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<br />ASS I G N " E H T
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<br />T R U S T
<br />
<br />DEE D
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL "EN BY THESE PRESENTS, That SupertoX" tlortgage, Inc. 8 Corpo:raUon,,~
<br />the party of the firat part, in consideration of One Dollar end other valuable
<br />consideration, to it in hand paid by Colonial Central Savings Bank, FSB, Q
<br />Corporation, the party of the s.cond part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgecl,
<br />has granted, assigned, and transferred, and, by these presents, does grant,
<br />BB8ign, and trBnafer unto the party of the s.cond part, its suecesaors and
<br />8s~igns, a certain Trust De.d, wherein the aaid Superior nortgage, Inc. is current
<br />beneflc,iary,
<br />
<br />Melvin W. Meyer and Jo Ann Meyer, husband and wife,
<br />
<br />ia Truator, and Occidental/Nebraska Federal Savings Bank is
<br />Trust Deed vas dated the 10th day of April , 1986
<br />the 15th day of April ,1986, a. Docurentlll.lTber86-IOI834
<br />of the Register of Deeds,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska , and .11 its right, title .nd intere.t
<br />to the prop.rty therein d..crib8d, .. tallows, to wit.
<br />
<br />Trustee, which
<br />, and recorded
<br />in the offic..
<br />
<br />Lot 6, Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Three, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with the prOMissory note therein described, Bnd the .on.y due or to
<br />beCOMe due thereunder, inoluding interest therecn, subject only to the provi.ion.
<br />of ..id Trust Deed therein cont.ined.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The S~perior "ortg.ge, Inc. B corporation, ha. cau..d this
<br />AssignMent of Trust Deed to be executed by its Vice President, and attested by its
<br />A..t. Secretary, and its corpor.~e ...1 to be hereunto affixed thi. 4th day
<br />of December , 1987 .
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<br />On this date above stated, before .e, 8 Notary Public duly co..is.ioned and
<br />qualified in and for .aid county and st.te, personally ca.e the above na..d
<br />Roy Hofrichter, Vice President and Karen G. Beilke, Assistant Secretary
<br />of Superior "ortgage, Inc. who .re personally known to Me to be the identical
<br />persons whOBe na.e. are affixed to the above A..ign.ent of Trust Deed a. the Vice
<br />Pre.ident and ABBl. Secretary of .aid corporation, and they acknowledge the
<br />instru.ent to be their yolunt.ry act and deed and the voluntary act and de&d of
<br />.aid Corporation.
<br />
<br />WITNESS .y hand .nd 0111cial ...1, .t Grand I.land, HE., in .aid county, the
<br />date afore..id.
<br />
<br />"r co..l..10
<br />
<br />
<br />"'m!NorARY.s;;r;oTi~3!h
<br />i:::. A. MCCORD
<br />Up. Sf,t fQ I.
<br />
<br />lD~ i\ Q ,U-\\\~Cffi&
<br />
<br />Not~ry Public Dixie A. McCord
<br />
<br />R.turn to.
<br />
<br />P.O. BOX 1m37
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />
<br />5"1 FOR" "ODIFIED 1~ 6-87
<br />