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<br />88- 101435
<br />
<br />ASSIGHKENT OF KORTGAOE - Co~poraticn
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior nortgage, Inc. a
<br />Corporation, the party of the first part, in consideration of One Dollar and
<br />other valuable consideration, to it' in hand paid by Colonial Central Savings
<br />Bank, FSB, 8 Corporation, the party of the second part, at or before the
<br />ensee1ing and delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby
<br />acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, Rssigned, transferred, and set
<br />over, and, by these presents, does grant, bargain, sell, assIgn, transfer,
<br />transferred, and set over, unto the said p.rty of the second part, ita
<br />SUCC~B.orD and a.signs, e a.rtain INDENTURE OF nORTGAGE, Bearing date
<br />of May 18 19 87, 8. Document No. 87-102880 in the offices
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and ..d. by Steven L. Cromer and Cheryl K. Cromer, husband and wife
<br />to, or currently a8signed to, Sup.rior Kortgage, Ino. and ,all its right, title
<br />and interest to the premises therein described, 88 follows, to-wit:
<br />Lot Four (4), Weber Subdivision, Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with the note therein described, and the .oney due or to beco.. due
<br />thereunder, including inter.st thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the s..e unto the
<br />s.id p.rty of the second p.rt, its Buccessors and assigns forever, subject
<br />only to the provisions of said INDENTURE OF KORTGAGE therein contained.
<br />
<br />And the p.rty of the first p.rt does hereby .ake, constitute and appoint the
<br />said party of the second p.rt, it. true end l.wful attorney, irrevocable, in
<br />ita n.~e, or otherwise, but at their own proper costs .nd charge., to h.ve,
<br />use, and take all l.wful ..Y. and a.an. far the recovery of the s.id .oney and
<br />inter..t, and, in c..e of p.y..nt, to di.charge the .... 88 the part of the
<br />fi~.t p.rt .ight, or could do, if the.e pr..ent. were not .ade.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Superior Kortg.ge, Ina. a corporation of the State of
<br />Nebra.ka h.. cau..d this A..ign.ent of nortg.ge to b~ exe~uted by it. Vice
<br />Pr..ident and attested by it. As.t. Searetary .nd its Corporate Se.l to be
<br />hereunto .:lfixed the 14 d.y of October in the ye.r 19 87
<br />
<br />
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<br />y. I ,,\,/ J c----"
<br />ROY\HOF~ICHTE~~\Vice President
<br />
<br />State of'H.br..k. )
<br />) as.
<br />County of Hall )
<br />
<br />AU
<br />
<br />
<br />On the O.te .bove stated, before ae, a Nat.ry PUblic, duly co..i..ioned
<br />and qu.lifi,d in .n~ for ..id County .nd State, Per.an.lly c..e the abov.
<br />na.ed Roy Hofrichter. Vice Pr~sident and Karen G. Beilke, Assistant Secretary
<br />of Superior nortgage, Inc. who are personally known to .. to be the identical
<br />p.r.on. whose n..ea are affixed to the aboY~ assign.ent of nortgage .. the
<br />Vie. Pr..ident and A..t. Secret.ry of .aid Corporation, and th.y acknowledged
<br />the in.tru..nt to b. their volunt.ry .ct and deed, .nd the volunt.ry Bet and
<br />d..d of the ..id Corpor.tion.
<br />
<br />WITNESS .y h.nd .nd offiai.l ...1, in Gr.nd Island, in ..id County, the d.te
<br />
<br />ofar:-~d:. ",~~;;t~:~~~f~'i
<br />
<br />. .....-,,_.-~-,.-..:,.__._.~_,.,"-~..___ - ~'. J;:~ . .
<br />
<br />~ \' ~l 0 u~m~c ~\&
<br />
<br />Not ry Public Dixie A. McCord
<br />
<br />"y co..1..ion ~xplre.,
<br />Return to
<br />
<br />F".O. l:IOX 1887
<br />Gf<AND ISLAND, NE 681302
<br />
<br />5"1 FORn "ODIrIED 151 9-81
<br />