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<br />
<br />88.-. 101352
<br />
<br />ASSIG/lHEHT or HORTGAGE'- Corporntion
<br />
<br />KIICHI ALL HEll OY T/lE:SE: PRESEIITS, Thol 5upor1or Horlgngl!, Tnc. II
<br />Corporllllo/l, till! pnrty ol lhe [frat porl, In cOllCJlul.'rllt1an of One Dollor and
<br />ollll:'r vIIluol.lla conulut'fnllon, La it in honu paid by Coloniol Gt'nlral Sovlogo
<br />lJonk, rso, 0 Carporllllon, lhl? pilrly of lhe D~concJ port, al or before lhe
<br />('nDenllng nnd delIvery of lheae preoentn, receipl vhcrl!o[ 10 hert'by
<br />ncknovll'u!1ocJ, hOD grnnted, IJnrgoinl?d, Dald, oD/Jlgnl?d, lrono!erred, and oel
<br />over, nnd, by lheoe pre(1Il'nlD, doeo grllnt, borgain, nell, ooolgn, trllnofpr,
<br />tronl)[~rrt'd, and Del OVOf, unto Lhe /Jllid parLy of the oecond port, .1lo
<br />Qucceoooro bnd ooo.1gno, 0 certain INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Dearing dale
<br />of October 23, 19 86 , BEl Document number 86-106126 in the oiHceB
<br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Dnd made by Richard W. McInturf and Lois M. McInturf, husband and wife,
<br />La, or currently Dl10igned to, Suparior Hortgnge, Inc. Bnd all ita right, title
<br />Bnd interest to the premises therein described, as !ollows, to-wit:
<br />
<br />The westerly forty-four (44) feeLo.f/,L.p~s twelve (12), and fourteen (14), In
<br />Block twenty-eight (28), 1:1 Gilbert":~-'i'hird Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Togelhf~(' ...ilh the noLe Lherein deDcribed, nnu lhe money due or lo becom!? du!?
<br />lhereundt.'r, lncluulng inLereot. thereon, TO IlAVE: ^'m TO I!OLD lhe (Jnm!? unlo lhl?
<br />anlcJ porty o! thl:' oecond pnrt, ila ouccenoora nnd oooi9no forever, DubJecl
<br />only to lilt' provioiono of ouid INDEIlTUnE,; or NORTGAGE Uwrein conluinl?d.
<br />
<br />And lhe porly oL lhe [lrot. port. doeD ht'reuy mokt', conolllule IInd appoint lhe
<br />nold porly of lhC' aecond port, it./J true and IDv!ul attorney, lrr!?vocDble, in
<br />ito nnmt', or oLhC'rvlae, but at their a...n propC'r cootD ond chorgt'D/ to have,
<br />uoe, Dnu Lokt' 011 10vLul vnyo nnd meono lor the recovery of the cold money ond
<br />ioterant, nnd, in cone- of payment, to dinchnrge the Doma no the pllrt of lhe
<br />lirDl port might, or could do, if theo!? preoento vere not mode.
<br />
<br />III WIT1H:SS WHEREOf, 5.uperior ffortgnge, Inc. IJ corporoUon of the 5tate of
<br />Hebrnokn hOD eDuDed thio Aooignment oi Hortgoge to be execuled by its Vice
<br />Preeident nnd olteoted by its Auut. Secrelory and ito Corporate S..l to b.
<br />hereunto uIllxed lhe 3rd day at December in the yeer 1987 .
<br />
<br />
<br />,f"
<br />...
<br />
<br />BYI
<br />Roy
<br />
<br />\r) If,'
<br />/ I' "
<br />'f '..., -( l.C)
<br />, ..
<br />ltot'richter~) Vice
<br />
<br />President
<br />
<br />:-
<br />
<br />Slole of ~ebraeka
<br />
<br />Counly ol IIDl\.
<br />
<br />A t.t~
<br />
<br />
<br />sa.
<br />
<br />On lht.' DnlL' OOOV!? alated, belort' me, n lIolary Puhlic, duly commlooloned
<br />nnd qunllllud in nnd lor aoid County nnd Slatu, Puraonolly comu lhe Dbove
<br />nn1l1t'd noy Ilo[richter, Vice Presidcnt :Jnd K.:Jl'Cl1 G. ncilkc, ^ssistnnt Sccrctilry
<br />of Supt'rior Horl.!JngC', Inc. ...ho ore pt'roonolly knovn lo me Lo be thu idenllcDl
<br />peroono whoDt.' nomeD nre ofiixed to lhe above aoolgnment of ~orlgage. DO lhe
<br />VIet' PreoJ.denl nnd ADol. Secrelllry of aoid Corporation, nnd they ockooyl~dged
<br />th. lnolrumenL Lo be their voluntary BC~ nnd deed, and the voluntary act Bnd
<br />d~ed of the Bold Corporation.
<br />
<br />WITNE5S lilY
<br />.fores.id.
<br />
<br />hand
<br />
<br />and oiL1oial seal, in Grnnd Island, in olJid Counly, lhe date
<br />
<br />- - --. .".-.~-' -",~~-",,,..~.., ""1
<br />!C,~,. h",~ID i tt .... ,'..-r.'"
<br />~< ..L.,-,:;'; "O)ill.,) ....,ilt. III Ue{IlIt:>L ~
<br />"'. DIXIE A. McCORD. l.
<br />"''''''.-(-f'.~'_r. llv Cc{)mnl hn Stpt \G. lf0; !"
<br />Hy COlllllli88io~--~~~~rre-;t-~-._...-,.-._1.
<br />Return lOI
<br />
<br />
<br />r'f:-- l'.~()F~F'.
<br />CENTI:;:AL I.iOHTG(.h:'~" r
<br />P.D. BOX 1087
<br />GHAND ISLAt-.!lJ? NE 60802
<br />
<br />11 FORn HODIFIED 151 9-87
<br />