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<br />".1.-11
<br />
<br />88- .101365
<br />
<br />ASS I G H " E N T
<br />
<br />o F
<br />
<br />T R U S T
<br />
<br />DEE D
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL "EN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior nortgage, Inc. B Corporation,
<br />the party ofl the first part, in considerction of One paller and other valuable
<br />conoid9ration, 7 to it in hmnd paid by Colonial Central Savings Bank, FSB, a
<br />Corporation, the party of the second port, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
<br />hao granted, asolgned, Bnd transferred, and, by these presents, does grant,
<br />sBoign, end transfer unto the party of the second pBrt, its successors and
<br />assigns, B c9rtoin Trust Deed, wh.rein the said Superior Kortgsge, Inc. 1s current
<br />beneficiary, ~y LEE vcx;r AND M\RJORIE F. Vcx:;r, HUSMND AND WIFE
<br />
<br />is Trustor, Dnd JOSEPH H. BAIW1I is Trustel!, which
<br />Trust Deed 1/08 dated the 15th day of April , 19 87 , and recorded
<br />thIP 15th dllY of April , 19 87 ~ 8S DoCUIeflt No. 87-102094 in the offices
<br />of Register of Deeds Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />HML County, NEB~ , and all its right, title and interest
<br />to the property therein described, .. follows, to witl
<br />The Easterly Sixty One (61) Feet of the Westerly Seventy Seven (77) Feet of Lot Nine (9), Block
<br />One (I), in Westerhoff's First Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Said Deed of Trust initially made to FIRSr FEIERAL SAVINGS AND 1..A}\N ASSOCIATICN OF LlNCXl.N and assigned
<br />to Superior l1:Jrtgage, Inc. by an Assigrm=nt of Deed of Trust dated April 20,1987 and filed in
<br />Doc. (I 87-103859 on June 29, 1987 in the Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with the promissory note thIPrein described, and the .oney due or to
<br />become due thereunder, including interest thereon, subject only to the provisions
<br />of said Trust DeIPd therein contain.d.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Superior "artgag., Inc. a corporation, has caused this
<br />ASRignment of Trust DeIPd to be exeouted by its Vice President, and .ttIPeted by it.
<br />A.st. Secretery, and it. corporate ..al to bIP hereunto affixed this 25th day
<br />of N:Jlm1BER , 1987
<br />
<br />
<br />) 881
<br />
<br />
<br />.--...,
<br />,
<br />
<br />On this date above stated, b.forlP ~ef a Notary Public duly co..iseioned and
<br />qualified in and for said county and .tatIP, personally caMe the abovlP na.ed
<br />Roy Hofrichter, Vice President and Karen G. Beilke, Assistant Secretary
<br />of Superior Kortgage, Inc. who are pIPrsonally known to me to be the identical
<br />persono whose naMes are affixed to the obove Assignment of Trust Deed .. the Vice
<br />President and A.st. SIPcretary of .ald cor-paration, and they acknowledge thIP
<br />instrument to be thwir voluntary act and d..d and the voluntary act and d..d of
<br />.aid Corporation.
<br />
<br />WITNESS .Y hand and official ..al, at Grand Island, HE., in ..id county, the
<br />~_...- ~I_____,j-A ..
<br />U.~l!l' ..I.lJIIrIl!'BI'I.,LU. ,
<br />My co..i..lon EXPIJ;;;;GE!iU'J~~?~",,~,"'~'~7~~~'7:":'~:' "'~.
<br />l::~:i:~"t~:;,. .
<br />
<br />">-< -'.--'''.-"'l'':,-,, ~~,,~_'" ~
<br />
<br />
<br />Return tOI
<br />
<br />P.O. BOX 1.807
<br />f1ft:ANV lSLANlI, NL bUBO:';;'
<br />
<br />SKI rOR" nODIFIED 150 6-87
<br />