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<br />." <br />I! <br />3 <br />("' ~/~ J~ <br />~~~ \~l ~_ <br />~ '~~~"N ~ <br />r ,~~Ij <br />:\ C :",,1" \V ~ <br />~ ~ ,~ <br />~\ . t-' <br />\r <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />\ , <br /> <br />\-1 <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />j;J. <br />'i <br />:lD <br />tZ <br />f <br />~ <br /> <br />Exctrptl From Int.m.1 RIY.nul Cod. <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />I' Iny perlon lilbll 10 pay any lu negleclJ or rllulII 10 <br />'PlY Iht 1IIIr dlmlnd, Ihs emounl (Irleludlng lny Inltr. <br />"1, addlllon.1 Imoun\. .ddl.ion '0 tu, or .1If1l1bll penllty. <br />IOGllller wllh .ny ~IIS th.1 mly Ictllll In Iddlllor, Ihlreto) <br />wll be I 11111 In flVor 01 tile Unllld 51etll upon III proptrty <br />.nd rlghlllo PIOperty, whether Inl or perlonl', belono'~ <br />10 1UCo\ perlon. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unital .nother dall II IPlCilically II Kid by law. the IIln <br />Impollil by ItCtlon e321IhlllarluII lhl llmllhe Ulnlmln' <br />II made and Ihall conlinue unllllhe IIlblllly for lhe amOUllllO <br />UMIHd (or a judomenlaOllnll IhI IUPlYGI IIIII~ oul 01 <br />ludl lIablllly} II Sllillild or becDmIl uMnlolcIlbl1 by II110n <br />01 Ilpst of Uml. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(I) Purchlllf'., Holders Of Security In. <br />...... Mtchanlc'. LIenora, And Judgment <br />Utn CflClltOJl. - Thlllln Impond by milan 8321 shIll <br />IlIot t.l vllld U 1O.lnl' lny purch"lr. holdlr 01 a lecurity <br />Inlel1st. mtChlnlc'llIlnor, or iu~gmlnlllln crldllor unlll nOllct <br />Ihtml which mttlJ thl IIQuillmtntl of subsection (I) hll <br />bien flr.d by IIle Secrllery. <br /> <br />(I) PIICt For Filing Nollcej Form.- <br /> <br />(11 Pllce For Filing. The nOlice rllerred 10 'n lub. <br />Itc\lon (I) Ihlr: be rilld . <br />(A) Undlr SIIII llWI <br />III Rul Property - In the clSe 01 "al propeny. In one <br />office wllllln Ihl Sllle (0' Ihe county, or Olh., go."nmentll <br />lulHllvllionl. II dlllgna'Id by lhlla..~ 01 ~uch Sla'e. In <br />which Iht property lublttt 10 Ihe lien IS SilUIII~; Ind <br />III) Pellonll Property . In Ih! case 01 perlonal <br />property, whllh" lallOlble or onli~lbll, In 0111 oll,ce <br />..ilhln lilt SII'I lor Ihe counly. Dr Diner govelnm~nlal <br />lulHllvlllonl. II designlted by Ihl la..s Of lOch Slate. <br />in .hlch lhe property subleel 10 th! I,en 'I litualed: <br />or <br />(81 Wilh C~,k 01 Oillncl Court .In lhe office ollhe clerk 01 <br />lilt Uniled Sllles dlslri~l court lor Ihe IUd,c1I1 dlslncl on ..hieh <br />Ihl prOl)lrty lubjlcllO hen '1lllualed. "henever lhe SIile has <br />nOI by Ilw dUlgnl',d one oU,ce..hlch "'em the rtQu"e"'eels 01 <br />IJbpa'l~rlph (Al. or <br />ICI W,.h Rlcorde' 01 Oudl OJ The O,I\l'Cl 01 COlumo,. In <br />lne off,ce 01 thl Rtcorder 01 DeedS 01 the Olslncl 01 Columo" ,I <br />the property IUDletl \) lhe lien IS s,'uateD ,n 'n- D'el'.Cl 01 <br />COlumb'a <br /> <br /> Document NQ. I <br /> ~, ". <~) 34 <br /> :!I 88- 1 f] ~\5 t' 0 <br /> [ ~ <br /> :f Grantor <br /> ;0' Grantee /~ <br /> Z <br /> 0 Nu merical .A/";! .... <br /> .. SL\ I .. tl i": (] I~ . \ S ;q) ... <_ <br /> -. ) .;.) <br /> n ~c.' -. .I ~F . ! ';1_1- <br /> eD t; <br /> 0 <br /> ...... MI ~ 00 <br /> -I H'8 11 KIl 30 <br />~ 0 <br /> I>> <br /> >< (-.. .4. <br /> / ._._....~.,:. I;J' /., <br /> r- /-:. ';.: ,.,./'-. .-"..:,......~....,.~v <br /> -. t/' <br />!So (1) ;1 .., (~: () ~ n. ~-;:'I') ~ <br /> ::I <br /> ! <br />~ 2. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />[21 SlIuI 01 Proptrty SubJlct To lIln . For purpoul of <br />plragrlphsll) Ind (4), property Ihlll be dllmed to be IlIultld' <br />[A) Rul Property . In lhl C"I 01 rul proPtrty. tl lIS <br />physlclllonuon: or <br />(8) Perlonll Property. In Ihl cln of I)IIIOnl1 prol)lrty. <br />whlth" Ilnglbll or Intl~lbll, II Ihl rlll~el1Ct 01 IhI <br />Ilaplyer II .hl Uml Ihl nollce of IIln Islllld. <br />For purpons 01 Plrlgrlph (2) (B),thl ruldlnce or I torpcllllon <br />or plrtnerlhlp shill be dRmed to be Iht pllell It which tile <br />principal uecullVI olllCl of IIIe bulllllSl II 1DC8.Id. Ind Iht <br />r"ldlnCI of I luplYIr WhOll r"'del1Clll Witlloul thl Unllllf <br />5111" Ihall be dllmecl to be In Iht Olllrlct 01 Columb!l. <br />(3) Form . The lorm Ind COn!lnl 01 !hI nollet <br />'Illrrlll 10 In SUbJecllon (I) Ihall be PTllCllbld by Il1t <br />SecTlIIIy. Such no. let shill be valid nOlwlthsllndl~ Iny <br />olher provllion 01 law regardlog Ihl lorm 0' contenl 01 I <br />noUca of lien. <br /> <br />Nolt: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though notice of lien <br />Imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />I. Securlllu <br />2 Molor vlhlclll <br />3 Perlonll PIOperty fIJ,chlllll II rllall <br />. Pellonll property purchuld In cuulllIll <br />5 Pelsonll property lubjeclld to pomlloly lIln <br />& Real property lu.nd IpeelllllHllmen' liens <br />7 ~lIldlnllal proptrty .ubllct 10 I mechlnic'l <br />1I1n lor clnlln rlplllI Ind Improvlmlnts <br />& Anornly"t liens <br />a Clrtlln InsurlnCI conllaCl1 <br />10 PallbDok loans <br /> <br />[gJ Rtflllng 01 Hollce. - For purpOIII of Ihll <br />Slelian - <br /> <br />m GtMrll RUlt. - Unlus nolicl 01 lien I. re!llld In <br />Ihl mannlr p.escribed In pIlIgraph (21 during Ihl IIqulrld <br />,.tillng period. such nolice o! lien Iha" be IrulllI.. !lied on thl <br />dale on....'1ICh ''is !lied lin accordance ..lth subsecllOn II)I Iller <br />In, eKpir.hcn 01 such rtfiling periOll <br /> <br />121 Plact For Filing. - A nOl,ce 01 lien IlloIed <br />d.rong thl rlQui'ed "liIing periDIIshall be eNKliv! Only. <br />IA) if. <br />(0) luch nolice of Iltn is reflll~ .n Ih. Off,,, In ..h'th Ihl <br />plior nOl,e, 01 htn.... liIed. and <br />r"l '" Ihe cas I ot real pro;ltlrty Ihe tael of 'el,hng LI <br />!nlered and recorded ,n an ,nde. 10 the IIl1nl "~uned by <br />.u"secuM ill (4). and <br />'B, .n any cas. ,n ...hich. \OJ days or mOil 01'0110 In. dall <br />01 a rel.hng 01 no"ce 01 lLen und.r suboallg,.ph lA; ll>t <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />,~/J_ <br /> <br />bOY I <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />c: <br />=r <br />r <br />(I) <br />I <br /> <br />Secmlry rlCllvld wrln.n Informlllon (In Iht IIII/IMI' <br />prllcrlbtd In ra;ullllonl IIIIIId by tilt 5tcrtllry) <br />concerning I chlnglln tile IlIJl1)'1r'. IIsldlllCt,II I notIct <br />olluc~ lien Illleo llItel In Iccotdl~ wllllllllllecllDn II) In <br />lilt Sill. In whlet, luch rnldlllCllt IKatld. <br /> <br />(3) Rlqulrtcl Rlnlng PII'IocI. - In Iht CUI <br />0' Iny noUelI 01 filii, Iht I.rm 'requlred rllillng perlod"lIIMlII. <br />(A) IIle ont-)'IIr period Indlng 30 dlyalhtr Iht Ixplratlon <br />01 e yurl l!IIr Iht dl'l of 1M IlIIIIn\IIll olllle tax, IIld <br />(8) tilt onl-year period indlllQ with lhlllplrallon ate)'lll1 <br />alltl tilt clOIl 01 till prlCldlng 1IQ0lrtd reflllng period lOf <br />Jueh nollca 01 Illn. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release 01 lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(II R.... Of LIen. - Subject 10 I\!cI1 <br />regullllonl .. Ihl SlClltlly mlY prnerlbe.lIlt Stcmary 111.11 <br />'"U' I Clr1IfIClll 01 r'le"l 01 Iny Iltn tmpoMd with mptCt 10 <br />Iny Intlrnal rlVlnUI till nolllllr than 30 dl)'llltlf IhI day on <br />whlch- <br />(1) lIlblllty Sallllild or llttnlc~blt . ThlI SIcrrlary <br />lloollhll thllilblllty lor lI1t Imolllt 1UItIId, lo;lthIr with III <br />Intlrlll In rllptcl Illtrtef, hu bHn fully 1It11f1td or hu <br />blcDmaltgllly ulIInfo,;;elbll; or <br />(2) Bond ACClPIId .llltllll furnlehtd 10 tht SImIIry IIld <br />ICClp'ld by him a !lorn! thl' II condlllolllCl upon I!lI Ply"*,, of <br />IhI Imoun' IIIUSed, IOGII~er wflll 111 IIlIIreIt In lllpect <br />IlltrlOl, wllhln IhI .Im. prllcrla;! ty law (Including InY <br />IxllnllOn or such Uml), In1 IIIU flln Icccllll/lCl willi luch <br />rlQulTlm,nll rellllng '0 IlIml. cootllUone.lnd lorm of I!lIIicnd <br />Ind lurelll5 !hlllon, II mlY bllptClllld by luch rlllullllons. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis. <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(kj DIIcIotuI1 of CtrtIln Rltuman <br />R.tum Inform.11on For To Admlnlatrlllon <br />PUrpottI. - <br /> <br />(2) Oisclosure 01 amounl 01 oulsllndl~ IIln.. II. nollcl 01 <br />"'en hIS beIIn filld PUISUlnt 10 SlclIon6323(l). lhe Imounl ollhl <br />OUllllnd,ng obligltion ncurl(! by luch liln mlY be dilClo* '0 <br />any pellon who lurniShtllllllllCtory written IvldtllCll!II. hi <br />hn a "Ohl '" thl property subjeet 10 IUCh IItn or InleOOI 10 <br />obllln I righl in uch property. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />,..,... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />.. <br />l. <br />