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<br />....' <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />88- 10135.3 <br /> <br />I:..... <br />...., <br /> <br />~.' .r, <br />\:;\ <br />':~~~/" <br /> <br />,,' <br />..':- <br /> <br />.>? <br /> <br />^S5IGNH~NT OF HORTGAGE - Corpornlion <br /> <br />1<110'01' All. HEN OY THESE PRESEllTS, Tho l Supl?rlor Morlgnge, Inc. 0 <br />Corporlll1on, lht' porLy ol lhe lirol: porl, !n conoidl'rlltlon of One Dollar ond <br />olll(~r v,llunblt' conu!ul?rnl1on, lo it in hontl paid by Colonini Cl'nlroi <br />/Jonk, rsu, 0 Corflorlll!on, lha porly of lhe D('conc.l porl, aL or before the <br />~nncnllJ1g nnd delivery or lhl'O[? prenenlu, receIpt vhareo! io hl'reby <br />ncknovledHC'c.l, hoo grnnlcd, llnrgoineu, Dold, Dmdgned, lrono!erred, nod oet <br />over, nnd, oy lheot' prl'oento, doeD gronl, bargain, (lell, aOllign, tronoler, <br />tronalerred, and oct over, unto the ooid porty of the aecond part, ila <br />oucceooora and 0001900, 0 certoin INDENTURE OF HORTGAGE, Dearing dale <br />of June 30, 1986 DB Document number 86-104307 in the o!Hces <br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />nnd made by Eunice J. McCarty and Leonard R. McCarty, Jr., wife and husband, <br />lo, or currenlly DDoigned lo, Superior Mortgage, Inc. and all its right, title <br />end interest to lhe premises therein described, ao !ollows, to-vitI <br /> <br />Lot four (4), Block twenty- four' ,(.24)..7fa.cker and Barr I S Second Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County....N'ehraska. <br /> <br />This Mortgage was originally recorded in Document number 86-103522 on 8/1/86 <br />at the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Togelhl.'r vilh the nol~ lher~ln deocrlbed, nno lhl? money due or to become due <br />lhereunder. including inle('cot thereon, TO "^VE: ^"D TO HOLD lhe aome unlo the <br />DO id por l y ol lhe Decond port, i lo ouccC'ooorD nnd oooign[J lorevC'r, oubjecl <br />only lo lhe prov1oIono o[ oo1d IHDEIlTURE Of NOnTGhG[ Lhl'l"ein contoined. <br /> <br />And the porly of lhe [lrol porl doeo hl:'reby mokl:', con[Jlllule Dnd oppoinl lhe <br />"old porly of lhe [J['cond port, ila true ond lovful oLlornl:'Y, irrevocable, in <br />iln nome, OJ' ollwrvIDl?, but at their oyn propl'r coulu nnd chorgeD, to h!lvE', <br />uoe, nnd loke all lovlul woyo and meono lor the recovery o! lhe paid money ond <br />inlereul, ond, in cOile oJ: poyment, to diochDrge lhe oaMe no Lhe porl of lhe <br />flrol porl mIghl, o~ could do, if theoE' preBcnlo Yere nol mode. <br /> <br />I If '01' ITUES5 wlIE: ru:or, Superior Hortgoge, Inc. II corporation of lhe State of <br />Hebrooko hOD cDuoed lhin Aooignmenl of MorlgDge to be executed by its Vice <br />President nnd alleoled by its Aest. Secretnry and ils Corporate S.a1 to b. <br />hereunto B!.!lxed the 2nd d.y of December In the year 19 87 . <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />~-> <br /> <br />SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. <br />'-.......... (" /~ <br />I .. ,< ( ~/ (~:~__" <br />By t \ I. ./ ~ - <br />Roy Itot'richter vr'h <br /> <br />~ ...; ..:.,,:- ~:- <br />~. ~-} <br />Stol~ of Hebtooka <br />. 0; ~: ~I. > <br /> <br />09. <br /> <br /> <br />Counly ol-. 11011 <br /> <br />On lhe Onlc obove olnted, before mt', 0 lIolnry Public, duly commlooloned <br />nnd quoll[icd in ond Lor anld County nnd Slnle, Peroonolly cOllie lhe above <br />nnmt"d Ho)' 1I0frichter, Vice President <Jnd K~Jl"cn G. Oeilkc, Assistant Secrct.H)" <br />of 5upt'rior Hortgngl', Inc. vho Dre pl?roonnlly knovn to ml:' lo be the idenlIcal <br />pt'roonu vhooe nomen ore offixed to the above oooignmenl of the <br />Vice rr~oldenl and hoot. Secretory o! BDid CorporDtion, and lhey Dcknowl.dg.d <br />lh. inolrumont lo be their volunt.ry act nnd deed, and the voluntDry acl and <br />deed of the bDld Corporation. <br /> <br />WITHESS lilY <br /> <br /> <br />hand <br /> <br />nnd ollleial a..l, in Grand Island, in Baid Counly, lhe dale <br /> <br /> <br />f;J~~~r~ P::~~~~"~'d <br /> <br />~~.... ...... <br />J .fi N!'~';';:::::!~", I.~-"""'_,,""""'~ <br />I' D II IL/-IL ". l~n' St?t~ cd 1<rI, ash i <br />i~ DjYi'~ ~.. .. r".-. '-l,ras 3 <br />".....,..{!.,..~ t'. ", . -. ~. '~l.....ORO 1 <br />.....":'!:._~'-4 ....'l.. "I ~U1~[;l [!~ ('t.--':I. '11[". ............. <br />R" ~~ -..,... (l{~\.- ,. _' r"';J <br />"y COllllduslon exprreil-r---~~:,:::...r . <br /> <br />Relurn lal <br /> <br />CENTI;:AL MORTGAGE CORf'. <br />P.O. t-<OX 1887 <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 <br /> <br />NX FOR" nODIFIED 151 9-B7 <br />