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<br />. hL.. roaM NO........ aen.... ..,. <br />U. I. DIlPA&ftlDT 0" HaUlING AND Va.AN DIlvu.q-"'IlNT <br />... . ..... ~ <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />8R_ <br /> <br />I <br />101515 <br /> <br />Mi\!' ;}. C ;(',~-" <br /> <br />REGULATORY AGREEMENT <br />HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. NONPROFIT <br />(Section 202 of the HOllSillg .1 ct of 1959) <br />(Section 8 Housing Assista"ce Payments Contracts) <br /> <br />Project Number <br /> <br />103-EH054-NP~/L8, NE26-T861-005 <br /> <br />Amount of Mortgage Note $1,194,700 <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />March 22; 1988 <br /> <br />Morcpp Recorded: State Nebraska Countr (5 Counties) Date <br />(Mams, Buffalo, Hall, Platte and Scotts Buff) <br />This Agreement entered into this 24th day of March ,l9!88 I between <br />Greater Nebraska Independent Housing I Inc;:- <br />whose address is 1804 S. Eddy St., Grand Island, NE 6S~01 , <br />hereinafter called Mortgagor, and the undersigned Secrerary of Housing and Urban Development herein- <br />after called HUD. <br /> <br />In consideration of the making of the loan by HUD and the disbursement of any pan thereof, and <br />in order to comply with the requirements of the Housing Act of 1959, and rhe Regulations adopted by <br />the Seuetary/unuant thereto, the Mortgagor agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, and any owner of <br />the mo...... properry, that in connection with the mortgaged property and the project operared thereon <br />and 10 long as the loan is outstanding. <br /> <br />(1) Morrgagor shall promptly makc all paymenrs due under the Note and Mortgage. <br /> <br />(2) (a) Mortgagor will establish and maintain a special fund to be known as the revenue fund <br />account in a bank which is a member of rhe Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation <br />inco which will be deposited (i) the minimum capital inveSlment required pursuant !o <br />the Regulations and (ii) all rentals. charges, income and revenue arising from the oper. <br />ation or ownership of the project. Expenditures shall be made from the revenue fund <br />accounr only in accordance with the operating budget submitted to 3IId approved b)' <br />HUD, <br /> <br />(3) <br /> <br />On or before the firn day of each fISCal year dur.ns which tbe loan is ouwandina Mortgagor <br />will submit an opcruina budget for lilaC fucal year to MUD. The budget sIWl inClude aU nec- <br />essary operatins expenles. current maintenance charges. expenses of reasonable upkeep and <br />repairs, tues and special aueument levies, prorated amount,; required for insurance and all <br />other expenleS incidenc to rhe operation of the project; and shall show the expected revenues <br />to pay such expenses, includinJ annual debt service requirements and reserve fund depositS, <br />The expenses incurred and disbursements shall nOl exceed the reasonable and necessary <br />amount thereof, and the Mortgagor will not expend any amounts or incur any obligations in <br />exceu of the &mounD approved in the annual operating budget excepc upon written certifi. <br />cation by the Mortgagor co HUO thac such expenses were unanticipated and are necessary <br />and proYided further, thac nothing in this section shallllmit the amount which the Mortgagor <br />may expend from Cuneb obtained from some other source than project revenues or other funds <br />requiRd of the MortgllOr pursuant to this Agreement or the Building Loan Agreement. <br /> <br />As security for the loan, for the required payments under thia Agreement into the reserve <br />fund for replacement.. and for all orher obligarions of the MorlplOt under this Agreement, <br />the Mortllaaor hereby assiKns, pledRes and rnonjtqes to HUD all its n.hcs to the income and <br />charps of whateYer sort whkh it may r.:ccive or bl= entideclto receive from the operation of <br />the mongapd property, subject, however, to any assignment of renes or projecc income in <br />the monpgereferred to herein. Until a default occurs under chis Ap'eement, however, <br />pemulSlon as grantea to Mortgagor to Collect and reram under tbe provlSlons ot tillS Agree- <br />ment such rentl. profits. income and charges, but upon default this permwion is terminil.ted, <br />as to all rents, profits, income and charges due or collected thereafter, <br /> <br />Mortgagor will establish and mainrain a reserve fund for replacements by rhe alloca~ion to <br />such reserve fund", . separate account in a bank which is insured by the Federal Deposit <br />Insurance Corporation, concurrently wirh the beginning of payments towards amortization <br />of the principal of the Mattias. held by HUD of an amount equal to S 359.50 <br />per month unleu a different date or amount is approved in writing by HUD. Such <br />fund, whemer in the form of a cub deposit or invested in ollligations of, or fully guaranteed <br />as to principal by. the United Scates of America shall at all times be subject to the control of <br />HUD. Disbursements from such fund, whether for the purpose of effecting replacement of <br />srructural elements. and mechanical equipment of the project or for any other purpose, may <br />be made only after the consent in writinR of HUD, In the event of a default in the terms of du <br />mO"lap, HUD may demand the full or partial application ofrhe balance in such fund to the <br />amount due on the mortgage debt. The Mortgagor additionally shall deposit inco the reserve <br />fun~ for replacements within 60 days aCter the end of each fiscal year, any Residual Receipts <br />reahze.d from the operation of the mOf(gaged property, <br /> <br />The real property covered by the mortgage and this ;&greement is du&'ribed in Schedule A <br />anached hereto. <br /> <br />(4) <br /> <br />(5) <br /> <br />(6) <br />