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<br />6. ASHignor hl.lrehy covenants and warrantll to the Assignee thut (u) ASBignor hUH not execult~d any prior IIsBig-n-
<br />ment of the Lense or of itB right, title IInd interest therein or the rentals tOllccrue thereunder; (11) ABBiunor hus not pl!rformed
<br />uny nct or executed !lny inBtrument which might prevent the ABsiglwe fTllm operating under IIny of the term8 nnd conditi~ns
<br />hereof, or which would limit the Assigneu in Bueh operation; (c) Assignor has not ller.eptt!c1 rent under the Lcmll.! for uny period
<br />BubBequent to the current period for which rent hus already become due llnd pUYllble; (d) there is no defmllt now existing under
<br />the Lease, and (e) Assignor hUB not executed or granted any modification or umendment whatever of the Leaso eitherorully or
<br />in writting except os Bet forth in Schedule B, and thnt the Lense is in full force /lnd effed.
<br />
<br />
<br />1. Aasignee hereby grunts pl!rmission to Assignor to collect upon, but not prior to accrunl, all rents, i8sueB, deposits
<br />nnd profitB from the said PremiBell nnd to retnin, nnd uae and enjoy the same, but rCllerves the right to revoke such permission
<br />at any time, with or without cnUBe, by notice in writing to ASBignor hy certified llIail Bent to the address hereinafter prescribed
<br />for sending notices. In any event, ouch permillldon to Assignol' shull be uutomuticlly revoked upon defnult, by ASBignorin the
<br />payment of any of the Obligutions secured hercby or in the performance of uny oblil(l1tion, convenant, ngreement herein, in
<br />said mortgage or deed of trust, in the LeaBe or in nny of the Ohliglltiona sccured hereby, or in /lny securing document given in
<br />connection therewith, (all of which will be referred to herein !IS "Default"), In tho ovent that the ASllignee should revoke such
<br />permission or after the occurrence of a Default, the Assignee, may ut its option,ufter notification to Assignor, by certified mail,
<br />to the nddress hereinafter prescribed for sending notices, direct finy or nil of the tenllnta of the Premises to pay to ASBignee, its
<br />agents or its attorneys, such rents, issues, profits, revenuell, deposits, rightll nnd bcnefits I1S may now be due orshall hereinafter
<br />become due, and Assignee muy collect the samc. The affidavit or written statement of an officer, agent, or attorney of Assignee
<br />stating that there has been a Defaultshall constitute conclusive evidence thercof, nnd uny tenant or other persons is authorized
<br />and directed to rely thereon. The Assignor further agrees, that in the event the permission to u!le and retain the rents, income,
<br />issues, deposits and profits, should be terminnted or upon the occurunce of 11 Default, to immediately turn over to Assignee, at
<br />the time and in the mallnerrequested by Aasignee, all security deposits or other mOllies deposited by Lessees ofthe Premises in
<br />Ilccordance with the provisions of the Leases.
<br />
<br />2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 hereinabove, upon or otnny time Ilfter u Default, as defined here-
<br />inabove. the Assignee, at itB option, may declare all Obligations secured hereby immediately due and pnyable, and may, at its
<br />option, without notice, and if any such Obligations be secured by deed of trullt irrespective of whether a declaration of default
<br />under said deed of trust has been delivered to Trustee thereunder, exercise all rights and remedies contained in said mortgage
<br />or deed oftrullt and without regard for the adequacyofBecurity for the Obligations hereby secured, either in person or by agent
<br />with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by a receiver to he appointed by a court, enter upon, take possesion of,
<br />manage and operate said Premisell or any port thereof, make, enforce, modify, and accept the surrender of Leases, obtain and
<br />evict tenants, fix or modify rentB, and do any uctB which the Assignee deems proper to protect the security hereof, nnd either
<br />with or without taking possession ofthe PremiseB, in its own name, Bue for or otherwise collect and receive all rents, issues and
<br />profits, including those past due and unpnid, and apply the same,less cost and expenses of operation and collection, including,
<br />but not limited to, payments for wages and payroll taxes, compensation of managing agent and other manngement COStB and
<br />expenlles, real estate taxes and allBessmenw, wnter, sewer, and similar charges, insurance and workmen's compensation
<br />premiumtl, ground rents, customary real estnte commis!lion, and reasonable attorneY'fl feel! and court costs, upon any Obliga-
<br />tions secured hereby. and in such order as the ABsignee may determine. The entering upon and taking possession of the Prem-
<br />ises, the collection of such rents, issuell and profits and the application thereof as aforesaid, shall not cureor waive any default
<br />or wltive, modify, or affect notice of default under said mortgage or deed of trullt or invalidate any act done pursuant to 8uch
<br />notice. Assignor hereby releases any and all claims which it has or might have against Assignee arising out ofsuch collection,
<br />management operation and maintenance, excepting the liability of Assignee to account for amounts collected and expended
<br />by it.
<br />
<br />3. The Assignee shall not be obligated to perform or discharge, nor doeB it hereby undertake to perform or discharge,
<br />any obligation, duty or liability under the Lease, or under or by reason of this Assignment. AB8ignor shall and does hereby
<br />agree to indemnify the Assignee against and hold it hurmless from any and all liability, loss ordamage which it mayor might
<br />incur under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment and of and from any and all claims and demand whatsoever
<br />which may be asserted against it by reason of any alleged obligation or undertaking on its part to perform or in the discharge
<br />of any of the terms, covenants or agreements contained in the Lease; should the Assignee incur any such liability, lOllS or
<br />damage under the Lease or under or by reason of this ABsignment, or in the defense against any such claims or demands, the
<br />amount thereof, including costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees, together with interest thereon at the highestrate set
<br />forth in any of the Obligations secured hereby, shall be secured hereby and by the said mortgagl! or deed of trust, and Assignor
<br />Bhall reimbur!!le the Assignee therefor immediately upon demand, and upon the failure of A8signor so to do the Assignee may
<br />declare all Obligations secured hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />
<br />
<br />1. Until the Obligations secured hereby shall have ooen paid in full, ASBignor coven ants ond agreell to keep leased
<br />at a good and sufficient rental the Premiscs and upon demand to transfer and assign to the Assignee any and all subsequent
<br />Lea8C8 upon all or any part of such Premises upon the same or substantially the sllme termllund conditiolls 118 lire herein con-
<br />tained, and to make, execute, and deliver to the Assignee, upon demand, any and all instruments thnt mllY be I1CCeS!lllry or desir-
<br />able therefore, but the terms and provisions of this Assignment shall apply to any such suhsequl!nt Lemw or L.enses whether or
<br />not so assigned and transferred.
<br />
<br />2. Assignor shall, upon request of Assignee, furnish it a complete list us of the dnte IIf the tl''luellt of nil Leases and
<br />other tenancics of the Premises in such reasonable detail as may be requested by A!l8ignee. Further, if requested, A8silInor
<br />shall deliver to Asllignee executed or certified copies of all LeaseB and other written agreernentH, (~()rrelll)()l1deIlCC, Hnd memo-
<br />randa between Assignor and Lellsees and other tenants sctting forth the contractuul nrrullgclllentll hetween them. Such
<br />rl..'Quellts may be made at any reasonable time_
<br />
<br />L
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<br />3. '('he failure to Iillt llny specific Leases under Schedule B hereto, shall not invlllidntl.l or uffert il1l1ny mnllner, the
<br />wmeralllllsignment of rents and leases provided for herein.
<br />
<br />. 4, Upon the payment in full of nil Ohligations secured herehy, IlS evidenced by till' rl'<,onlilllol or lilinl{ oflln instru-
<br />ment of IIntilfaction or full relenae of said mortgage or dllCd uHrust, unlesBthere Bhall hn ve h('lm rl'cllnlNI (H\lIther 111Urtgnr;:e IIr
<br />deed of trullt in f"vor of the Allsiglwe covering the whole or OilY pllrtofthe lensed Premillcll,thia Al!llil{lIllHlllt /lhllll bl'l'onw Ilull
<br />/lnd void nnd of no cffft:l.
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