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<br />m~~ Equitable mffr Assuraut!' &ntfety of tlJr lIluiteil &tutes.
<br />
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges that a certain indentllre
<br />
<br />of mortgage dated ..,.....,..,... ......~,~:r::~.1....~.................................. .'...,.........., 19.?~.... made and executed by.....
<br />
<br />"-..:
<br />
<br />.......0........ -........- -......... ._.......0.. ...... u. ....-.........0...'...0.0.... u.......o.o ....u.......O'..O....." .... __._.4.."0.. .... '~'''''''_'O,o", ......... ,_ _0 _0..... u......_...o .....0.... .... ...........~ _. u..
<br />
<br />Theodore Hoffmann and Dorothy Hoffmann, husband and wife
<br />
<br />.... n.......... ..... "0-' -.. U"" .n....._ ...... ............ _"-u. __.u..,' ..- ...... ................. ............ ...... ......... ._.... ...... .U..... .... ..... n... ..... ............_.. .... n.... hn........ .......... ..u..a.....
<br />
<br />to THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES, ,.,.........................,....................................,...........
<br />
<br />rccorded,........!ll.~~...~.~...,............. '____..........'...........___...., 19...?~" in the offlce or the Recording Officer of the County of
<br />
<br />......~~.~.~.........,.............---........,... Stare of..........~.~~:':,~.~.~.~..,................... in Book .........~,?~...............__, at pagc.........?~...........of the
<br />records of said County, is redeemed, paid off, sathfied and discharged in full, and it hereby releases the Mortgage and con.
<br />sents rhat the same be canceled and discharged of record, by the Recording Officer thereunto duly authorized by these
<br />presents.
<br />
<br />~MEMO: ..Sc.J IV
<br />
<br />, ,
<br />
<br />~- ~~~ ~
<br />
<br />Reg. of 5:Ss
<br />
<br />hereunto caused ju corporate seal to he amxed :md these presents (0 be signed by its duly authorized officer this
<br />
<br />16th March 88
<br />.....,.... ..--..........,...."..... ............,..,...,.......--.... day of.......................,....,..... ,..,.,............................................., ...h' 19..., ......
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<br />C!luwdu of ~ ~ri9
<br />On this .....J.~.!J~......... dsy of ...........~.~~!!.......................,......... 19 ...~.~.... before me, a notary public in and for the
<br />
<br />County and State, p<=nonally appeared . ..... '........... .............................................., .~.<?~.<;1.~..~.:...}'.~E.e.~~...... ...,.....................
<br />to me penonally known to be a .............................. Vice President of THE EQUlT ABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF
<br />THE UNITED STATES, the Corporation described in and that executed the foregoing instrument having authority to exe-
<br />cute IUdl iAstrument. who, beina by me duly Iworn. did uy that he is a .............................. Vice President of THE EQUIT-
<br />ABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES, and that the seal affixed to the instrument is the corporate:
<br />seal 01 the Corporation, and that the inltrument was lianed and sealed on behalf of the Corporation by authority of its Board
<br />of Directon; and the. .............................. Vice President acknowledged that he and the Corporation executed the instrument
<br />II bit lne'~" 'VoIllI\taJy act and deed and as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Corporation for the uses and pur-
<br />poIn ~~~4~'dl", '
<br />/~... d.. ..".-r:'"~..
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<br />'-, ~~i~~d' ~d notarial seal the day and year lut a~o w Iten. Q/ ~
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<br />t _ y..- ...... vi\TL 11' I'" -.I .
<br />~elfffeOfllfu*b\~P;rPUBlIC~5T"'l(JiMISo;OURI Davette R, Grecn. Notnry Public
<br />,"" · "J / / / 51. LOUIS COUNlY
<br />. I t: "" <.' 1IIl O~*!"lSSlOit /'.,X.t'illlS OCT. 10 19J1
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