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<br />88-101413
<br />
<br />AS5IGHHEHT OF HORTGAGE - Corporation
<br />
<br />1<110'11 ALl. NEil DY TIIESE PRESE/{TS, That SUfll!r1or Horlgnge, Inc. 0
<br />CorporolioJl, the porty of lhe iirol; port, in conolderollon of One Dollar and
<br />otlwr vIIlunble conuidt'rnllon, lo il in hond paid oy Colonial Cenlrol SavIng"
<br />Honk, PSO, a Corporotion, lha part.y oi lhe l1~cond porl, ol or before lhe
<br />ennenllnu nnd delIvery o[ lheae prl?llenlo, r('c{dpl "hereo! la heruby
<br />ncknovlcdgl?d, hOD grnnled, bnrgnined, aold, Doolgned, trnnoferred, and sel
<br />Qv!:'r, nnd, by theo!:' prl'oenlo, doea granl, bargain, nell, ooalgn, lrons[('r,
<br />lronaferrcd, and Del; over, unto lhe ooid porly o! lhe oecond part., ita
<br />"ucceaaora nnd oooigno, a certain INDENTURE or MORTGAGE, Dearing d8l~
<br />oI December 3D, 19 85 , Oil) Document number 85-006456 in lhe offices
<br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />nnd mode by Edward A. Meininger and Carmen A. Meininger, husband and wife,
<br />to, or currently osoigned to, Sup.rior nortgoge, Inc. and III its right, till.
<br />end interest to the premises th.rein described, 8S follows, to.wit:
<br />
<br />Lot forty-one (41), in Western HeighS~"~bird Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />TogeLher yiLh the noll:' therein deacribetl, nnd lhe money due or lo become dut'
<br />lhl'rl'unuer, including inlereol th(!reon, TO IlhVE AllD TO 1I0LD lhe oom(! unlo lhe
<br />onid plJrly of the Decond porl, ito aucct'nooro ond ooolgnu Iorever. oUbJl'ct
<br />only lo lht' proviaiono oi aoid I1fDEUTunE Of NORTGAGE then'in conloined.
<br />
<br />And lhe porly of the Iiral port doeD Jlereby make, conotllute ond appoinl the
<br />nold porly of lhl! ot'com{ port.. ila lrue and low!ul ollorney, lrrl!vocable, in
<br />iln nome, or olhervice, bul at their ovn prop!!'r coolo ond chargeo, to have,
<br />Voe, ond loke 011 10...1u1 woyo nnd menns lor the recovery of the Doid money and
<br />inlereot, nnd, 1n coDe of poymenl, to diochorge the DOllie DO the part of the
<br />.liTOl port mighl, or could do, if lheoe presl:'nlo vere nol mode.
<br />
<br />III WITlIESS WIIEnEOF, Superior }forlgoge, Inc. 0 corparollon of. lhe Slate of
<br />HebroPKo haD eouDed thin Assignment o! Horlgnge to be execuled by its Vice
<br />Preoldent and attealed by it. A..t. Secretary and ils Corporale Seal to be
<br />hereunto aE11xed th.. 4th day of December 1n the year 1987
<br />
<br />Slale.a! Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />'-) / / /
<br />Sy I t"'7 (lG-;{' ~
<br />Roy Ito ~idhter,
<br />
<br />os.
<br />
<br />
<br />County' of 11011
<br />
<br />On lhe Dole above alaled, belore me, 0 Ilolnry Public, duly commiaDion~d
<br />nnd qunllfied in nnd for aaid County Dnd Slole, Pernonally come the obove
<br />nnmed !loy 1I0rrichter, Vice Prcsident ~nd l(.ncn G, ncilke, ^ssistnnt Sccrct:lry
<br />oC SuperIor Horlgoge, Inc. vho ore personally known to me to be tht' idenllcol
<br />peTDono whooe nomeo nre affixed to the above ooalgnmanl oI Morlgage.8D the
<br />Vic~ PreDld~nl Dnd AOGl. Secrelary DE Dold Corporalion, bnd they acknowledged
<br />the 1nalrunvnl la be their voluntary eet and deed, end the volunlary .cl and
<br />deed a! the .aid Corporation.
<br />
<br />"I TNESS "', ".~~~nd end oEfial.1 ...1,
<br />.lon..id. r j. (,i'f';"; ,!.,.",...:~"~~'~"''''",",~
<br />I,. .."~, ,..'J"-'ll-:ll.tl ot f1r.{If.<1h '
<br />I "',.,-.>{';.c';,..,.~ I' {.'~?,I~ .:t. McCORD I
<br />,~..:::~~~,:';lr;t ['~,.S!jlt 1ft 1M..? ~
<br />T .~",___-4!
<br />"y cD~~18.1on expireu=
<br />R.turn 101
<br />
<br />In Grand Island, 1n BDid County, the date
<br />
<br />?-CJ~ ' 0 /Yi (C~ <f)
<br />H hr)' Public Dixie II:. cl:ord
<br />
<br />P.O. DOX 1.887
<br />rn~AND ISLAND, HE 68802
<br />
<br />"I fORn }fODIfIED 151 9-87
<br />