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<br />ASSIGNHENT or MORTGAGE - Corporollon
<br />
<br />KIlOW ALL NEll DY TIIESE PRESENTS, Thot Supt'r1or Horlgngl?, Inc. 0
<br />CorporDlloll, lht> porly o! the firat porl, in conolt1t'rul1on a! One 001101" and
<br />ollll:'r VII lunule conolur;>rl1l1on, to il:. in hond poiu by GolonJ.nl CenlrDl SDvJ.ngo
<br />!Jonk, F"SO, (] Corporol1on, lha porly oI lhe Decond porl, ol or belore lht'
<br />cnnl:'nlJnu ond dt'llvery o! lhene prt'ol?nln, rece!pl:. vhort'oC !a ht'reby
<br />ncknovlt'df/l?u, hoD !Jronted, I.1nrgoinad, aald, ooolgned, tronolerred, ond Bel
<br />over, nnd, l.Jy lhlH)e prt'oenlt1, dot-a gronl, borgoln, (leI!, DDo!gn, lronoler,
<br />lronoft'rrctl, ond oal OVl?r, unto the aoid porly of lhe oecond port, ilu
<br />IJUCCl?aaoro and Daolgna, 0 certain INDENTURE OF HORTGAGE:,' DeDd.ng dele
<br />of October 21, 19 86 , aD Document number 86-106041 in lhe oIUces
<br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />ond made by Paul A. Meyer and Lynette A. Meyer, husband and wife.
<br />la, or currently oooigned to, Supvrior Horlgoge, Inc. ond ell its right, title
<br />end interest lo lhe premises therein described, os follows, to.wil:
<br />
<br />Lot thirty-one (3 i), Block five' ,('~J:,A1?<Morris Th ird Addit ion to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska~r-
<br />
<br />Togulher villi the nole lherein deDcribell, nnu lhl? /noney due or lo beco/nt' dut'
<br />lhereunder, includlng inleTt'al lhereon, TO IIAn: AllD TO 1I0LD the DOllie unt.o thl"
<br />aRid parly of lhl? ol?cant! port, ita OUCcenoorD nnd Dooignu forever, oubJect
<br />only to lhe pravioiono of aoid IHDE/(TURE OF NOI1TGAGE lherein conlDined.
<br />
<br />And lht' porly of lhl? iirat port: deeo hereby makl", conalltule ond appoinl lhe
<br />nnid pnrly of the Dl'cond port., ita lrue and loyful otlorney, Irrevocable, in
<br />ila nnmt', or olhervJ.ol?, but ot. tht'lr ovn propt'r coolo and chargeD, t.o hoye,
<br />UDt', olld lokl? 011 lovful vnro ond means lor the recovery of the Doid money and
<br />intcrcol, ond, in CODC' oL payment, t.o diDchDrge thl? DOmll' no the port. of the
<br />lirot port mIght, or could do, if thene preaent.n ~ere not mode.
<br />
<br />III WITIIESS WIIE:nEOF", Superior Mortgage, Inc. 0 corpora lion of the stote of
<br />Ilt'brooka hOD eDuDed thin Aoolgnment. oL Morlgoge t.o be executt'd by its Vic~
<br />Preoident and otleDtvd by itu A..t. S.cretory And itD Corporale SRal to b.
<br />hereunlo aLI.hed lhe 4 th day of December in the yelr 19 87 .
<br />
<br />..
<br />
<br />,~
<br />
<br />e ( ~,.'~
<br />{\ ( l
<br />By J ,,~) \ Or y-,
<br />Roy 1I0frichter. v!icc President
<br />
<br />~.
<br />5 to teo.fd{et>rooka
<br />
<br />00.
<br />
<br />
<br />County 01..- 11011
<br />
<br />On llle Dol~ nbove [)loted~ beL ore m~, n flolary Public, duly cammlooloncd
<br />nnd qunll!ll?u In ond lor Doid Counly ond Slote. Pernonally coma the obove
<br />nn,ml'd Hoy lIoCricl~ter. Vice President <lnd K<lt"cn G. ncilkc. ^ssistant Sccret<lry
<br />of Superior Kortgnge. Inc. vho ore peruonally knovn to me to be lht' idenlicol
<br />parDonn whane nameD ore affixed to the above DooJ.gnmenl oE KorlgDge OD the
<br />VicC' Praoidanl and ^Dol. Secretary o! Doid Corporat.ion, Dnd they bckna~ledged
<br />th~ inotrument to be their voluntary acl nnd deed, and th~ voluntary Bct Bnd
<br />deed ot the Boid Corporot:ion.
<br />
<br />WITHESS lilY
<br />.lor..aid.
<br />
<br />hand
<br />
<br />and o!!lo1cl ...1, 1n Grand Islnnd, in .ald County, th~ dat.
<br />
<br />~ GfNEMl NOTARY-Slat! 0' tw.-..L
<br />. s,\ DOCIe A'" -.rD'
<br />"""Jt.;~"2l 1.1' C . "'CCOR~
<br />"v COllllI\lonion~.'.ipi: ~ om~ fx~ Stpt 11l19fl1
<br />A_lurn lOI
<br />
<br />N \o~A:.QI~i~~C ~d
<br />
<br />P.o. ({DX :t8B7
<br />GRAND ISLAND1 NE 68802
<br />
<br />1I rORn "ODIFIED 151 9-07
<br />