on Dr herealler placed on said Trusl ESlale occupied and in good repair, mainlenance and <br />condition and 10 neithe, commit nor permit any aCls of waSte or eny impairment ollhe value of Ihe Trust Eslate BenefiCiary may enter upon Ihe Trust Estate to <br />inspecllhe same or 10 perlorm any acts authorized herem Jr m Ihe loen agreem"nt(s) <br />(4) In the event Trustor(s) fail 10 pay any liens. Judgments, assessmenls, renls, lees orcharg~s or matnlaln any ,"surance on the property. buildings, !i.lures <br />or improvaments as provided herem or in Ihe loan egreemenl(sl, Beneficiery may, al its option. make such paymenlS or provide insurence, maintenance or repairs <br />and any amounts paid Iherelor shall become pan of the principal Indebtedness secured hereby, be immediately due and payeble end bear interestlrom the date of <br />payment as provided in Ihe note(s} or loen agreement(s). The advancemenl by BenefiCiary 01 any such amounls shall in no manner Iimillhe right of Beneficiary 10 <br />oeelare Trustor(s) in delaull or exerCIS!) any of Beneficiary's olher rights and remedies, <br />(5) In the event Beneficiary Is a party 10 any litigation aflecting the securily Dr Ihe lien of Ihis Trust Deed, mcludmg any action by Beneliciary to enforce this Trust <br />Deed or eny suit in which Beneliclery is named e defendant (including condemnation and bankruptCy proceedings) Beneliciary may incur expenses and advance <br />paymenls for abstract fees, atlorneys fees (excepl to Ihee.tenl prohibited by lawl, costs, e.penses. ap"raisal fees and olher cherges and any emounts so advanced <br />shell become part of Ihe p,incipel indebtedness securad hereby. be immediately due and payable and beer inlerest as prOVided in Ihe loan agreement(s), <br />(6) Any awards mada 10 Trustor(s) Or the" successors by the exerCise of eminent domam are here,by assigned to BenefiCiary. and Beneliciary is hereby authorized <br />10 collect and apply the same m payment 01 any mdebtedness. malured Dr unmalured. secured by Ill'S Trusl Deed <br />(7) In Ihe evenl Truslorls) delaullln the peyment when due of any sums secured hereby Iprmcopal, ,"Ieres!. advancements, or proleclive advances), or fail to <br />perform or observe any covenants and condItIOns contained herem. In the nolefs). loan agreement(s). or any other Instruments. or any proceeding 1$ brought by or <br />agelnst T ruSlorlsl under any Bankruptcy laws, Beneflclery may. allls oplion, declare Ihe enllre mdebledness secured he,eby 10 he Immediately due and payable and <br />bear '"terest atlhe delault rele as proVided '" Ihe nole(s) Dr loan agreemenl(sl and BenefiCiary mey ImmedIately a.,lh(Hlze Truslee to o.arcise the Power of Sale <br />9ranted herein m the menner prOVided on Ihe NebraSka TruSI Deeds ACI, or. at Ihe oploon of the Benellclary. may loreclose Ihe Trusl Deed in Ihe manner provided by <br />lew lor the foreclosure 01 mortgages on real property, Including the appointment of a Receive, upon e. parte application. nOllce being hereby expressly waived. <br />w"fIoul ragard 10 the value of Ihe property Orlne sulliclency thereof 10 discharge Ihe Indebtedness secured hereby or m the loan agreemenl(s). Dalay by Beneficiary <br />m e.erclsing its rig hIs upon default shall nol be construed as a waiver Ihereo) and eny acl 01 Beneflclery waiVing any specillc delllull Shall not be construed as a <br />waiver of any future defeul!. If the proceeds under such sale or loreclosure are msulliclOntto pay the total indebtedness secured hereby. Trustor(sj do hereby agree <br />to be personally bound to pay Ihe unpaid balance, and BenefiCiary shall be enlitled 10 II deficiency judgment <br />(8) Should Benelicieryelecl to exorcise Ihe Power 018ale granted herem, Beneficiary shall notify Trustee who shall record. publish and deliver 10 Trustor(s) SUch <br />Notice 01 Default arid Notice of Sale as then required by law end shall In the man"er provided by law selllhe Trust Estate el the time and place of sate fixed in the <br />Notice of Sale, either as a whole or In separate iols, parcels or Items and In such order as Trusloll shall deem e.pedlent. Any person may bid at Ihe sale Including <br />Trustor(s). Truslee or Beneflc,ary <br />(9) Truslor(sj hereby request a copy of any Notice of Default or Notice 01 Sale hereunder to ba meiled to them al the addressles) set forth herein b~ certified mail. <br />(10) Upon defaul\. Benel'clary, ell her In person Or by ager11. With or ....IIhoul brmging any action or proceeding and wilh or without regard to the value of the <br />property or Ihe suffiCiency thereof 10 discharge Ihe mdebledness secured heraby. IS authonzed and entitled to enler upon and take posseSsion of the TruSI ESlale in <br />its own name or In the name ollhe Trusteeand doanyacls ore.pend any sums II deems necessary ordesirableto prolect or preserve the value o!the Trust Estale or <br />any inlerest therein, or Increase Ihe mcome the'efrom. and with or WllhoUl taking possession of IfIe Trust Estale is authonze:llo sue for or otherwise collect the renls. <br />Issues. crops, pro"'s and Income thereof. Including those pasl Due end unpa'<l. and apply Ihe seme upon any indebledness secured hereby or in Ihe loan <br />agreemenl(s) <br />No rsmedy herem conterred upon or reserved 10 TrUSlee or BenefiCiary IS Inlanded to be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law proVided or permllled. <br />but each shall be cumulative. shall be m addition to every olher remedy given hereunder or now or hereatler e.isting allaw or m equity Dr by statule. and may tJe <br />exerCised concurrently. tndependently 0( succeSSively <br />(11) TruslOrls) acknowledge Ihelthe dulles and obllgellons 01 T,ustee shall be delermined solely by Ihe prov,slOns of thiS Trusl Deed or the Nebraska <br />Trusl ~e6ds Acl and Truslee shall nol be liable exceptIO( Ihe perlO(mance 01 such dulles and obligallOns as are speclficelly sei lorlh Iherem. end no Implied <br />crvenants or obligelons shall be Imposed upon Truslee. Truslee shall nol be liable lor any aClion laken by 1\ m good faith and reasonably believed by ,t to be <br />aulllorlzed or '.Nlthir.the dlSCrellOn Dr rlghls 01 powers conferred upon " by IhlS Trust Deed or state law <br />(12) The integrlly and responsibility of Trusto((s) conslitules a part of lhe consideration for Ihe obligatiOns secured hereby Should Truslo,(s) sell. transler Dr <br />convey the property deSCribed herein. wlthoul pllor wrlllen consenl 01 Benel,clary, BenefiCIary may. allts option, declere Ihe enllre Indebledness ""medletely due <br />and payable end mey proceed In Ihe enforcement of I\s rlghls es Qn Rny olher delaull <br />(13) Assignment of Renls includmg Proceeds of Mmeral Lease TruslOrls) hereby Iransfer. sel ovel and convey to BenefiCiary all renls, mYRllles. bonusos and <br />delay moneys that mat from time 10 time become due and payable under any real eslale lease or under any oil. gas or olher mmerallease 01 any kmd now e.lSlmg 0' <br />thaI may hereafter come into existence, covering Ihe above TruSI Eslale Or any parl lhereof. All such sums so received by BenefiCiary shall be appllod to Ihe <br />mdebledness sec-ured hereby, or said Beneficiary mey. al its optIOn. lurn over and deliver 10 TrUSlor,s) or Ihelf successors m mterest. any or all of such sums wlthoul <br />prejudice to any of Beneficiary's rights to lake and ,eta In tulure sums, and wlthoul prejudice 10 any of il5 other rights under Ihls Trusl Deed The transfer and <br />conveyance hereunder to Benellclary 01 said renls. royall,es, bonuses and delay moneys shall be construed 10 be a proVISion tor the payment or reduction 01 the <br />debt. subjecl to the BenefiCiary'S opllon as hereInbefore proVIded. Independent 01 the lien on said Trusl ESlele Upon paymenl In lull 01 Ihe debl and Ihe <br />reconveyance 01 thiS "T rust DeEd ot record. thiS COi1veyance shatl become Inoperative and of no further IOfce Bod effect <br />(14) The covenants conlalned In thiS Trust Deed shall be deemed 10 be sevarable: In th~f!llhet any porllon 01 Ihls Trusl Deed IS determined 10 be VOid or <br />unenforceable. Ihal dalermlnallOn shall not allecllhe validity oflhe remaIning portlono;.<>Tthe Trust Deed /- <br /> <br />.--) / Ie -'~,L?- /--. i/~ , --;"- <br />/.$v;.~-,........ ,.. ,l~ \A'.-;~ cf_____-u-&.~--,J ~~f. / ~ -.....1' Z' / ;).r-.-r- <br />'Thomas E. Minor Doris D. Minor <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> <br />ss <br /> <br />COUNTY OF <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />On this 1st day of Apr i1 <br />Thomas E. Minor (a/k/a Thomas Minor) <br /> <br />, A,D.. 19 ~ . before me. a Notary Public. personally appeared <br />and Doris D. Minor (a/k/a Doris Minor), husband an~ wife <br />executed the foregoing Acknowledgment and TnJst Deed, and acknowledgod <br />tuntary eel Bn~eed l <br /> <br />'/~2~~~~r::y <c.-==-=?___ '-~-~ (.--'-' ,~,~-\ <br /> <br />(Type at prt-nl name onder signature) <br />Notary Public In and for said County and Slate <br /> <br />to me known 10 be the parson(s) named i~~nq who <br />that they execut <br />J:IEIIM 1IJtM'f-Sllll " Mm\l <br />MHDRA, 8. SWEENEY <br />It c-. (q IDI 10. tiI!I <br /> <br />My commission expires Nov 10, 19B9 <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />L <br /> c <br /> I- <br />Ul z <br />ii" tr <br />\I. co ::l <br />[I) I- <br />r~ w <br />, .,. tr <br />::J <br />Z ,~ 0 <br />~ '" <br />C[ ,., 0 <br />'" ![ <br />01 0 <br />::! <.) <br />'" '" <br />, t <l' <br />.': -"r. Z <br />, :---l' '" <br /> I <br /> 'l: <br />