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<br />.;. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />..:, <br /> <br />,.. <br /> <br />88-101358 <br /> <br />ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE - Corporation <br /> <br />KIlO"" ALL HEH DY TIfESE PRESENTS, Thnt Sup!?r lor Mortgage, Inc. a <br />Corporol1on, the porty of t.he firot port., in conoidl'1"ulion of Ont' Dollar and <br />oUlI?r vnluoble con[]idernt.ion, t.o it in hand paid by Coloniol Central Savings <br />IJnnk, rsn, 11 Corpornl1on, t.he port.y of thl? (Il'cond port, ol or beiore the <br />enncnllng nnd delivery of t.hese prenentll, receipt vhereof ill hereby <br />ocknovledyed, hOD granted, bargaint'd, fJcld, nooigned, tranoIerred, Bnd Bet <br />ovt'r, and, by tht'lle present.a, doeo grant., bargain, oell, oooign, transfer, <br />l rnn(]ferr~d, and Det over, unto the Boid party of the oecond port, i t.o <br />llucceooora nnd aBuigna, a certoin INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Bearing date <br />of November 26 19 86, ss Document /I 86-106860 in the o!!ices <br />of Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska <br />and made by Robert N. and Cindy M. Olsen, husband and wife <br />to, or currently aoaigned to, Superior Hortgage, Inc. and all ita right, title <br />and inlereat t.o the premises therein described, DB follova, to-vitI <br /> <br />The Easterly 211 of Lot 29 and the Westerly 28' fo Lot 30, in Buenavista <br />Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Together vilh lhe nole lherein described, and lhe money due or lo become due <br />thereunder, including intereat thereon, TO "AVE AIlD TO HOLD the Beme unto the <br />Bald porly of lhe oecood port, ila succeBooro and aoolgno forever, subject <br />only to lhe proviolono of naid INDEIlTURE OF MORTGAGE therein conloined. <br /> <br />And lhe party of llle [irat part doen hereby make, conatitute ond appoint lhe <br />ooid party of lhe oecond part, ita true [lnd lawful attorney, irrevocable, in <br />ila nome, or otherv iDe, but at their oYn proper conto and chargea, to hove, <br />uoe, nnd loke nll lav!ul vays and means for the recovery 01 the said money and <br />lntereot, and, in ClllJe of payment, to diacharge the nome as lhe part of t.he <br />first part might, or could do, if theBe presents vere not mode. <br /> <br />IH ""1THE55 WHEREOf, Superior tfortgage, Inc. a corporoUon of the State of <br />lIebrnnka haa caused lhi~ Assignment of Mortgoge to be executed by ita Vice <br />President. ;ond atteated by its ABot. Secretory and its Corporate Seal to be <br />.hereunto affixed the 24th day of November in the year 19 87. <br /> <br />state 01 Nebraska <br /> <br />SUPERIQR nORTGAGE, INC. <br />) (,' r. <br />/ . i i ( <br />By: . ) f ti---~).~ '-Ci <br />Roy Hofric~ter, ~jce President <br /> <br />BO. <br /> <br /> <br />t <br />/ <br /> <br />County of Hall <br /> <br />On t.he Dat.e above Blated, before me, a Nolory PUblic, duly commissioned <br />nnd qunlified in nnd ior Baid County and State, Personally came the above <br />nomed Roy lIofrichter, Vice President and Karen G. Beilke, ^ssistallt Secretary <br />of Superior Mortgage, Inc. who are personally knovn to me to be the identical <br />persona whose nameo nre affixed to the obove ossignment of Mortgage. os lhe <br />Vice Preoident and Anat. Secretary of said Corporation, nnd they Bcknovledged <br />the inatrument to be their voluntary acl and deed, and the voluntary act nnd <br />deed of the soid Corporation. <br /> <br />WITNESS f hond and official Boal, <br />af oreaR 1 d -v-"='~::",r__",,___...._<.....~. <br />, ~ GE~rF.AJ. Ib'JJMY-$fatt t;/ ~ttlf,ISt;3 a <br />1- ~""'- I D!XIf: A. McCORD I <br />,- ._-:....,;'cli Jl.' 5 \, - -f 4 ~ <br />-;>...,,- .} Co..ll. h~ Se';!c 1ll. IV] f <br />"'~~-"'.">rr..-.s..u-""-....K'".'''lo~-'''-DI,;'W.~40~:_'''._! <br /> <br />ny commiBoion expires: <br />Return tOI <br /> <br />in Grand Island, in soid County# the date <br /> <br /> <br />CENTRAL Mor';:TG(~GL Cm<F'. <br />P.O. BOX 18Bl <br />Oh:Ar-JlJ IntAIHJ / Nt. f..BHO::.' <br /> <br />MI FOHN HOD1Flr.O 151 9-07 <br />