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<br /> <br />.., <br /> <br /> <br />~- <br /> <br />.......,' <br />......... <br />..~.:.. <br />.t~' <br />.:...: <br /> <br />,.z.'. <br />,':'~';': <br /> <br />'~f~r <br />:."'." <br />.-: <br /> <br />:'~.'.. <br />.....:., <br />','-I <br /> <br />~.: <br /> <br />.i::. <br />;}. <br /> <br />'" <br />, .' <br /> <br />88-101405 <br /> <br />A5SIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE - C~rporollon <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN O~ THESE PRESENTS, Thal Sup~rlor Morlgoge, Inc. 0 <br />Curporlll1oll, lha pnrl.y of thl' firol porl, in conoidl'rlll1on of Onl' Dollor nnd <br />ollll'r \'1I1uoble conold~rnlion, to it in hond pllid by Coloniol Cenlral SavJng!1 <br />/Jonk, fSO, 0 Corporlllion, thl? pnrt.y of lhe lwcoml parl, ol or before lhe <br />onnanl JlltJ nnd ddivery oI thene prenenLlJ, receipl vherl'oC 10 liert>by <br />ncknovlcdgeu, hila grnnled, borgoined, oold, oODigned, lronoIerred, ond sel <br />OVQr, ond, lJy lheDe pr('uento, doeo gront., borgnln, nell, ooolgn, tronsI!?r, <br />lronoIerred, ond oet over, unto the ooid party of the ~econd pert, ila <br />Ducceooora ond oooigno, 0 certain INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Dearing dale <br />of Apri 1 25, 19 86 , 8S Document numbe r 86-102048 j,o lh. oIfices <br />ot the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />ond mad~ by Kerry S. Mehlin, a single person, and Teresa L. Headley, a single person, <br />to, or currently ooaigned lo, Superior tlortgoge, Inc. and all its right, titl. <br />and interest to the pre~ises therein described, 8S follows, lo-Yilt <br /> <br />Lon nine (9). in Blo~k three (3~.,.,in sehihmer1 s Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island. Hall County, Nebraska. .' "Y",-' <br /> <br />Tagt'lhr.'r vilh lilt' nole therl?!n deocribed, nnd lht' money dUl? or lo becoml? dUl? <br />lht'rt'vndl'r, including inlt'reol lherl?an, TO \lAVE MID TO 1I0LD lht' 1I0mt' unlo the <br />00 ld . porty o! llll? Decond pllrt, ilo DUCCt'onora IInd oDo!gnu !ort'ver, Dubjecl <br />only to lht' provioiono at oold IHDEHTUm: Of ttORT[j^[jE lherein contained. <br /> <br />And lIlt' porly of thl? ffrot port doen hl!reby mokt', conotllule ond oppoinl the <br />"old pnrly of thl? Decond porl, ila true ond lowlul otlorney, Irrevocable, in <br />iln nn",t', or olJu:rvlol?, but ot their own proper coolo and chorgeD, to haye-, <br />uUt', and lokt' 011 lGv!ul woya Dnd means for the recovery of the oaid ~oney and <br />lnlt'rt'nl, ond, In cont' of poymenl, to dincharge lhe nome 00 lhe part of the <br />tirol parl mIght, or could do, if theae presenlo were not. mode. <br /> <br />III WIT/lESS W\lEREOf, Superior tlorlgoge, Inc. a corpora lion of lhe St.ate oC <br />Uebrooko haD couoed thia Auslgnment of tlorlgoge to be executed by it. Vice <br />Prlrllident ond allelll.d by il. A..t. and Its Corporate S..l t.o b. <br />h,r~unlo alllxed th. 4th day 01. December J.n the year 1987 . <br /> <br />SUPERIOR KORTGAGE, INC. <br />~-, (/' <br />), I / /' <br />\ 1 (t,.r(-p <br /> <br />Sl8l~ 01 Nebfusk8 ) <br />\.' ) <br />County o~, lIall ) <br /> <br />By: <br />Roy <br /> <br />President <br /> <br />DS, <br /> <br /> <br />On lhe Dulr. nbove oloted,' betora m!?, n lIolary Public, duly comllllooionl!d <br />nod"'.qunUIled 1n nnd lor ouid Count.y.ond SlolL', raroonally Come the above <br />'nnw\,L'd.'ltoy lIoCdchter. Vice President Dnd K:aen G. Dcilkc, Assistant Secretary <br />.dl Su~erJor Hor~gag!?, Inc. who ore pl?r~onolly known to mt' to bt' the idenlIcal <br />._pll'roona whooe nomeo nre affixed to lhe oboYl? oooignmlPnl of ttorlgoge aD lhe <br />Vlcll" rreo1dl!nl ond ASllt. Secretary of lIaid Corporation, ond they .ckno~l.dged <br />lh~ ,inatru~enl to bv lheir voluntary .ct and deed, .nd the voluntary act .nd <br />d.edol lh~ 80ld Corporation. <br /> <br />~ITHESS ~r h.nd and 011101.1 ...1, In Grand Island, in County, lh.'dat. <br />.lor...ld. f~-~~~ <br />~ Hlfff'l'[ ilOTAnY.51alt III MElirasbf <br />~~ I DIXIE A. MeCORD J <br />L~~ My CoIrJiL bjl. Stpt 10. 1009 <br />"1 ca..i..lon .xpi~..: - <br />A.tourn tal <br /> <br /> <br />CENTRAL . MOFnGAGE CORP. <br />P.O. BOX 1887 <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 <br /> <br />:KI FORK If Ol>l f"I ED 1:51 9-87 <br /> <br />".',," <br />':~~:.::;: <br />,~'.... f . <br />:;:;:} <br />/\::[: <br /> <br />.:~.?; <br /> <br /> <br />