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<br />111-FARM LEASE
<br />
<br />Hullman and Felton & Wolt, Waltor,. No. 68461
<br />
<br />"88~1-fi158.5--.-o=::c=,,
<br />
<br />:: ,j I."'_.~ o:;::o;:.-,:.'.:;::=-=--=-=-.;c:-..:::.::.:::.- =_-=.=:.:.:.::=-~ . - __-::.:.:.::.:.... .-'---_
<br />
<br />-- ---
<br />_____ _~ T__~ ._____ _____.____
<br />
<br />THIS AGREEMENT, Made alld cllle/'(~d illlo this
<br />
<br />day oj March
<br />
<br />Firs t
<br />
<br />, /9 88
<br />
<br />by Illld oet1llml KENNETH L. SCHEEL and SANDRA SCHEEL, husband and wife,
<br />
<br />party of the firs I pad, and
<br />
<br />
<br />party of tile sccolld part, WITNESSETH, That tile said party oj Ihe first l'Ort has this day leased unto the parly
<br />of the secolld part the Jollowillg dl'scribed I)roperty, sitllaled ill the COllllty oj and State oj
<br />10 wit;
<br />
<br />NE1/4 NE1/4
<br />W1/2 8E1/4
<br />
<br />20-10-10
<br />17-10-10
<br />
<br />consisting of 30 acres of crop ground.
<br />consisting of 80 acres of crop ground.
<br />
<br />The ql//lrter oj sl'ctioll , ill 1'owllsllip , Rallge oj the p, lv/.,
<br />together with thc buildillgs llllll illlp/'O,'<'III<'lIls IhcreOIl aud thereto appcrtaillillg
<br />frolll the da:y oj , 19 to /I,l' day oj , 19
<br />aud Ille said second parly, ill (OllsidC,';llioll of IIII' IcasilJg of 1/;1' abO'l.e prcmjses, IU'YCby covellO/lis and agrecs with
<br />Ihc said party oj Ihe firsl pari to pay tile said parly of the firsl ('art as rCllt JOI' the same as Jollows, to-wil:
<br />
<br />1/3 of the actual crop grown on this property, after expenses.
<br />Payable on the 15th of December 1988.
<br />
<br />II
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<br />AND IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGREED betweclI tile parties hereto that tlte said party of tlte first part
<br />should deem il ncassarl' llIav, at Ihe cost alld C.I."pellse of the party of the second part, cmploy mell and
<br />equiplllelll to go IIPOll said premises alld cultivate the crops alld harvest Ihelll or 10 do anythitlg that is necessary 10 pro-
<br />JIIote tlteir g/'Owth or sllve them at allY tillle before thl')' are i'l the [Jratlarics, Ihe whole C,I-pClISC of the same to be a
<br />lim IIPOIl sa:-f se(olld party's shan; oj said crops.
<br />AND IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGREED by the party of Ihe second pari that 'will careflllly pro-
<br />tect all buildings, Jellces olld improvemetlts of every kind Ihal arc now 011 said prcmises or that /tIay be erected
<br />thereon during the COlllillltOllce of lilis lease; Ihal will promptly 01 the e,rpiralioll of Ihe lerlll Irereitl gl'allled yield
<br />..p possession of said premises, witholll notice, IIl1tO tire parly of tile first part, in as good repair as tltey flOW are or
<br />II/ay be at OIlY tilll/! durillg the Clill/illuonce of this lease, ordi,lUl'y wear alld loss by fire excepted, Said sccotld party
<br />also expressly agrees 10 haul alld scatter UPOII said lalld regl/larly in till! /IIollths of and
<br />all manure acc;!llIuloted thereon mId will /..'eep lire CIIltivail'd IlIllds
<br />oj said premises free (roJII weeds alld destmy all If.'ceds atollg tile fenc.:s alld abollt all the bl/ildillgs, illrludill[J all
<br />cocklebllrs alld wads 011 tire hiyllwoy adjoining the lalld mid alollg tI,e bOl"dcrs oj tile fields before 111(')' ril'ell their seeds;
<br />tflat will keep the we{{, pump alld 7l'indlllitl 011 said {'remises ill good repair, e,rceptiullol lass by heavy 1(';lld or
<br />.fire excepted.
<br />AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED by tire party oj tlte second part tlrat wi{{ IIOt sub~/et nor in any
<br />lIIanner release (lilY part oj the dcsCI'ibcd pn'mises withoul the COllsCllt of pari)' of Ihe /irst part,
<br />AND IT IS FURTHER AGRET:D Ihol tile party of tire first part alld agents may go 11/'011 said premises
<br />at anv time to illspl'cl the same or 10 "'aJ~e improvelllcllls tllCreon a1id 10 plow for IlIture craps Ulld to sow smull
<br />grain-ill com OIld slubble gml/lld ill the Jail beJore the e.l'pirCltiOIl oj this lease.
<br />Tile COVellUllts Irercill shall exlelld to a1ld be binding UpOIl tire heirs, exemtors 01111 administrators oj till' parties
<br />to this lease,
<br />
<br />,
<br />'r
<br />
<br />I
<br />:1
<br />
<br />ANn [T IS FUHTHER .E<:XPRESSLY AGHI-:J.:D thlH thE" stt'ond pllrI)" shall .l5ccure thp p~rformance- of the terms Rnd ('l)ndilion3 of lhill lean on
<br />pari by giving w the firM 'parly on demand a l5E"curity inlereAl upon ell IlT any part DC the ~rop.5 growini' or Bathe-red on aRid
<br />premlBeJ durifli" ,~id term. And if:ssidsf'("()nd party aha.11 n~glC<.'. o.rf-ffU.K-pto:lfI'le8u['h.ll-N'urity lolert:'lil upnn dl"mnnd. IJ; If ~hnll nl 81l!' titm." li:l""t' ur nll'-'m~lllllll'\-'t'IO.
<br />or Pt'rmil an)' ptttmn or pNIUJnS tn ubtklo H-I[~II upun laid crupeor any part lhert-of.or '\"iulalr .rm,rUllnel'QndILIUII:5 uflhlti nInUUl"., tl1t'n Ihll~ Il'lUif'lihnll Lhul'by I.'rmltlul... fU Ihl'olJtionor
<br />the flrB:t. party. and in ordf'r toenfDrt:l' a (orfelture fur nun.paym~nl of rent it .Ahull mIl be- nt'Cf'IUUlr}" tu m.flke It dl'mand on I hI;' ~i.1mr day Ihi" r4'l1l !ilhall t.l("('um~ du,'. And ~h(l'181d fint party
<br />may at. '')Ptf rK'(;lVl'~ poYl'fi!l-IOn of lIRid preml./iell and aJI crops Iht'reon antlthesoid &.."Cund party .tl-holl in Ihut l'vt'nl b(llh.ld and ('on:i!l-dcroo to h.fr"'if'-planlt-d Bndculliv.6loo .(lId crllp fonht'
<br />
<br />bene-fit ur laid fltBt party and 8hall be paid for such l'Iuvice 8" follo.....s: "'int party Inll)" aen soid (':rOI) bnd the unuplu-d t..rm for CUJh 01 prJVIlIt' ~f1le
<br />
<br />may It.
<br />
<br />nplion Illucua IPld -crollllo be further cuHh'o/'ued or IlllLheroo and 50hJ In ~u(Ch markt'l 8110
<br />
<br />1nLl.}' .:oI1'~ fit, und lIlelth..., E'\!l'nt the prlK:l'e-t.h thereor
<br />
<br />,hull he lip-plied: Fit:lill. tothl'pa}'IUE'_fll oft'1penllfllmC'urr<'d b.)'II1t';fIIRuJ:pnrly m tht"prt'mhit'tl including ~he"ml'llIpfIH hy III ('tlnnN'Uon thdl'W.lth.SIIC.'nnd. In 11.a:ymi:'n~
<br />o(rent and Shy otht"r I,,~'rul ("harllu due fit.il1.pBr:Ly: Third, till' rl'mamd(.'r. ifl1ny, IihsU tll" IllUd to lhe !Il!{"(uhf (llIrt}' m full "'llIISfEl('lwn fur IH'n-jet''' In ~dllnllnlt Bnd IPurlln'" .tlnld erll(l8, 811)'
<br />Ih!of(l:, (ul"ni.bed by him, or IIn)' uth~r flUtD8 dLte him hrrcLlhrt'f"r It u furlhrr l1~n~d Ihllllht, ,,:on\-pnl'utll and l:II:Ilfl't'lnt.'nhi not.N.1 UJl1h.. rt'\.t'frU' :lhJt.' IIf lhlli 1I1.lrumrlll. If .fl.n),. orp h'l;'tl'b:..
<br />InrorporBtM into and mdde 0 pari of thts I~ut!
<br />
<br />Signed Ihis
<br />
<br />_3
<br />
<br />/?.ltt F'c /1
<br />
<br />! ~,19 rr
<br />2d~i.lLl..~... ..7.....
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<br />.~/' (... );CL....C :/ _.~...-~ ../'-,....
<br />
<br />{SFA' )
<br />\1',11.,
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />Signed (lnd deli1'O'ed In lhe prCS/'llce of
<br />
<br />.(SBAL)
<br />(SEA I)
<br />
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