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<br />:~:::~. <br /> <br />~':;~;" <br /> <br />... <br />:\.i:.~: <br /> <br />'.:1':" <br /> <br />, <br />.1 !.: <br />. ' <br />" ' <br /> <br />.. , <br /> <br />".... <br />::~::~ <br />:~.I <br /> <br />88..... 10:1:349 <br /> <br />^S5IGlIHEIIT or 110IlTGAG~ . Carparn llon, <br /> <br />, <br />" <br /> <br />KilO'll ALL 111:11 IlY TlIE:5~ rnE5E:/IT5, Hul Sllpt'rlor /Iorlg(\9C, Jnc. n <br />CuqllHulloll, lillo' pllrl)' 01 lilt' IInll purl, .11\ l:onuldt'rlll.!on of Dill' Dollar and <br />ut"I.'I' \'1I1Ilnldt' c;Ufllllul'rfllion, lo il In "nnll "nid uy Culon!ll! Ccnlrol SoYin9D <br />fJnnk, 1':;11, II COI'fH.lrnl1un, the pnrly of lill' UI:cum/ porl, nl or bclore L1Il' <br />(,'Il,rr:aJlll!1 !lull dt'Jivl'I'Y of lhlHH? prC/lt'nl.lI, receipl vlll.'rt'oC io 11I::,rC'by <br />IIcknov 1 (,'1/!I':I1, hllo VI"nnled, unrgoincu, oold, nnulgnt'd, tranlllt'rreu, and Del <br />o y t' ,. , n " d, I.J Y I. II t' II t' Jl feu t' n L 0 , dot' rI 9 r 0 n 1. , IJ n " 9 II .1 n, II t' II, a 0 [J .1 9 n, 1. r a!l 0 ( C' r , <br />lrono!t.rrt;'t1, /IOU Dcl ovar, unLo lItu uo1u parly o! the ut'cond porl, llo <br />nucce'uoorl1 Dnu oou1gno, 0 cert.ain IIIDE:/lTUnE Of 110RTCiAGC, Oeoring dole <br />of August 19, 1985, DO Document No. 85-003979 in lhe o!J.lcefl <br />at REGISTER OF DEEDS, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ond m<ldt' by RONALn HOWARD PASCOE AND MARLENE ANN PASCOE, HUSBAND AND .WI,F~ ~. <br />la, or currenl1y oaa!gned lo, Superior Korlgoge, Inc. nnd oU ita rIght,>, lilh <br />and inlereDl Lo lhQ premloeo therein describedf DO !o!!ovu, lOMVil: <br /> <br />LOT NINETEEN (19) EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY SEVEN (7) FEET THEREOF, IN BLOCK <br />SEVENTEEN (17) IN ASHTON PLACE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />TurJp.lh,.'r vilh lhe noll' lharaIn ucocrlbl!i1, nlll! llll! man!;'>, uua or lo baco!'!'!! dut' <br />'rp.urllll'l". lllCiucJlllU JnlcrcnL lI11!r"l!On, TO Il^Vr. AlID TO HOLD Lhl! on",1:' unlo lhc <br />I/nl1.1 pllrly 01 lIw Ul't:OllcJ porl, ita oucct'lIuuro IInuunlJlunll Iorcycr, DubJl.'cl <br />oniy lo till;' l'rovlniunu of nolu IIlDE:IlTUlIE OF' /I0IlTG^GE therein conlaincd. <br /> <br />Anu lhl' pllrly or lht' f.lro!. port UOl!U hcrcuy mi"~!;', conolilulc nnd nppoJnl lh(' <br />IIlIlu pllrl)' oC lilt' nr:t:oll(! porl, lln lrua untl luv1ul nllor'IIcy, lrrcyocilblc, In <br />llll nll"'r:, 01' otht'fvlrJl.', bul nt llll:,lr oyn proJlt'r coutu Dnd chllrgl.'D, lo hoyl:', <br />Vllt', 1I,1t1 Lnl~t' nll InvIul vnyn and maono [or Lha ,.t'COYt'f)' of lha ooid rIIoncy one! <br />!nlr.:rcnl, nrnl, In cnnl' of paymant, La uluchurgl! lhe' DOme no lhl! porl a! Lhl!' <br />[lrut por-l ITll!Jht, or coultldo, 1.c thel1e preoanlo vere nol Motla. <br />. <br /> <br />JII WI T11 f.!.i 5 W/I E:11 Ear, Supcrlor HortgDge, Inc. 0 or thl/' Slole or <br />1I~lJrnokn hno CnUtlL'U lhlu ,\oolgnment of HorlgDlj1l to bc e)(eculed by ita Vice' <br />Prlloidcn~ _.nnu attantad by ita A.G~. Secretary and ita CorporDte Seal to b. <br />her~unlD, !;'.t:!.lXl:!d lhlf II th day oJ. December in the yeU' 1987 . <br /> <br />SUPERIOR HORTGAG~, INC. <br /> <br />Byr <br />Roy <br /> <br /> <br />e--- <br /> <br />: r,'J'.... <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />stall? o[ Jh!bfOuko <br /> <br />00. <br /> <br />Counl)' ot Jlnl1 <br /> <br />All!? <br /> <br />On ll..: Onlr. n!Joy\:! nlol(!u, b(!tore ma, n Jlolnq' !'uulie, duly cO/lll;\lnaJoned <br />nllll lJunllll~d in nnu [or onitf County onu Slolt', rC!rool1DJly cnmc the Dbove <br />nn"'l'1.I 1\1))' IloCrichtt'r, Vice President (loti Y.i1l'ell G. neill(t', ^sslstn"t Sccret-H)' <br />of Svper!or llor'tuntjl;', Inc. Vho ore pl?l'oonolly knoyn lo /Ill! to ue lha idenllcol <br />pt;"rllonn V"UO(~ nllmCfl nr!? ol!lxctl lo thl? O"OY~ ouolgnmCI,l or l1orLgogc 00 lhe <br />VIct' rrt'1I1uellt ontl ^uat, Sccrlllary Ittl! auitl Corporolion, oml Lhey ockno~J.lld9.d <br />lh. Inolrumanl to lJa lhlllr voluntary Del Dnd ullad, D~d lhll YOluntDry acl end <br />deed a! lhe Dald Corporalion. <br /> <br />\{ 1T1fE:SS <br />...corenol <br /> <br />'m - hand .".u.~-Jul, <br />A GOl[Ml NOTARY-Stat! of ~tlla5~,: ' <br />~ DIXIE A" M.::Cm" <br />~~oy~~;'~~~.'~~ CO!lH:\. fJ:~ ':'.~)I ..' <br /> <br />in Orand Xoland, .1n oold County, th. dall' <br /> <br /> <br />Hy CO~~iODion exnireo: <br />A_lurn t.O! <br /> <br />(~~NTRAL MOR1GAGE CORP, <br />P.O. nux lOfJ"? <br />GI:;;AND ISI...At,W, NE 6BH02 <br /> <br />inI fORn HOOIrIEO 151 9-87 <br />