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<br />.' <br /> <br />..;\ <br /> <br />88- 101364 <br /> <br />ASSIGNHENT OF HORTGAGE - Corporolion <br /> <br />IWOW ALL MEn IlY THESE PRESENTS, Thot Superior Hortgnge, Inc. 0 <br />Corporotion, lh~ porty of the firat port, in conold~rotion ol On~ Dollar and <br />ollll?r valuoble conaiderotion, to it in hand poid by Coloniol Centrol Savingo <br />Oonl(, rsn, a Gorpornlion, the porty ol the (J,'?cond port, at or belore the <br />enocollng and delivery ol th~ou prcnento, receipt vhereo! io hereby <br />ocknov ledgt>d, hOEl granted, borgoinC'd, Elold, oElsigned, transferred, and set <br />over, and, by lheo(> presE?ntu, doe a gronl, bnrgoin, (Jell, osaign, tronafer, <br />lranulerred, Bnd oet over, unto the uoid porty of the oecond part, its <br />uucceooora nnd osoignu, Q certoin INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Bearing date <br />of May 18 19 87 t aa Document n 87-102882 in the offices <br />of Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska <br />and madE? by Robert P. and Lynne A. Ortlieb, husband and wife <br />to, or currently assigned to, Superior Mortgage, Inc. and all its right, tille <br />and interest to the premises therein described, DB lo1loyo, lo-wit: <br /> <br />Lot one and Lot two, except the Easterly 52.8' thereof, Husman'a Subdivision, an <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Together vilh the nole therein described, ond lhe money due or lo becom~ due <br />thereunder, inclUding interest thereon, TO HAVE AlIO TO "OLD the [Jome unto the <br />soid porly of the second port, its succeODora nnd aBnignD forever, subject <br />only lo lhe provioionD of soid INDENTURE or MORTGAGE lherein contoined. <br /> <br />And the Ilarty oC lhe first port does hereby moke, conatitute ond oppoinl the <br />anid parly of the oecond port, ita true and lavful ottorney, irrevocable, in <br />ita nome, or olhervioe, but ot their oYn proper costo ond chBrgeo, to have, <br />une, nnd toke 011 loYful yays and means for the recovery of the Boid money Bnd <br />intereot, ond, in COOl' of payment, to diochnrge lhe nome OB the part of the <br />first port might, or could do, if these presents were not mede. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOf', Superior Mortgage, Inc. a corporation of the Slate of <br />Uebraoko hOB cBused this Aosignment of Mortgoge to be executed by its Vice <br />Preoid~nt and attested by its Asst. Secretory and its Corporate Se81 to be <br />hereunlo~L!ixed the 24th day of November in the year 19 87 . <br /> <br />Slate of Nebraska <br /> <br />SUPERIOR t10RTGAGE, INC. <br />'-, ( /(- <br />i ) (( I.'.' ~ <br />8y: \ 1/ I ,,\_~., ..... <br />Roy Hofricht~r, ce Pres ideM <br />, '0 <br /> <br />Count yo! Hall <br /> <br />( <br />AlteetT <br />Karen G. <br /> <br /> <br />ss. <br /> <br />i <br />On lhe Dale obove atated, belore me, 0 Hotary Public, duly commiooloned <br />ond quolified in Dnd lor oaid County ond Slate, Personally came lhe obuve <br />nomed Hoy Ilo[ricl~tCt"1 Vice President nnd Karen G. Beilke, ^ssistant Secretary <br />of Superior ~ortgage, Inc. who ore peroonally knovn to me to be the idenlical <br />persons whose nameD Dre affixed to lhe above oooignmenl of Korlgage. as lhe <br />Vice Preoidenl ond Aout. Secretory of sold Corporolion, and they acknowledged <br />the instrument to be their volunlary oct and deed, and the voluntary Bct and <br />deed of lhe said Corporation. <br /> <br />WITHESS illY <br />gioresnid. <br /> <br />hond and official seal, in Grand Island, in aaid County, the dale <br /> <br />[~1~~~r~~~~1~:;~ <br /> <br /> <br />My commloo!on expireo: <br />Return lo' <br /> <br />L~\ ~U {i '-"(ry- C .11ft & <br /> <br />eta y Public Dixie J\. l'IcCord <br /> <br />CENTRAL MORTGAGE CORP, <br />P.O. BOX lBU" <br />GH{ltW I St3'1ND, fJL (,l3t30:.! <br /> <br />JMI f'ORH HODlfIED 151 9-D7 <br />