<br />I
<br />
<br />)Oq~q J 9"1
<br />
<br />~ .
<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />101427
<br />
<br />ASSIGlII1I:IlT or HortTGAGE - Corllornllon
<br />
<br />KilOit' ALl, 111:11 /lY Tlfese rnE:SEIITS, Thul 5uj1t'rior lforl9n9~, Inc. a
<br />CuqllJrll II 1111, 1I1O port)' oI lh~ [trot purl, In l:Ol1ulul.'rlll1on of an~ Dollar Dnd
<br />utll,.... \'lllunlJJ... c;ulIlIitll'rlll1un, lo It In hum! pnitl by Culoninl C!?nlrol Suvin90
<br />/101I1I~, I'~j/l, n COl"/H.lrnLJon, llH.' pnrly of lilt' U1:CUIllJ pnrl, nl or bl?forl? lhl?
<br />("1/11::1 J 1 II !I unci IIC'J Ivl.'I'y of. then!? prt'l1C'nlll, rr.'c!.'lpl 1rlwrC'ol to h(,ft'by
<br />lIc!-:nov led,,,"II, hno VI'nnled, unrgnlncd, oold, nnulgnt'tI, tranI/ferrell, ond ot'l
<br />UVt'f", IIntl, tJy 1I1elll! pl"('(J(mlo, doea grunt, tJnrgoln, 1It'11, ooolgn, tronoIl'r,
<br />lrona(c.'rreu, nnd oC'l uver, unlo lhe uuitl porly of the ol.'cond porl, ito
<br />nucCCOOOfa C1nu 11I1Olgno, 0 c~rlDin IIlOEIlTURE: Df I1DRTGAGE:; Df.'or.1ng delt'
<br />01 June 19, 19 86 , bO Document number 86-103299 in the. ol!.lcea
<br />01 the Register of Deeds, Hall Co!,!!,ty, Nebras~~'-.A.l"Iled !::y 'KClr \ D. ~ \o..mrA'i 'l
<br />and m&lue by Scott G. Richardson and Cathleen A. Richardson, husband and wife, rlo......C([,.
<br />to, or currt'nlJ.y ooaJ.l1ned lo, Superior Horlgoge, Inc. ond 011 ila right, title
<br />.nd 1nL~r~ol Lo LhQ prem!oeo lherein described, DO !olloWR, lo-wit:
<br />
<br />IY.
<br />
<br />Lot nine (9), Block three (3), alde Mill Subdivision, to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />TCH)r.U....r villi lht' nulL' lherein d!?acr1bed, nnl! lh!! mont'r tlua or lo hecome dut'
<br />1I11;orp.v,..II.'I', Jnclvdlnu JlIlL'runl lhereon, TO !lAVE AIIO TO !lDLD the onl'\t' unlo t.he
<br />/In Itl pllrti' of lhl' uccont! Jlorl, ilo oucct'lIouro nnd llnuiljnll !ort'vt'r, oubJect.
<br />only lo lilt' I1ro'l!lIiunu ol nold I1lDEIlTUII~ or IIOIlTG^GE: lherein l:onlolncd.
<br />
<br />Anti l"to p"l"ly (II lilt' /.lrol porl tloeu ht'relJy IllllkC', cunulllult' nnd oppolnl lhe
<br />,",ltJ "nr l)' u[ lhu IIl'l:UIlt! porl, ila lrue unl! lov!ul nLloI'I1I:1Y, irrevocable, in
<br />lll1 'Ill"".', 0" olhervlu':, bul (ll lheJ.r o"n propt'r cOlllu nnd chorgt'o, Lo hovt',
<br />UIIC, IIn" lnl'.1." 1111 1n"Cul "nyn ond meontl I.or lhl1 l"eCover)' oJ. lhe Dnit! monel' nnd
<br />InLel"clIl, "'III. !n cnne of payment, lo t.I1uchurgl!' lhl!' 0"1111:' no the pllrt oJ. lhe
<br />J.J.roL porl m1Uhl, or couJ.tI do, 11. lhcl't' preocnlo 'l'E~rc nol !!lotle.
<br />.
<br />
<br />III W[Tllr.~5 WlIl.:nI:Of", Superior "orlgllgf.', Inc, n corporDUon DC lhe Slolf.' ol
<br />IIebrookn hno clluQed Lh!1J Aooign!!lC!nl 01: Horlgagll Lo Illl' a)(l1cuLed by ila Vlc~
<br />rr.aldvnl nnd allaal~d by ila A..~. S.crelary and 1Lo Corporlll~ S..l ~o b.
<br />hereunlo D.Hixed lhlf 10th day 01. December in t.he yur 19 87 .
<br />
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<br />D .~. )2 (~~(/(>,-~~~
<br />Y r _ . .-
<br />Roy 110 ~icf\ter,~ce President
<br />
<br />
<br />L.L/~
<br />
<br />, r: I
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<br />",
<br />"'~\
<br />
<br />Sloler ot lIebrllukn
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<br />aD.
<br />
<br />Counly 01. IInl1
<br />
<br />,
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<br />I
<br />
<br />IIn l";~ Onlr. IIbov~ ntoted, belorc /lie, 0 /lalOr)' l'ulJllt:, duly coml:linolont'd
<br />nllll IIUII t 1 (It!lJ 111 nlld [or oqld Counly Dnd Slolt', Pel'oonolly Cnm!.' the obov!.'
<br />nn,.('d 1\.)>, lIorrichtcr, Vice ['resident &Inti K01\"CII G, neiille, ^~~iStill1t Sccretilf}'
<br />oC [juJll.'rlur rlor"tljtlt/e, Inc. vito ore pt"roonolly kno"n La InC lo be lhe idf.'nl1cal
<br />f)t"rnonu "hoo,: nnlnl:' If nrll oll.lxed lo lhe Dhove ooalgnmt"lIl uC Hal' l!J09t'. DO lhe
<br />Yic~ I'rl'1l1c./(1IIl and hool. Sllcrelory 01: aald Corporalion, and lhey llclcnollledgpd
<br />lh. lnolrumanl Lo be lhalr voluntary ac~ and del!'d, and the volunlary acl and
<br />df.'l'd oL lhe aald Corpor"al.lon. I
<br />
<br />w; TtfESS 1 f"'~'1i~1i~:;.';.~I,~~;~f:l"'~,+:~.F~t81. 1n Orand IaJ.nnd,
<br />· oreG. d_1 ~~j:~~,_.._._ H :r~::~.: J;;. i\:, ..~~': (:-_;,l~~ _ r
<br />~_"'.J,'=..--:...:~- "t-.) t'J:,lf~ t< '::"-:~l h~ i~.';)J ~
<br />~'~~7"""",";.~"",,,,.J;'r.l<~:; .....".-><~""" -0.- ;-~*-"-"1.k"'-'':'.t
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<br />in oaid Counly, lh~' d.l.
<br />
<br />
<br />j",\JJ." ~\'l ~ G,\~~C ~&0
<br />HolD~Y Public Dixie A. McCord
<br />.
<br />
<br />i
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<br />"r co~~loDion expireo:
<br />Ref-urn lot
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<br />f.' . O. BClX 1807
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<br />CORP.
<br />
<br />II fORn "ODIFIED J.5J 9-87
<br />
<br />688()2
<br />