<br />88-
<br />
<br />101341
<br />
<br />ASSIGNMENT or MORTGAGE - Co~poration
<br />
<br />KHO~ ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior "ortgBge, Inc. a
<br />Corporation, the party at th~ f1ret part, 1n consideration of One Dollar Bnd
<br />other valuable consideration, to it- in hand paid by Colonial Central Savings
<br />Bank, FSB, B Corporation, the party of the second part, at or before the
<br />enseDling and delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby
<br />acknowledged, hus granted, bargained, sold, assigned, tr8n8fe~red, and set
<br />over, and, by these presents, does grmnt, bargain, sell, aasign, transfer,
<br />transferred, and set over, untu the B~id party of the second part, its
<br />successors Bnd assigns, a certain INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Bearing date
<br />of Octob~r 9 19 86 , as 86-105770 in the offices
<br />ot Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and .ade by Gary K. Hasselmann and Pamela S. Hasselmann, husband and wife
<br />to, Dr currently assigned to, Superior nortgagR, Inc. Bnd all its right, title
<br />and interest to the premises therein described, 88 follows; to-yit,
<br />.
<br />
<br />Lot Three (3) and the East One-Half (E%) of Lot Four (4), in Block Fourteen
<br />(14), in Boggs and Hill's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with lhe note ther~in described, and the money due or to beco.. due
<br />thereunder, including intereat'thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the s..e unto the
<br />said party of the second part, its .ucc...ors and assigns torever, subject
<br />only to the provisions of said INDENTURE OF nORTGAGE therein contained.
<br />
<br />And the psrty of the first part 'do.. hareby .ake, constitute and appoint lhe
<br />.aid party of the second part, its true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, in
<br />it. na.., or otherwise, but;t their own proper cost. and charge., to have,
<br />use, and take all lawful ..y. an~ meanc for the re~~very of the said .oney and
<br />intere.t, and, in ca.. of pay.ent, to di.oharge the 8a~e a. the part of the
<br />tirst part .ight, or could do, if th.s. pre.ents were not .ade.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Superior _nortg.g., Ina. a corporation of the Stat. of
<br />Nebra.ka ha. caused this A..ign.ent of norto.ge to be executed by its Vice
<br />President and attested by it. A..t. Secretary and its Corporate Seal to be
<br />hereunto affixed the 23 day of October in the year 19 87.
<br />
<br />
<br />-
<br />St.te of Nebr..ske )
<br />) ...
<br />County of Hall )
<br />
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />On the Dat. above .tat.d, before Ne, . Hotary PUblic, duly co..isaioned
<br />and qualified in and for .aid County and Stat., Personally ca.e the above
<br />na.l'd Roy Uofrichter. Vice President and Karen G. Beilke. Assistant Secre[ary
<br />of Supe~ior "ortgage, Inc. who are per.onally known to ~e to be the idl'ntical
<br />person. whose names are affixed to the above assignment of nOTtg.ge as the
<br />Yice Pre.ident and Asat. Secretary of .aid Corporation, Bnd they acknowledged
<br />the instru.ent to be their voluntary aDl snd d..d, and the voluntary act and
<br />deed of the .aid Corporation.
<br />
<br />WITNESS .y hand and officlal ..al,
<br />.foree.id. ~~~
<br />[. tf. 6'Hi[k~1. ~~"'"'~
<br />,_ ~ _ li Dl\;>J ~~d:~ ~ ,. 11. ~.eluas~~ ~
<br />f .. t<~,-\""",,z; <, -'> '" .... (Pee""" ~",
<br />b.q~~';~~'~L Crilir/;J L~~ X:_~nt ;;.~l2- f
<br />lIy co..t .don .xpi~.'i1""'~--'no",~:~~'_,::~;:,:';, i
<br />R.turn tal ~
<br />
<br />P.O. BOX 18fr?
<br />Gf<AND ISLAND, NE 6B80::!.
<br />
<br />in Grand Island, in .aid County, the date
<br />
<br />i ~ ~ '\-~ Q Cr--1f'<'f--C ty\ &
<br />
<br />Nota Y Public. Dixie A. McCord
<br />
<br />:ru FOR" "ODIFIED 151 9-87
<br />