<br />coYt....-
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<br />I
<br />101421
<br />
<br />ASSIGN"ENT OF HORTOAOE - Co~por.tion
<br />
<br />.
<br />KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior Kortg.ge, Inc. a
<br />Corpor.tion, the party ot the first,p.rt, in consideration of One Dollar and
<br />other valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by Colonial Central SavIngs
<br />Bank, FSD, a Corporation, the party of the Becond part, at or bufore the
<br />enee.ling and delivery ot th..e pr.slnts, receipt ,vhereof ,i8 hereby
<br />acknowledged, L,. grented, bargained, Bold, R.signed, \ransterred, and .et
<br />aver, .nd, by r th... presents, doe. grant, bArgain, sell, a.sign, transfer,
<br />tran.terred, and 8et over, unto the ..id party of the second part, it.
<br />.ucee.sore and a.sign., . oertain INDENTURE OF KDRTGAOE, Bearing date
<br />of June 3 1987, a. 87-103315 in the office.
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and .ade by Dua~e F. Hansen and Barbara J. Hansen. husband and wife. ,
<br />la, or currently ...igned to, Superior Hartgag., Inc. and all it. right, titl.
<br />, .
<br />.nd Intere.t to th~ pre.I... th.rein de.crlb.d, .. folia.., to.wit.
<br />Lot Nineteen (19), WEstern Heights Subdivision, Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together vith th. not. ther.in d..crlb.d, and the .on.y due or to beco.. due
<br />thereunder. including int.r..t'th.~.an. TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the ...e unto the
<br />..id p.rty 01 the .eeond part, It. .ueo...or. and a.sign. forever, .ubj~ct
<br />only to the provision. of ..id INDENTURE OF "DRTGAGE ther.in contained.
<br />
<br />And the party 'af the lir.t p.rt'da.. h.r.by ..k., con.titut. and appoint lhe
<br />..id party of the .econd partt it. true and lavful attarn.y, irr.vocable, in
<br />ite n..., or otherwi.e, but tt their own proper ca.t. .nd charg.., to have,
<br />u.., and t.ke all lawful vay. an~ ..an. for the recovery 01 the s.id .ane, and
<br />inter..t, and, In 0... of pay.ent, to di.charg. the .a~. a. the part of the
<br />flr.t part .igh~, or could do, if th... pr...nt. w.re not .ade.
<br />I
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Superior ."artgeg., Inc. a oorporatian of the state of
<br />Uebr..ka h.. oaused this A..ign..nt of "ortgag. to b. ex.cutedby It. Yle.
<br />Pr..ident and atte.t.d by It. A..t. Sear.tary and It. Corporate Se.l to b.
<br />hereunto affixed the 23 da, oi October In the y..r 1987 .
<br />
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<br />;;:"Count, .0fAl.ll, )
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<br />ROY
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<br />dent
<br />
<br />CENTRAL MORrt:;AGE cm-.:p.
<br />P.O. BOX 1807
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68002
<br />
<br />i"I FOR" "ODIFIED 151 9-87
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