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<br />88- 101497
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<br />In
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<br />THAT Samuel R. Pierce, Jr, , Secretary of Hau.ing and Urb.n Development.
<br />of W..hington, D. C., Gnntor, in condderation of the 8WD of ONE DOI.TAR ($1.00) and
<br />'other valuable consider.tions in hand paid, does hereby grent, b.~lain, sell and convey
<br />unto Venneth E, Clark and Phyllis A. Clark, husband and wife
<br />
<br />of Grand Island , Grantees,
<br />a. joint tenants, and not 8S ten.nts in common, the following described real property
<br />.ltuace in the County of Hall , St.te of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />
<br />I
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<br />. -1
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<br />
<br />The Northerly One Half eN 1/2) of Lot Four (4). Block One Hundred Twenty-five
<br />(125) in Union Pacific Raihmy Company's Second Addition to the' 'City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />gTAMP TAX
<br />
<br />MAR 2 5 1988
<br />~g
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<br />STA~'~
<br />
<br />BEING the .... property .cquired by the Grantor J'urauant to the provisions of the
<br />Watlonal Hcu.ing Act, 8. a..nded (12 USC 1701 et seq.\ .nd the Dep.rtment of Housing .nd
<br />Urban D.v.lo~t Act (19 St.t. 667).
<br />
<br />I
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<br />"...,,1
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<br />TOGETHER WITH .11 tenement., hereditements and appurtenances ther~unto belongin~,
<br />and all the e.tate, right, title, int.relt, cl.im or d~nd whataoever nf the ..id
<br />G~.ntor, of, In, or to the ..... or any p.rt thereof.
<br />
<br />IT IEING the intention of all p.rti.. hereto that in the event of the denth of
<br />either of .ald Grantee.. the entlra f.a limp1e tiele to the real e.tate de.crlbed herein
<br />ahall v.at in the lurviving Grant...
<br />
<br />. ~
<br />1
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above de.cribed premiael, with the appurten.nces, unto the
<br />laid Grantees .. Joint tenant., Ind. not .. tenants in co.aon, and to their ..signs, or
<br />to the heirs Ind ...igns of the .urvivor of th... forever, .nd the add Secretary of
<br />Houling .ad Urban Develop8eat. .nd for hia .ueee..or. .nd ...igna, does coven.nt with
<br />the Cr.nt..a herein na..d, and with their ...iI08 .nd with the helrl,.nd ...1Ina of th~
<br />.urvivor of thea. th.t the ..141 Grantor ia lawfully .eiaed of ..id premia... that they
<br />ar.,fl". fro. lnc\aBbranc.; th.t the .atd (;rantor h.1I good right .nd lawful luthority
<br />to..ll the ..... and that the ..141 Secretuy of Houe1na and Urb.nDeve lOplMnt, vU 1,
<br />aod'hialucc;a..ona..claaalIU. ahaU, WAIlIWn' and DEFEIfl) the I" unto the ne...d r.nntees
<br />n4 untothalr...tan. .nd the h.b. and ..dIDI of the .urvivor of them. forever', IRainsl
<br />th.lawfulc"_ .nd d_nd, of.n perlon. claiminK hy. thronllh or under rhl'm. and
<br />ladDlt ..~th.r cl.t.aa or d...nd...
<br />
<br />J,/!,
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<br />
<br />. SUlJIc::T to aU coyaaentl, l'..trlctlonl. r..ervation.. ....IIlI'UC_, ('undltlon" ..nd
<br />I''-Ihta."..rtu& of record. and SUBJICT to any lute of faeU An ",-c:uUl r lIurvt!.... lNlllcl
<br />ahow.
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