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<br />88- 101514
<br />
<br />24. .4 RECO.vVEYA.;VCE 01 Jaid pr~miJu shall b~ m.Jde by rhe ,\for/gagee to the ,lfor/gogor on full JXIyment of the
<br />inddlednell aloreJ/JiiJ., the performance of the covenGnts and agrtementl herein mo.de by the Mortgagor, and the JXIyment 01 the
<br />surru owed under the terrru of the laid nole.
<br />
<br />25. IT IS E."<PRESSL Y AGREED that no extension of the time for pa.vmtnt of the debt hereby ucured gi~'en. by the
<br />Mort!fJ8f!e to any ,ucce"or in intere" of the .lIorfsagor slulll operate to rdelUe, in any mo.nner, the ori&ifl41liability of the Jlortsagor;
<br />
<br />26. The Jlort~or hereby waive, any and all ri6ht, of redemption from late unckr any order or decree of foreclo,ure oj
<br />t~p Jrorr~ on it' 0 wn behlllf IInd on beluJlf of tllch and ellery person except decree or iu~ml1nl CTeditorl 01 the ,\!ort!O(Ior ac.
<br />quirill! any inlerts' in or title to thl1 premun subsequent to the d!Jle of rh;. .\1ortfID5l!:
<br />
<br />27. THE COVENANTS HEREIN COl\'TAINED shail bind, and the benefits ctnd adllan~es 'Mil inure to, the .succe$lon
<br />Gnd CI'fen' of the rap<<rwe porne' hereto. Whereller wed, lhe sinKu14r number sMU be plurcd, the plural the linsul4r. and the u.l1I 01
<br />tiny g-ender sMIl be applicable to all Gf!ndeTl,
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the .l1orr~or Iuu cawed i/J corporate seal to be hueunto affixed and these present' to be
<br />'ifned by its President and attested by iu Assistant ~~Pt.qry
<br />on the d4.v and year fint abolle writt~n, pUTluan t to authority giv~n by retolution duly pa.Jled by Boar; 0 D1.rectors
<br />01 ,aid corporation. .
<br />
<br />
<br />[ Corporate Seal]
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<br />
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<br />Aile":
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<br />Orvil R. J<.irby I Assis~t Secre
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<br />" ~ III 'A~':" . 1)" a ~, . , . N..",. Pub/id. ..dI., ~id C..n", in ,.. S....
<br />a/orUGid, do htre )' c.rtifyllull no\1{Jlrls Reezley and Orvil R. . '
<br />pcuofl411v,lcn.oultl lo.m. tl1.b. fiLe lame oer;OM whose nGmel.llre rfllp.ctillely 4J Pre,ident and 91ft. Greater Nebraska
<br />Tnn~ndpnt lIousinq. Inc. , II corporation of the Stott 0/ Nebraska . ,u6'f:ri6ed 10
<br />,he jore,oi,.. irufrum,tit, appeared befoN m. in perlOfl and .ell.rally Dcknowlecl&ed thaI they, btin, ,her.unto duly lIuthori:ed.
<br />'ifn'd, Italtcl with corporate Jelll, aild delivered the J/Jid illltrumtnf lU the free IInd l.Iolunlary act of l4id corporation and,u their
<br />OW" fret and lJolun~Yllct, for tht ~"lInd purpOJe' therein 'd forth.
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