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<br />88- 1Q1868 <br /> <br />ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE - Corporntion <br /> <br />KNOW ALL HEN DY THESE PRESENTS, Thnt Superior Hortgnge, Inc. II <br />Corporo lion, till? porty of lhe firot. port, in conoideI'o lion of One Dollar and <br />other voluable conoiderotion, to it. in hond paid by Colunicl Central Savingo <br />Bank, fSD, 0 Gorporolion, thl? party of the second port, ot or before the <br />cnucoling nnd dplivery of thene preoenta, receipt vhereof io hereby <br />ocknov ledged, hoo gran ted, bnrgained, aold, oooigned, transferred, and Bet <br />over, nnd, by theoe prt'uentu, does gran t, bargain, Dell, oooi9n, transfer, <br />lranoferred, and aet over, unto the Boid party of the 'second part, ita <br />oucceBBora bnd Boalgna, 0 certain INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Bearing date <br />of June 8, 1987, DB Document number 87-103389 in the of!1ceB <br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />nnd made by Edward E. Marshall and Karen J. Marshall, husband and wife, <br />to, or currently osaigned to, Superior Hortgage, Inc. and all ita right, title <br />ond inlereot to the premisea therein dencribed, os follows, tOtiwit: <br /> <br />Lot sixteen (16), in Block one (1), in Knickrehm Fourth Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Together with the nole therein described, cnd the money due or lo become due <br />thereunder, including tntereat thereon, TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD the [Jame unt.o the <br />Bold porty of the oecond part, ita 8ucceOBoro nnd oooigna forever, oubject <br />only to lhe provioions of soid IHDENTUR8 or MORTGAGE therein contained. <br /> <br />And llll? porty of the firet port doen hereby make, conatitute and oppolnt lhe <br />[laid porly of lhe oeconc1 part, ita true and lOllful ot.torney, irrevocable, in <br />i to nnme, or olherv iDe, but at their oYn proper coot.a nnd chargee, to have, <br />ua!?, and lake nIl loyful yoya nnd means for the recovery of the aaid money and <br />inlereot, and, in caae 0;[ payment, to dinchorge the nome DO the port of the <br />lirat part might, or could do, 1f these presenta Vere not mode. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, Superior Hortgoge, Inc. a corporation of the Stole of <br />HebraBka hOB caused this ABdignment of Mortgage to be o~eculed by itn Vice <br />President and attested by its Asst. Secretory and ita Corpor9l~ Seal to b. <br />hereunto affixed the 30th day of November in th~ year 1987 . <br /> <br />..-1....; '.."_, <br />./ ."'- <br /> <br />SUPERIOR HORTOAOE, INC. <br /> <br />t~.'r ~ n ~~ f\ <br />Stute ~! Nebraska <br /> <br />~ o. ~.. _... }'_'.~ ;~: .,:0;- <br /> <br />.''\L" f-."',' <br /> <br />BYI <br />Roy <br /> <br />/ ) <br />( ),1 <\ ,I:_-JC, <br />Hofrichter, Vioe President <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />A-- <br /> <br />ss. <br /> <br /> <br />'County of 11911 <br /> <br />~7:~. <br /> <br />On lhe Dole nbove atated, belore me, n Holary Public, duly commla8ioned <br />nnd qunlified in nnd lor oald County nnd State, Personally Come lhe obove <br />nomed Roy Ilofric~ter. Vice President and Karen G. neilke. Assistant Secretary <br />of Superior Mortgage, Inc. yho ore peraonolly knolln to me to be the identical <br />pereons -hoBe nomen ere affi~ed to the above oosignment of Horlgage 00 lhe <br />Vice Preoident nnd ASAt. Secretory 0;[ Baid Corporotion, ond they ockno~ledged <br />the instrument to be their voluntary oct nnd deed, and the voluntary oct and <br />deed of the sald Corporation. <br /> <br />WITNESS my <br />e!oresaid. <br /> <br />1~)~'i'i~~;;a~!1~~~,~;;~~ <br /> <br />i ;:i1.i.::~~..,.~~~_..~_:.~,,:....~,..',~.,".'~,." . '.< " { <br />t..,~_" ~ '~~~ _ .,._...~. ..:,.2;:.r <br /> <br />in Grand Island, 1n said County, th~ date <br /> <br />Hy commission expireo: <br />Ret.urn to: <br /> <br />CENTI:;:AL MCII;:TUAGE Cmi:p. <br />P.O. BOX lO~rl <br />GI-':AND 1 SLAt~ [I f NE 6B00:2 <br /> <br />iNI fORM XODIFIED 151 9-07 <br />