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<br />I <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> <br />(l Year Treasury Index-Rate Caps) <br /> <br />88-101546 <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this 29th day of March ,19 88 <br />and is incorporated into and shall be deemed 10 amend and supplement the Mongage. Deed of Trust, or Security Deed (the "Sel:urity <br />Instrumenl") of the same date given by Ihe undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note") to HOME <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS & lOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA (the "lender") of the same date and covering the <br />property described in the Security Inslrument and located at: <br /> <br />640 Swan Lake, Grand Island. Nebraska <br /> <br />(Property Address) <br /> <br />This nolI' conlains provisions allowing for chl!nges in my inlerest rate Bnd my monthly <br />pB)'menls, This note also limits Ihe amount my Interest rate can ('hange at :lny one time Hnd <br />also tbe mirtlmum and the mnlmuffi rate I must pay, <br /> <br />68801 <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS, in addition 10 the covenants and agreements made in the Sl'\:urity Instrument, Borrower and lender <br />funher covenalll and agree as follows: <br /> <br />A, INTERFST RATE A~D MONTHLY PAYMENA CHANGES , . "" <br />The Note provides for an lfi1lJal Interest rate of 070. Secllon 4 of the Note proVIdes for changes In the mterest rate and the <br />l(lonthly payments, as follow\: <br /> <br />4, INTEREST R,1 TE AND .\fONTlfL Y PA YMENT CHANGES <br />(A) Change Ilates <br />The inleresl rate I will pay may chango: on the first day of Apri 1 , 19 89 . and on that day every <br />t!!!eL~_ mOl1lh~ Ihereafter, Each date on which my imeresl rate could change is called a "Change Date." <br /> <br />(B) The Indn <br />Beginning witl1lhe fim Change Dale. my imerest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the weeki)' average )ield On Uniled States <br />Treasury securities adjusted 10 a conSlam malurit)' of I year, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure <br />available as of the dale 45 days before each Change Dale is called the "Current Index," <br />If Ihe Index is no longer available, the NOll' Holder "ill choose a new index which is based upon comparable information, The Note <br />Holder will give me nOlice of Ihis choice. <br /> <br />(C) Calculation nf Changes <br />Before each Change Date. Ihe NOll' Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding two & one/hal f percentage <br />points ( 2,5 "'0) 10 the Current Index and rounding 10 the nearesl1l8th of 1070, subject to the Iimils stated in Section 4(D) below, <br />This rounded amount will be my new interest rale until the next Change Dale. <br />The NOll' Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay in full the principal I am <br />expccled 10 owe on that Change Dale in substantially equal pa)ments by Ihe maturity date al my new interest ratt'. The resull of Ihis calculation <br />"ill be the new amount of my monthly pay:uel'L <br /> <br />(0) <br />The <br />(2?3 <br /> <br />Limils on Interest Rate Changes <br />inlerest rate I am required to pay at the first Change Datc will not be greater than 1 3. 5 0:0 or less than <br />0(0. Thereafter, my interest rail' will never be increa5ed or d::creased on any single Change Date by more than two percent <br />.from 1111' rate of interestl have been pa)ing for the preceding Iwelve months. The minimum inl.::rest rate on Ihis loan will never be <br />"7. and the ma"imum interest rate will never be greater than 1 3,5 0;.. <br /> <br />less than <br /> <br />(E) Effeclh'l' Date or Cbanges <br />My new interest rate "ill become effeclive on each Change Date, I ....ill pay Ihe amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the first <br />monthl)' paymem date after Ihe Change Date until the amoum of my momhly pa)ment changes again, <br /> <br />(F) 1'Iotiee of Changes <br />The NOIe Holder ,,'ill mail or deliver to me a notice before each Change Date, The notice ....ill ad\i,e me of: <br />(i) the new interesl raIl' on my loan as of the Change Date; <br />(ii) the amount of my monthly pa)ment following Ihe Change Date; <br />liii) any additional mailers which Ihe Note Holder is required 10 disclose; and <br />(iv) Ihe address of the associalion you could conlacl regarding any questions about the adjustment notice. <br /> <br />8, CHARGES; LIENS <br />Uniform COVl~nant 4 of the Securil}' Instrument i~ amended to read cu fo"ow~: <br /> <br />4. ChllrgfS: IJens, Borrower shall pay all ta.,es, assessments, and other charges, fin~. and imposilions attributable to Ihe Property which may <br />altain a priorily over this Security Inslrument, and leasehold pa)'men15 of ground rents, if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />or, if no! paid in such manne!, b)' Borrower making pa)"T1lent. when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish lender <br />all notices of amounls due under this paragraph, and in the e\'ent Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promplly furnish to <br />lender receipts evidencing such payments. shall promptly discharge an)" lien .....hich has priority over this Security Instrument; <br />however, shall not be required 10 discharge all)' such lien so long as Borrower: (a) shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />obligation secured by such lien ill the manner acceplable to lender; (b) shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend againSI enforcement of <br />such Hen in, legal proceedings which in the opinion of lender operale 10 prevent the enforcement of Ihe lien or forfeiture of the Property or any <br />part thereof; or (c) shall Sl'\:ure from Ihe holder of such lien an agreement in a form satisfactory to lender subordinating such lien to Ihis <br />Security Instrument, <br />If lender delennines that all or any part of the Property is subjecl to a lien which may allain a priority Over Ihis Security Instrument, <br />lender shall give Borrower a notice identif)ing such lien. Borrower shall satisfy such lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above <br />wilhin len days of the giving of the nOlice, <br /> <br />C. NOTICE <br />Uniform Covenant 14 of Ihe Security Instrument is amended to read as follows; <br /> <br />14; Notlu, Except for any nolice required under applicable law 10 be given in another manner, (al an~' nolieI' 10 Bmro\\er provided fOl m 11m <br />Security Im!rument shall be giv,...n by delivering it or by mailing it by fint class mail to Bonower at the Properly Addre~~ or at such other addre~' <br />'" IImrower may d~ignare b)' nolice to Lender as provided herein, and (b) any notice to Lender shall be givell by fir~1 da~~ mati 10 l.ender", <br />addren slaled herein or 10 \Udl other address as Lender may designate by nOllC(' to Borrower as pro\'ided h.-rem. Any 1I01,o;"e pf\1\'lded (or l!llh" <br />Securi1i'Imtrtimefll \hall be deel1!l"'<110 have beell gl\'enlo Borrower or Lender wht'n gi\'en in Ih(' mann('r deSignated hen'llI <br />