<br />r
<br />
<br />88.....
<br />
<br />101431
<br />
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL "EN BY THESE PRESENTS, ThB~ Superior "ort;ag., Inc. a
<br />Corpor.tion, the party of the fir.~ part, in consideration a! One Doll.r and
<br />other v.luable consider.tion, to it' In hand paid by Colonial Central Savings
<br />S.nk, FSS, . Corporaticn, the party of tho second part, at or belore the
<br />en.ealing and delivery of th... presents, receipt whereof is hereby
<br />acknowledged, hp. granted, bargained, sold, .sslgned, transferred, .nd set
<br />over, and, by 1 these presents, doe. grant, bargain, .ell, assign, tr.nsfer,
<br />tran.ferred, and .et over, unto tho .aid party of the second p.rt, it.
<br />.uece..ors .nd ...ign., a aertain INDENTURE OF nORTOADE, S.aring. date
<br />of August \ st 1986 , a.86-\04326 in the offic..
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska , . ,
<br />.nd .ade by Steveu Heath and Glenda M. Heath, Husband and Wife, and Carroll D.. Heat~.MJo~~th,
<br />la, or currently a..lgn~d to, Sup.rior "ortgage, Ina. .nd all it. right, title
<br />.
<br />.nd lnt.re.t to the pr.Mi... therein de.cribed, a. tallow., to.wit.
<br />
<br />, >
<br />
<br />Lot Thirty-One (31), Westroads Estates Fourth Subdivision, Hall County~ Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Said Mortgage initially made to Occidental Nebraska Federal Savings Bank and assigned
<br />to Superior Mortgage, Inc. by an Assignment of Mortgage dated September \0, 19B6 and.
<br />filed as 87-10]077 on February 27, 1987 in the Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with the note therein de.cribed, and the aoney due or to becD.e due
<br />thereunder, including intere.t'thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .... unto the
<br />.aid p.rty of the .econd part, it. .UCD...or. and a..lgn. forev.r, .ubject
<br />only to the provi.ion. of ..id INDENTURE OF "DRTGAOE th.rein contain.d.
<br />
<br />And the party lof the lir.t p.rt'do.. her.by ..ke, con.titute and appoint the
<br />.aid party of the .econd part, it. true and lawlul attorn.y, irrevoc.ble, in
<br />it. na.e, or other.l.e, but;t their awn proper ca.t. and charg.., to hay.,
<br />u.., and t.ke all lawlul .ay. an~ ..an. for the r.covery at the .aid aon.y and
<br />intere.t, .nd, In c..e cl ~.y.ent, to dl.ch.rge the .... .. the p.rt of the
<br />fir.t part .igh~, or could do, If the.. pre..nt. .erenot ..de.
<br />I
<br />
<br />IN WITHESS ~HEIEOr, Sup.rior ."ortg.g., Ina. . oorporation of tho St.te of
<br />Hebr..ka h.. cau.ed thi. '..ign.ent of "ortv.ge to be e..outed by it. Vice
<br />Pre.ident and att..led by it. A..t. S.aretary and It. CorporateBSeal to b.
<br />hereunto .lfl.ed the 23rd day of October in the ye.r 19 7 .
<br />
<br />supalOR "ORTOAGE, INC.
<br />
<br />u
<br />
<br />State.of Nebia.ka )
<br />) ...
<br />County of Hall ,
<br />
<br />
<br />B,.
<br />ROY
<br />
<br />Preddent
<br />
<br />On the Date above .t.ted, b.for. .., . Notary Publio, duly co..i..ioned
<br />and qualified in an~ for .aid Ccunty .nd st.t., Per.onally c... the above
<br />n..ed Roy lIofric:hter, Vice President and Karen C. leilke, Anheant Secretary
<br />of Superior ftortgage, Inc. who .r. per.on.lly known to .. to be the Identical
<br />p.r.an. who.e n.... ar. affi.ed to tb. abov. ...tgn..nt at "ortgage a. the
<br />Yie. Pr..ident and A..t. Secretary ot .aid Corporation, and th.y .cknowl.dged
<br />tho In.tru..nt to be their volunt.ry .at and d.ed, and the volunt.ry act and
<br />de.d of the ..id Corporation.
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />WITlESS ay hand and offici.l ...1, in Orand t.tand, in ..Id CDunty, the date
<br />afore.aid.
<br />
<br />
<br />..[-~ \'~O ,C\\\\<;.C m-&
<br />lot r P~bllo.Dixle A. HcCord
<br />
<br />P.O. BOX 1887
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />
<br />fI FOR" nDDlrrED 151 '-17
<br />