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<br />88-101350
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<br />
<br />^SSrGHH~HT OF HORTG^G~ - Corporation
<br />
<br />KIIO'PI ALl. MEN Oy THESE PRESENTS, Thot Superior Mortgage, Inc. a
<br />Corporo lion, lhe par ly of the [trot port, in consluero lion of One Dollar and
<br />olher vnluabla conCJiderolion, to it in hond paid by Colonial Central Savings
<br />Oonk, fSn, 0 Gorpornlion, the party of the second port, at. or before the
<br />enncollng and delivery of theDe prenento, receipt whereof is hereby
<br />ockno...ledged, hOI1 gronted, bargained, lIold, assigned, transferred, Bnd eet
<br />over, ond, by theae preeente, doea gront, bargain, eel1, oBoign, transfer,
<br />transferred, nnd set over, unto lhe eaid party of the second parl, ila
<br />aucceooors and assigns, 0 certoin INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Bearing dale
<br />of April 15 19 87 89 Document fI 87-102144 in the oHices
<br />of Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and made by Kathryn OTto, a single person
<br />to, or currently QBolgned to, Superior Mortgage, Inc. Bnd all ita right, title
<br />Bnd interest to the premises therein described, DB fallova, la-vit:
<br />
<br />Fractional Lot 4 of the County Subdivision of Lots 13 and 16 and part of Lots
<br />8, 11, 12, and 14 of County Subdivision of Southeast! of the Southwest i. Section
<br />16. Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th ~.M., and fractional Lot 5, in
<br />Fractional Block 8,in Elm Place Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Tog~ther vith the note therein described, and the money du~ or to become due
<br />thereunder, including interest thereon, TO HAVE: AIlD TO HOLD the Ullme unt.o the
<br />Boid party of the second part, it.a succeODora and aeoigna forever, subject
<br />only to the provisions of oold INDENTURE Of MORTGAGE therein contained.
<br />
<br />And the party of the firet part doeD hereby moke, conulitul~ end appoint the
<br />Dnid porty of the oecond part, ite true and lavful attorney, irrevocable, in
<br />ita nam!:'/ or otherviae, but at their ovn proper cants ond chargee, to have,
<br />UDe, and toke nll lawful vays and means for the recovery of the said money and
<br />intereat., nnd, in CaDI? of payment, to discharge the Dome as the part of the
<br />firot part might, or could do, if these presents vere not Mode.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Superior "ortgagt', Inc. Q corporation of the State of
<br />/febrooka hoa caueed thin Assignment of Mortgage to be executed by ita Vice
<br />Preaident and attested by Its Asst. Secretary end Ita Corporate Seal to be
<br />hereunto Q.ifixed the 24~h day of November In the year 19 87.
<br />
<br />..,
<br />
<br />BYI
<br />Roy
<br />
<br />" '/1
<br />
<br />.
<br />Hofrichter,
<br />
<br />(
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<br />'" ('
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<br />\,-,'; ...<)
<br />Vibe)President
<br />
<br />,- .
<br />,
<br />{"-.....
<br />
<br />5tate~of Nebraska
<br />
<br />ss.
<br />
<br />
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<br />c-cLlL.c-
<br />
<br />County of Hall
<br />
<br />On the Date above slated, before me, a /fat Dry Public, duly commissioned
<br />nnd qualified in and for soid County Bnd Stote, Peroonolly come the above
<br />nOf.1ed !loy Ilo[ricl~ter, Vice President nnd Karen G. Deilke, ^ssistant Secretary
<br />of Superior Mortgage, Inc. vho are personally known to me to be the identical
<br />peroonB whoso namea nre affixed to the above aonignment of Mortgage 88 the
<br />Vice Preoident and Aost. Secretary of sald Corporation, Bnd they ackno~ledged
<br />the instrument to be their voluntary ect and deed, Bnd the voluntary Bet and
<br />deed of the soid Corporation.
<br />
<br />wnffE5S lIIy".~,bOJI,(;#>..~,..P'"!!'~_~~~!~~,~.~. ,,!eaJ., in Grand Island, In oaid County, the dale
<br />eforeBoid. i ,'.c L;..,y,:) ;(,I,'W :,;;:'( I;",t;,:':','1
<br />. :),"<E: ;~. <<:<;t: :':;~..U
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<br />
<br />. -. , ~'-"1' -., ...
<br />
<br />
<br />My commisoion expires:
<br />Return lo
<br />
<br />CENTF,(':\L. MUfnG~':',CiF cur;:p.
<br />P,O. BOX lOB/
<br />GHAND J BU'lNl), Nt:. 6UOO)
<br />
<br />iN! fOR" MODlrIED 151 9.07
<br />