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<br />rJeeo ot trust evidencing or securll1g an obl'gatlon w,th priority In right of payment over this Deed of Trust or ~g-;;em!tqr!h1s~i~ has
<br />or appears to have any priOrity over the ',en created by Olis Deed 01 Trust; or any other creditor tries to (or does) seize or obtain a writ 01
<br />attachment against the Property (in each case, no grace period); or
<br />(F) We, or any person who SIgns the Agreement, make an assignment for the benefit of our or such person's creditors, become insolvent or
<br />become unable to meet our or such person's obligations generally as they become due (no grace period): or
<br />(G) The persons who Sign the Agreement foil 10 return the checks and credit card(s) issued under lhe Agreement when required by the
<br />terms of the Agreement (no grace period); or
<br />(H) Any person who signs Ihe Agreement obtains or attempts to obtain sums under the Account in excess 01 the credit available underthe
<br />Account, as provided in the Agreement (no grace period); or
<br />(I) We, or any person who signs the Agreement, fait 10 keep any agreement contained in any of the Credit Documents not otherwise
<br />specified in this paragraph 14, or any 01 the representations contained in ihe Credit Documents is incorrect (ten (10) day grace period, unless
<br />the failure is by its nature nol curable. in which case no grace period or, 0' another grace period is specified in the Credit Documents, that
<br />grace period shall prel/ail).
<br />15. REMEDIES, First Federallincoln has certain rights under Ihe Credit Documents to (8) cancel the right of the persons signing the
<br />Agreement to any future advances under the Account without requiring accelerated repayment of any amounts outstanding under the
<br />Account (that in, "freeze" Ihe Account); or (b) not only cancel the right to future advances but also require accelerated repayment of the
<br />amounts outstanding under the account, plus the entire accrued interest. and other charges imposed on the Account (that is, "terminate" the
<br />Account).
<br />The Account is automatically terminated upon the occurrence of an EI/ent of Defaull (see paragraph 14 above), unless First Federal
<br />Uncoln expressly states, in the notice given under paragraph 14(a) above, that the Account is Irozen.
<br />In addition, despite any other terms of the Credit Documents, First Federal Lincoln may freeze the Account immedialely upon the
<br />occurrence 01 any violation or other event speCified in paragraph 14(b) above, el/en if the grace period, if any, has not expired, First Federal
<br />Uncoln can take this action without giving us notice and without declaring the violation or other event an Event 01 Default.
<br />II First Federal Lincoln freezes the Account Pur5Jant 10 this paragraph rather than terminates it, we will not be obligated to repay the
<br />amounts outstanding under the Account until the datc such amounts are due. as specified in the Agreement. II First Federal Lincoln
<br />terminates the Account pursuant to this paragraph 15. rather than merely freezes it. the amounts outstanding under the Account and any
<br />other amounts outstanding under the Credit Documents are immediately due and payable in full and we will be required to immediately repay
<br />such amounts plus the entire accrued interest. late charges and other charges imposed on the Account. If we do not do so, First Federal
<br />Uncoln will have the right to inl/oke any remedy given it by any 01 the Credit Documents, or any other remedy available to First Federal Lincoln
<br />under applicable law, This includes, without limitation, invoking the power of sale under this Deed of Trust.
<br />First Federal Lincoln shall be entitled to collect all reasonable costs and expenses incurred in pursuing Ihe remedies provided in this
<br />paragraph 15, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's lees and trustee fees 01 not more than ~__% 01 sale price.
<br />If First Federal linColn freezes the Account pursuant to this paragraph 15. First Federal Lsncoln may stilllerminate the Account for any
<br />reason at a later date in accordance with this paragraph 15,
<br />If First Federal Lincoln freezes or terminates the Account pursuant to this paragraph 15, all credit card(s) and unused checks obtained in
<br />connection with the Account must be immediately mailed to First Federal LII1coln (see paragraph 10 abol/e), In any event, once First Federal
<br />Lincoln freezes 0' terminates the Account under this paragraph 15. the persons who sign the Agreement will no longer have any right to
<br />obtain additional advances under the Account.
<br />II First Federal Lincoln invokes the power of sale under this Deed of Trust. First Federal Uncoln shall execute or cause Trustee to execute a
<br />wriUen notice specifying, without limitation, the following: (a, the occurrence and nature 01 an Event of Default; (b) First Federal Lincoln's
<br />election to accelerate the debt evidenced by the Agreement and to cause the Property to be sold; and (c) our right, ij any, under applicable law,
<br />to reinstate the Account and avoid sale 01 the Property, First Federal Lincoln shall cause such notice to be recorded in each county in which
<br />Ihe Property or some part thereol is located, and shall have copies 01 such notice mailed to the persons and in the manner prescribed by
<br />applicable law.
<br />1/ we are permitted, under applicable law, but lail to reinstate in accordance with the terms of the notice required above in this paragraph
<br />15, (lr if we are not permilled to so reinstate, Trustee shall give public notice of sale 01 the Property to the persons and in the manner
<br />prescribed by applicable law. After the lapse of such time as may be required by applicable taw, and our lailure to redeem the Property by
<br />paying to First Federallincoln all sums secured by this Deed of Trust together with all cosls and expenses incurred by First Federallincoln
<br />and lor which it is entitled to reimbursement, under applicable law, Trustee shall, wilhout lurther demand on or notice to us, sell the Property at
<br />public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designa!ed in the public notice of sale in one or more parcels
<br />and in such order as Trustee may determine. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at Ihe
<br />time and place of any previously scheduled sale and from time 10 time thereafter may postpone sucn sale by publiC announcement at the time
<br />fixed by the preceding poslponement in the manner prescribed by applicable law, Firs! Federallincoln or First Federal Lincoln's designee
<br />may purChase the Property at any sale.
<br />Trustee shall delil/er to the purchaser a Trustee's deed conveying the Property so sold withoul any cOl/enant or warranty, expressed or
<br />implied. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence 01 the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the
<br />proceeds of the sale in the following order: (A) to all reasonable costs and expenses of Ihe sale. including, but not limited to, reasonable
<br />trustee's and attorneys' fees and costs oltille evidence, all as and to the extent permitted by applicable law; (6) 10 all sums secured payable
<br />pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 2501 this Deed 01 Trust; (C) to interest payable under the Agreement; (D) toothercharges under the Agreement;
<br />(E) to the principal payable under the Agreement; and (F) the excess, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto,
<br />16. OUR RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Regardless 01 First Federal Lincoln's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, we shall
<br />have the right, if permitted under applicable law, to receive Irom Trustee a cancellation ot Notice ot Default jf wahin one month of the filing 01
<br />such Notice of Default pursuant to paragraph 15 above: (a) we pay First Federal Lincoln all sums which would be then due under thisOeed of
<br />Trust and the Agreement, if any, had no acceleration occurred; (b) we cure all of au r breaches of any other covenantsor agreements contained
<br />in this Deed of Trust;(c) we pay, as permitted by law, all reasonable expenses incurred by First Federal Un coIn and Trustee in enforcing our
<br />cOl/enants and agreements contained ;n this Deed of Trust and in enforcinQ First Federal lincoln's and Trustee's remedies as provided in
<br />paragraph 15 of this Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to. reasonable attorney's fees; and (b) we take such action as First Federal
<br />Lincoln may reasonably require to assure ihat the lien of the Deed of Trust. First Fedoral Lincoln's interest in the Property and our obligations
<br />to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall continue unimparied. Upon such payment and cure by us, this Deed 01 Trust and the
<br />obligations secured by this Deed of Trust shall remain in lull force and effect as il no acceleration had occurred.
<br />hereby assign to First Federal Lincoln the rents of the Property, provided that prior to acceleration under paragraph 15 abol/e or the
<br />occurrence 01 an Event 01 Default or abandonment of the Property. we shall have the right to collect and relain such rents as they become due
<br />and payable. In any action to invoke the power 01 sale under this Deed of Trust, First Federal Uncoln shall be entitled to the apPOintment of a
<br />receiver.
<br />Upon acceleration under paragraph 15 above, or abandonment olthe Property. First Federal lincoln, at any time and without notice. 111
<br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver, and without regard to or proor 01 either(al depreciation of the I/alue of the Property or (h)
<br />the inSOlvency 01 any person who signs Ihe Agreement or(c) the value 01 the Propertyor{d) the adequacy of any security for Ihe indebtedness
<br />secured by Ihls Deed of Trust. shall be entitled to enter upon. take possession 01, and manage the Property, and in its own name sue lor or
<br />collect the rents of the Property, including those past due.
<br />All renls collected by First Federallincoln or the receil/er shall be applied lirst to payment of the costs 01 operation and managem.mt ollhe
<br />Property and collection 01 renls, including, but not limited to, receiver's lees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's lees.
<br />and then to Ihe sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust First Federal Lincoln and the receil/er shall be liable to account only for those renls
<br />actually received.
<br />The entering upon and taking possession 01 the Property and Ihe collechon and application of the rents shall notcure orwail/e any Event 01
<br />Delault or notice of a violation under this Deed 01 Trust or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice.
<br />We will not. without the written consent of First Federal Lincoln, receive or collect rent Irom any tenanl of all. or any part of, the Property lor
<br />a period of more than one month in advance, and in the event of any default under this Deed of Trust will pay monthly in advance to First
<br />Federal Lincoln, or to any receiver appoinled to collect said rents. issues and prolits. the fair and reasonable rental value for the use and
<br />nccupallon 01 the Property or that part or the Property in our posseSSion. and upon default ir, any such paymenl willl/acate and surrender the
<br />possession of the Property 10 First Federal Lincoln or to such receIVer, and may bo evicled by summary proceedings.
<br />1 B. TRUSTEE'S ACTION, AI any time, without liability and wilhoul nollce, upon written request 01 First Federal Lincoln and us, Truslee may
<br />consent to Ihe making of any map or plat of Ihe Property, join in granting any easoment on the Property, join in any subordination or other
<br />agreemenl affecting Ihis Deed 01 Trust, or reconvey, withoul warranly, all or any Ilart 01 the Property.
<br />19. RECONVEYANCE. Upon Dayment of all sums secured by this Deod 01 Trust. the lulfillment 01 all obligalions under the Agreement and
<br />termination of the Account, First Federal Lincoln shall request Trusteo 10 reconl/ey the Property and shalt surrender this Deedof Trust and the
<br />Agreement to Trustee. Trustee shall cancel the Agreement and reconvey Ihe Properly withoul warranly to the person or persons legally
<br />entilled thereto, Such person or persons shall pay all costs of recordahon, il any
<br />20, .3UBSTlTUTE TRUSTEE. First Federallincoln at Firsl Federal Lincoln's opt1On, may Irom time to tirne remove Trustee and apPOin' n
<br />successor Irustoe to any Trustee appolntod under this Deed 01 Trus. by an lflSlrument executed and acknowledge by First Federal Uncoln
<br />and recorded In tho counly where tho Properly or some parllhOICol. IS 10Caled 10 the mannar ploscfllmd by applicable law Tho Instrument
<br />ahallcontaln our names and the name oj First Fellornllincoln amllhu oliglno I r ruSIOO, tho hook and pOlle wher e !tIlS Deed of TIus! IS fl'ca"jed
<br />ilnd Ihe name und addross oltha succossor trustee, Upon cOOlpliance With applicahle lilW, the successor trlisten shnll, WIthout ConveYilllce of
<br />Hw P'OjJflrty, 5UCCIlOd 10 all tho litlo. e5lalo, powers illld dutiu5 conforlOlJ upon \!II~ r. llsh~(~ m HilS Doml 01 1, lIsl ,iIId Ill' ilppl,CilUI,' 1,1>\1 hIS
<br />p'ocedure lor 9ullslltulion ellrustoo upOn compliance w,lh applicahle lilW, ',hnll qr,v,"1l 10 tho ,nclu51on of ,111 011'<,' PIOVIS.OnS lor 5"h5111l1I.on
<br />21 H[OLJE51 FOn NOTlCf,S, FI(5t I' (HJCIill L,ncoln rOQlIosts Ihal r;op'",. 01 '\01"-:"'5 01 Ilnl 11 ull nnrl sali' "'H11 'h" hol,ll" 01,111, ..,'n wh,cll ";\S
<br />pruml)' OV.)I Ihl'o; [)0(1(1 01 "ust hn ~(!flt III rllsl I'ml(HOllincoln al /'0 110' "":1 Olll.llla, NI t!Hl(l!,
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