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<br />I <br /> <br />~::'. <br /> <br />'.~.'I'" <br />,,:~~::;. <br /> <br />,,:'. <br /> <br />88-- 101418 <br /> <br />ASSIGNMENT or HORTGAGE - Corporntion <br /> <br />KNOW ALL HEN DY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior Horlgog~, lne. 8 <br />Corporolion, lh~ porty of the [frot port, in conoid~rotion of On~ Dollar ond <br />othQr vnluobl~ eonoidQrolion, to it In hond paid by Colonial Centrol Savinge <br />Donk, rSIl, a Corporntion, the pnrly of the o!?cond port, at or belore the <br />enncoling ond delivery of theo!? prcuQnto, receipt yhereof ia hereby <br />ocknov ledgl'd, hoo gran ted, borgainQd, [laid, ausigned, transferred, and sel <br />over, ond, by lhcl]l' presents, doea grant, bargain, aell, asoign, tranoler, <br />tronaIerred, and oet over, unto the lJald party of the oecond porl, its <br />OUGc('aooru ond 0801gol1, Q certain INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Bearing date <br />of April 25 19 86 , 88 Document No. 86~I02026 1n the oftices <br />of REGISTER OF DEEDS, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ond made by RONALD L. SMITH AND SHARON K. SMITH, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />to, or currently ossigned to, Superior Hortgage, Inc. Bnd all its right, title <br />and Interesl to lhe premIses thereIn described, BS folloys, to-wIt: <br /> <br />Lor FOURTEEN (14), BISHOP HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />Togelher vilh the nole therein deacribed, and lhe money due or to become due <br />thereunder, including interest thereon, TO HAVE AUD TO HOLD th~ same unto the <br />said party of lhe second pert, ita successors and oaoigno forever, subject <br />only lo lhe provisiono of said INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE therein contained. <br /> <br />And the party of lhe firot pert does hereby make, conotitute ond eppoint the <br />soid porly of lh~ second part, ils true nnd lawful attorney, irrevocable, in <br />its nome, or olherwiElt', but Bt their own proplH' coalo and charges, to have, <br />use, ond toke 011 lawful ways and means for the recovel'y of the ssld ~oney Bnd <br />interesl, and, in CODe of payment, to diDch~rge the same 00 the part of the <br />[irot port might, or could do, if these presents were not made. <br /> <br />IN ~ITHESS WIIEREOF, Superior Hortgoge, Inc. a corporation of the State of <br />Nebrooka hao cauoed thio Assignment of Mortgage to be execuled by its Vier <br />President and attesled by itd Asst. Secretary Bnd its Corporate Seal to b. <br />hereun"lo _alfixed the 4TH day of DECEMBER in the year 1987 . <br /> <br />SUPERIOR nORTGAGE, IHC. <br />Y) I ( l <br />By: \~ (" ',.-/-CO <br />Roy Hofrichter.~ice Pr~sident <br /> <br />SlD~~ of Hebroako ) <br />) 99. <br />County of Hall ) <br /> <br /> <br />On lhe Date obove atated, before me, 8 Notary Public, duly commissioned <br />and qualified in and for soid County and State, Personally come the above <br />named noy Ilo[richt~r, Vice President and Karen G. Beilke, Assistant Secretary <br />of Superior Mortgage, Inc. who are personally known to me to be the Identical <br />peroono .hos~ namea ore affixed to the above aosignmenl of Mortgage as the <br />Vice Preoidenl and Aust. Secret.ry of soid Corporstion, Bnd they ackno~ledged <br />lh~ instrumenl lo be their voluntary act and de~d, and the voluntary act and <br />d..d of the Bald CorpDration. <br /> <br />WITNESS my <br /> <br /> <br />hand and officlal ...1, <br />r"., 'r.-;--~--'~"~...w.,. <br />, L~ :I_i) .,.; ~.I ,... ,_ ~ <br />A utKJ1N ...,T,,,.r-$,.,p '" . ."~...' <br />f <!:.,':'~~"^~ }'!Ul; ~";~~'" ,::":~ ' <br /> <br />in Grand Island, in said CDunty, the date <br /> <br />My co~~iooion e~pir~8: <br />Ret.urn tal <br /> <br />f C\ I ~\ ~ (\1,\\<'-(' (j'l N <br /> <br />Hot ry PUblic Dixie A, ~lcCord <br /> <br />CENTRAL MORfGAGE CORP. <br />F' . [) . DOX H3B7 <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 60802 <br /> <br />tI rOR~ HODIflED 151 9-67 <br />