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<br />I <br /> <br />.:::~ <br /> <br />'.' <br /> <br />.t.::~ <br /> <br />j!~I- <br />:~::~.:I <br />;':~~" <br /> <br />........ <br /> <br />., <br />.~.... <br />:~:(. . <br /> <br />" <br />~..: <br /> <br />.. <br />..~:~ <br /> <br />88--101407 <br /> <br />ASSIGNMENT or "ORIGAGE - Corporation <br /> <br /> <br />KilO\( ALL NEil DY TIIESE PRESENTS, Th[]L Superior Hortgtlgp., Inc. 0 <br />Corporul!ofl, thl' porty of thl? tirot port, in Gonoldcrol!on of One Dollor ond <br />other \'1l1unbll.' cono.1dl'ro lion, to it in hnnd pnid by Golonial Central SovlnqlJ <br />Ilank, F50, [] Corpora lion, lh~ porty of the [weont! port, at or belore the <br />l'nn~nl1ng nnd delivery ot lheoe preoantn, receipt vhereoI io hereby <br />ne kr.o v ledged, liD 0 9 rnn ted, bnrgoined, Dol d, 000 ign('d, tronvlerred, Gnd st't <br />over, ontl. by theDl' prt'Dento, doeo gront, borgoln, ot'11, ooolgn, lrono[er, <br />trono!erred, nnd oet over~ unto the oold party ot lhe necond part, ila <br />oucceuaoro nnd Duuigno, 0 certain INDENTURE or HORTGAGE, Dearing dale <br />ol April 21. 1987, 80 Document number 87-102315 1n the ofIlcee <br />ol the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />ond made by the Douglas R. Mendyk and Barbara S. Mendyk, husband and wife <br />lo, or currently ogDigned lo, Sup.rior norlgage, Inc. and all its right, iill. <br />Ind inleresl lo lhe pre~16e8th.rein described, UB follows, lo.wit; <br /> <br />Lot four (4). in Block eighteen'U~),_'--S~hin1mer's Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island. Hall County, Nebraska. ,.,0-: <br /> <br />Tog e l he r v il h the no tl' lheJ"~ln deacr i bed. nOlI lhe money due or to heco"'l? due <br />tht'J"eundcr. including inll.'J"l?ol thereon. TO HAVE: MID TO 1l0LD lhe DOIll!? unto the <br />oold party of thl.' occond port, it.o ouccl?lJoaro nnd Dooignu forever, Dubject <br />only to the provloluno at onid INDE'fTUnE Of MORTGAGE: lherein contoined. <br /> <br />And the porty af the flrot. porl deeo JJ[~reby llIokt', conotllute and appoint the <br />lJold porty oC lilt' ol?con~ pori, ilo true and lawful ot.lorney, irrevocable, in <br />ila no III I:' , or olher'odoe, but at their o"n proper coulu ond chargeD, t.o have, <br />UDe, Dnd loke all lawful woyo nnd menns lor the recovery of the Daid "cney end <br />inlt'rl?nl. ond, in enoL" oL plJyment, t':J diuchorge the oOllle aD the pllrt of lhe <br />ftrol porl llIight, or could do, il theD!? preBenln yere nul mode. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS W"EREO~ Superior nortgage, Inc. 8 corporat.ion 01 lhe State 01 <br />Hebrooka. hOD' cDUDed lhio Asoignment oL Morlgage to be executed by il. Vice <br />PreDidenl ~nd .It..ted by it. A..t. Secrelary and ita Corporate Seal to bw <br />h.r.un~o .llix~d th~ 4th day of December in th~ year 1987 ' <br /> <br />St~t~ of NebrDska J <br />J os. <br />County oL 1101_', , <br /> <br />SUPERIOR nORTGAGE, INC. <br /> <br />r-] (!J- <br />By: ) 7 (';}-1-(~ <br />Roy 1I0frichtei" \ Vic~ Pr~sident <br />--' <br /> <br /> <br />On the Dole obove alated, belore ml!, n lIotnry Public, duly commingio-oed <br />nnu qunlifi~d in ond for aaid County ond Slot~, peroonolly come lhe above <br />nnllll;'d !toy lIoCrichter. Vice President ond Koren G. Deilke. ^ssist~nt St:'ct'et,]rj' <br />of Superior Horlg~g~, Inc. yho are perBonolly known to me to be the identical <br />pernona whaae nomeD ore al!ixed lo lh~ above aDoignmenl oI Morlgoge.Do lhe <br />Vic~ rreoident and ADst. Secretary ot Beid Corporation, ond t.hey .ckno_ledged <br />the in.lru~.nt to be their voluntary act Dnd deed, and the voluntery acl end <br />deed ot lhe .Did Corporalion. <br /> <br />WITNESS _, end oll1ei.l ...1, 1n Grand Island, 1n .aid Counly, the' del. <br />.lor~.ald. ~GfKfFAi.~T"'~t':::=-I".'~ ..~. <br />'.f" ,",~h t.o. ,"'''.;.I'!'t",: f <br />. DOm: k {,~[Ci";Cr~' - <br />- "-".: My CtIi'J:l up, Srpt If!.< o;f"~; } <br />. ~ <br /> <br /> <br />"1 co..i..lon eMpIre.1 <br />R.lurn t.OI <br /> <br />CENTRAL MORTGAGE CORP. <br />P.O. BOX 1887 <br />GHANI) ISLANlI, NE 60B02. <br /> <br />(1 FORn nODI FlED 151 9-a7 <br />