<br />I
<br />
<br />1J8-j.'I(tt4J7/(
<br />
<br />righlS and henelils aceruln!:lo Ihe Ilurrower ""der nny allll nil 011 and
<br />gas leases on said premlsc-', wilh Ihe righl III receive and rel'l!Il'1 for
<br />Ihe same and apl.ly lhem to said indehlcdn= as well hcfore as afler
<br />default In the comllllons of this inslrumenl, and the Lende1' ma)' dc.
<br />mand, sue for and recover any sllch paymenls whcn due alld payahl."
<br />but shall not be required so 10 do. This assignmenl is to Icrminalc all(1
<br />become null and vnld upon release of Ihis inslrument.
<br />
<br />10. That the Burrower will keel' the huildings IIpnn said premises in
<br />gnud repair, amI nl'ilher conl/uil uor pcrmil wasle "l'on said land. nor
<br />suHel Ihe said prcmises to bc used for any IIl1lawful I'urpo~.
<br />
<br />J 1. That if the Ilremlscs, ur any parI thereof. he enllllellllll',lunder
<br />the IlOwer nf l'millent domain, or aC(llIircd lor a public nsc, Ihe
<br />damages awarded, the pro<:c<:ds ror the taking of, or Ihe e",..ideralion
<br />ror sllch aC11"lsilion, 10 Ihe exlent ollhc 1,,11 amollnl 01 ill(khl<...lnc.,-,
<br />upon Ibis instrumenl and Ihe noll' whieh il is gi....n 10 s('Cure H'main,
<br />Ing ulllmid, arc hereby a~igl1t:d h}' lhe Illlrrowl'r III till' l.ender, ami
<br />shall he paid lorlhwilh to said Lender 10 be applied b}' the lalll" on
<br />accountnf Ihe next maturing installments of snch indebtedne.s.
<br />
<br />12, The Ilnrro\\'er furlher agrC<.'S Ihal shollld Ihis imlrumenl and Ihe
<br />note s<'Cured hl'rehy not be eligible for inSllranee IInder Ihl' Nalional
<br />lIousing Ad within l'ight months lrom lhe <late he",,1 (wrillen sl",le-
<br />menl of an)' o[fil'!'r 01 the Departnll'nt of lIousing and Urhan
<br />De\'elopment or authorized agent 01 11.1' Sl'Cretary of IInusing and Ur-
<br />han De,'c1opment dlllcrl Slbsl'll"enl 10 Ihe eighl monlhs' time lrom the
<br />.laIc 01 this instrllmenl, declining 10 Insure said nolI' and Ihi, morl-
<br />gage, being dccml'd condusi\'e proof of sueh incligihilil}'), the Lender
<br />or holder 01 the note may. ", it, option, declare all sums s('Ctlfed
<br />hercby immroialelr dill' and parabll', Nolwill15landing thc foregoing,
<br />tltis optinn may not he I'xercised b)' the !.ellder or lhe holder ollhe
<br />nolI' ....hen the Incligibllil)' fnr insurance under the National Housing
<br />Act Is due tn the Ll'nder's lailure to remil the rnnrtgage in'mane<:
<br />prl'mium to the Dcpartment ol Housing and Urhan De"clopmenl.
<br />
<br />13. That if Ihe Borrowcr lail, to make anr payments 01 mom:)' ....hen
<br />Ihl' same hecome dill', or lails 10 conlorm 10 and rompl)' ",ilh any IIf
<br />the condilions or agrf'CllIl'nls contained ill Ihi, in,lruml'nl, or the nllll'
<br />which it Sl'CutCS, then the enllre principal "u" and al'('ml'{1 inlerr-sl
<br />shall al once hCCOlne due and pa)'ahle, al Ihe ekclill" oJ Ihe l.eml.....
<br />
<br />Lender shall gi\'1' notice to Ik,rrowcr prior tn accelcralinn following
<br />I\orrnwer's "reach 01 anr CO"l'nant or agreement in this in,lrumenl
<br />(but not prior to acceleration nnuer paragraph 12 unless aPl11il'ahlc
<br />law IlfO\'ides Qther....he). The notice shall 'pecil)': (a) Ihe defanlt: (b)
<br />Ihe action required to curl' Ihe dcfallh; (e) a datI'. not less thall 30
<br />da)'s from the date the nolice is gh'l'n 10 Ilorw....er. b)' which the
<br />dcfault man be cured; and (d) that lailure 10 cute Ihe d"'",,1I on or
<br />before Ihe date specified in the noliei' may rcsull in aC<'<leration IIf Ihe
<br />surm securt'd h)' thi, inslrllOlent and sale 01 the Prnpert~.. The notice
<br />shall further inform Borrower of the right 10 reimtate aller accelcra,
<br />lion and Ihe right to hling a court action 10 a..wrl Ihe non-eJlislen('(' nf
<br />a default or anr other deIl'me of Uormwer 10 aC<<?leration and ,.ale. If
<br />thl' default is not eurt'd on or herore Ihe dale SIK"Ciflcd in Il,e nolice,
<br />I.entk"t al its opllnn m..)' r"'luire immediale paymellt in lllll of all
<br />Slims securt'd by Ihi< in<lrllmenl wilhollt hulher dl'lllaml .IId ma)' in-
<br />voke lhe power of sale and an)' other remedics permill<'rl by ap-
<br />plicable la...... I..eoder shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurrer..l
<br />io pursuing thO! remedies pTO\'idl'd in lhi< paragraph 13, including, bul
<br />not Iimilt'd to, retiOlIBble allorne)"s Il...." and <<ISIs of litlt e\'itlen~.
<br />
<br />IIlhe power of sale i, ill,'oked, Truslee shall record a notice or
<br />default ill l'3ch collnl)' in which any IHlrt of thc I'roperly is located
<br />"",j shall ll1ail copie., 01 sllch nolice in the manner preserihcd hy ap'
<br />plieable law 10 Borrower and 10 the olher persons prescribl'd by ap.
<br />plieable law. After Ihe '.lme requirl'd by applicahle law, Truslel'shllll
<br />gh'e public 1101 iec 01 sale 10 Ihe persol\$ and in the manner pr!'.Scribed
<br />by applicable law. TllIs\('e. without demand nn nortower, shall sell
<br />thl' Prnperly at Jluhlie allelion to the hilth!'.St hidder at the lime and
<br />place and under the (erlm designated in the notice 01 salc in one or
<br />more parl'l!ls and in any order Trmlce determines. Tluslee may
<br />postpone ,,,Ie 01 all or allY pareel or the Property hy public announce.
<br />lIlenl al the time and pluee 01 all)' prl','iousl)' sch<'rlul<'rl sale. Ll'nder
<br />or its rlcsignt'C ilia}' purchase Ihe l'roperty at any saIl'.
<br />
<br />1
<br />
<br />UIKlIl rcedpt or pa)'nH'Ilt 01 the priel' hid, Trustee shall dcliver In
<br />I hI' pUld""er Trustee', del..! con\'eying tlie Prop.crt)'. The recilals in
<br />Ihe Truslee's dCl....t shall he IHima facie e\'idell<'C or thl' truth nf the
<br />stah'JJ1cnts made thl'rein, Truslel' shall apply the proceeds of the sal...
<br />ill Ihl' lollowing order: (a) to all crpenscs 01 Ihe sale, includiug but
<br />nut limill'd 10, Truslee's rC<'s as peflllilll'd by applicable law and
<br />rea!Onahle aHomers' (I:tOS: (b) 10 all sums sN'ure<1 hy this Seemity 1,,-
<br />"moorlll: allll (e) any CU'I'!C' to thl' person or persons Il'gally I'nlilll...1
<br />10 il.
<br />
<br />1-1. UllOn accclcralinn lI11der paragraph 13 or ahandonllll'nt "I Ihe
<br />I'ropert~.. Leuder (in per,un, by agent .Jt hy jlldicially "I'pointe<\
<br />rITeiS"er) shall be ('ntilled 10 I'nter npon, take I'osscs.<ion of ami
<br />m"na~l'" the ProPl'rl}' ami to coll....1 Ihl' rents 01 the Propert)' inclnding
<br />thml' pa,1 dill". Any renls colleeled by Lender or Ihe recrin'r ~h,,1l he
<br />applied Iirst 10 paymenl of the cosls or managl'n'l'nt or the PIIlp"rt)'
<br />and collection of renls, including, bill not Iimiled 10, receiVel'S fl'eS,
<br />prel11iu",s on r<<eh'l'r's hond, and rl'aStlOabl1' aHorneys Ice;, and then
<br />tu Ihe sums secllred by Ibi. inslrllmenl.
<br />
<br />15_ Upon paymenl of all sums secured hy this inslrument, kndl'r
<br />shall requcsl Trmtee to r('("()n\"C)" Ihe Propert}' and shall surrender this
<br />imlrument and allnolcs t'.-idendng dcht st'Cured hy this in.,truml'nt to
<br />Tmst".., T1It,t"" shall rC<....u\.eny Ihl' I'mpl'rt)" wilhollt warrant}' and
<br />witho"l charge In the I>!'rmn or persons It-gally enlil\t'd to iI. SlIch
<br />person or perroRS shall pol)" an)' recordation costs.
<br />
<br />Hi. I.end.'r. ..I i1~ option, ilia)' hOIll time 10 tinll' rcmllVt' l'rmtl'!'
<br />and "",,"int a suCCt':SSOr trustee 10 any Trustee appointed herl'lImler hy
<br />an lmlrunll:nt rl'COTlICl.1 in thl' counly in which this instruml'nt is
<br />rcrurdcd. \\'ithout t"(lO\'l'pnce or thc Propert~'. Ihe succc.~or trustee
<br />shall snCCl'Cd to all the tilll'. 1>O\\'l'r and dOlies conlerred olKln Trustcc
<br />het!'in and b)" applicahl,' law.
<br />
<br />17, BIlrrower r('(l"est< Ihat copies "l tltl' nolices or dcfalllt ami sale
<br />be sent to Dnrro\\"er's adrhescs which i, thl' I'rop('rl)" Address.
<br />
<br />Ill. Il one or more ri.l...rs are e"'CIIit'd by BorrnWL'r ami recordt..!
<br />together with Ihis insllnlllcnt, th" CO\'l'nanls and agH'CllIl'nts of ...ach
<br />snch rider ,hall I>!' incorporatcd inlo ami shall amend ami snl'plelUent
<br />Ihe co,'enanls and agH...llIenl! IIf this in,hllml'nt a' ilthe ridl'"l(s) \\'l'"l'"
<br />a part or Ihi. in"lruml'nl.
<br />
<br />I!I_ Thl' co\'enanls he..-in contain...1 shall hind. ..mlthc benefils and
<br />ad\'anlagcs shall inmc 10, Ihl' 1l'SI>eclj\.... hl'lrs, c.u't:ulors, au.
<br />minmr;;tors, SIlCt.'C\SOrs. and assigns ollhe I,allies hereto. \Vhenc\'er
<br />usoJ, the .ingular numllCl shall include Ihl' plural, Ihe plural Ihe
<br />'inglllar. and Ih" "'" ol an)" gemlcr shall inelude all genders,
<br />
<br />Bf signing belo...., Borro....er aC'CCpts and agt('(;\ In the lernu co\'enanls containl..! in this SN"uril)' Instromenl and ill any ridef(s) e-,<('('ok..1 by
<br />Borrower and rccor<kd with iI.
<br />
<br />Stale oI Nebraska,
<br />
<br />Count)' or
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />A.k..~ 9)1- A_&J
<br />~~illiam M.~ahl
<br />J_u-nzkt~ 1 ~ A t
<br />Dawnita L. tahl
<br />
<br />ISeal]
<br />!\orto,., f't
<br />
<br />ISl'al]
<br />(\(.tto",,"r
<br />
<br />}"'
<br />
<br />The lorelOlol inllrumenl was ackn"",'ledftl"<1 l,dOlC me Ihls 24 t h dar 01 l>1a r c h
<br />19 88. by William M. Stahl and Dawnita L. Stahl, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />Wilneu m)' hand and Imlorl.1 sL'al al
<br />
<br />!.II' 1'<.unlrll...,I..n e
<br />.J:EWlAI.I!l1A.ll'i'SU:" tl ldnsb
<br />_ W, Comlll f.p Avj 15. I?SI
<br />
<br />in sahl C'llln'y, Ihr ,laic II rnIl",..d.
<br />
<br />
<br />- 4~~-~7&~lJ-;.____..
<br />~IC , C
<br />
<br />I'a~ 3....14
<br />
<br />"liP ~? I ~.llJl
<br />