<br />I
<br />
<br />88- 101501
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<br />
<br />THAT Samuel R. Pierce, Jr. , Secret.ry of Housing .nd Urban Oevelopment,
<br />of Washington, D. C., Guntor. in considention of the sum of ONE 001.1.AR ($l.OO) and
<br />other valuable considerationa in hand peid, does hereby grant, bargain. 8ell and convey
<br />unto James E, Ross and Janet M. Ross
<br />
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska ' Grantees,
<br />.8 joint tenants, and not a8 tenants in common, the following described real property
<br />situate in the County of Hall , State of Nebraska" to wi t:
<br />
<br />Lot Ten (IO), Kallas Subdivision, i~ the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />~,v.~
<br />~ S1"'1E.W~\'\"
<br />
<br />MAR 2 5 1988
<br />11> ~~ #..~
<br />
<br />- ------------- ---.........--------
<br />
<br />BEING the .ame property .cquired by the Gnntor purl:luant to the provisions of the
<br />M.tlonal Hau.ing Act, a8 amended (12 USC 1701 et seq.\ and the Department of Housing and
<br />Urban Development Act (79 Stat. 667).
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH all tenement., heredit.ments and8ppurtenanc~s ther~unto belongln~,
<br />and all the eltate, right, title, f,nterest, claim or demand whataoevf'r of the said
<br />Grantor, of. In, or to the .ame, or any part thereof.
<br />
<br />IT BEING the intention of all parties hereto th.t in the event of the denth of
<br />either of .aid Grantees, the entire fee .imple title to the recl estate described herein
<br />.hall veat in the surviving Grantee.
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the
<br />.ai~ Gr.ntees as J~int tenants, and not as tenants in cammon. and to their assigns, or
<br />to the heirs and ..signs of the survivor of them, forever. and the said Secretary of
<br />Houstna .nd Urban Development, end for his succe'~ors and a..igns, does cov~nant with
<br />the Grantees herQin named, and with their a..isn. and with the heirs, and ...igns of th~
<br />.urvivor of them, that the laid GrEntor il lawfully .eized of ..id premiae.; th.t they
<br />are fr.. from incumbrance; th.t the said (;rantor h.. good right and lawful authority
<br />tQ ..11 the ..... and th8t the .aid Secretary of Hou.ing and Urban Development, will,
<br />and his succ.aaora and a..ign., ah.ll. WARRANT and DEFEND the .ame unto the named r.rantees
<br />and unto their ..alsn8 and the heir. and a..igns of the aurvivor of theml forever, .~a!nst
<br />the lawful del_ and de.nds of .11 penons chimin~ hy, throu~h or under th,,'m, and
<br />e.alD8t no other claim8 or d~nd8.
<br />
<br />SUBJECT to all covenant., r.st riction., r.aerv.t ions. ea8flll1t"1l1 ai, t'und it lon!l Rnd
<br />l'iahtl app.erin" of record; f!ld SUBJECT to eny .tete DC fecu fIln 'h'CIIUlt> lHIl....t!\' \-IIl1I111
<br />.how.
<br />