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<br />" 5,ThisA88iirn~entinurellto the benefit ot the named Assignee tUld,it's succeuol'll andauigns, and binds the
<br />Assignor and A88ignor'aheira. legatees, devUee,adminiBtrators, executors, successors andB88igna.The term "Leuenor:
<br />"Leaseen 88U11ed herein me&rui not only the Le8eeor Le88_ hereby 88Signed or anyextensioll; or renewaHhereot,but alsoe,1:'Y:'
<br />leaee,8ub8equently executed by AuignorcoverinKthe PremiBes or any part thereof. In this A88ipDient; whenever the oonteXt '
<br />so 'requiree, the neuter genderincludee the muculine or feminine, and the singular number includeil the plural, and conversely.
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<br />, 6.' All noticee, demand or document. which are required or permitted to be given or served hereunder shall be in
<br />writing and IIeJltby certified mail ~ddreued 88 follow.: " -
<br />
<br />.. '
<br />
<br />TOA88IGNOR at the addnw8 appe&nngabovo unIeiu a different addreH ~ furnished below. ·
<br />TO THE ASSIGNEE, Attention ' Richard D. Nietfeld
<br />
<br />!
<br />
<br />at FirsTier Bank. National Association. Omaha. 424 West 3rd. Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />Such addreUea may be changed from time to time by either party by tierving notice 88 above provided.
<br />
<br />
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<br />111 East 6th St.
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<br />'Grand Island, Ne 68801
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<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Auianor h.. hereunto set hie band and aeal or ca
<br />8ubecribed and ita corporate Mal to be aflised the day and year tint abov .
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<br />STATE OF
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<br />penonallYCame the above named 1/..s Ie! 0"1
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<br />, A.D., 191.i... before me, a notary public in and foruid County,
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<br />who (ia) (are) penoully mown to me to be the met_tical pencin(l) WbOM name(l) (is) (are) aflis.ed to the above mltrument ..
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<br />, ", ""., ' . ' " . A'1d '. " . . .ofaaid Corporation, and acknowlqed the
<br />~ent to be (biB) (their) voluntary&et and deed and the voluntary act and deed ohaid Corporation. ' .' ,,'
<br />WITNESS my band and notarial'" the date lut8fo..-aid.
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<br />My commiaaion expire. '
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