• Ate.+ i : - � � +4 - - Y � - '
<br />and r,unn.ing Inortlic as:t'orIy' +long the xl 'channel, a dis
<br />• - : t.tincc o[''Tw6116ridrtd Eight and .'SC ve' ty, "Three 11(m lredths. (208 73a feet,•
<br />thence .deflecting `left °39':20." and runid"l�►g,norCticrly' alans,_the center
<br />;..' line. of said Cltin,t>ia.l, a distance of'. Ong, ll.undred:Sever�ty`axrd,Eighty Two -.-•
<br />ilundxedths .(17[) 82j...1' E; OjervmAef.lectin ri ht�Z5 °O1 10 ,'.and:runnin`g;
<br />g E
<br />n�rtheaskerl'y along the centexline of, Isaid channel, a•, distance aE'Two
<br />Hundred l'orty,Nip' and ,6.1ghty Three 11$trdredths (249.8,3)' fee`; thence•
<br />def1e4irg left ;67 °44'`05" and running northwest.erle along, the centerline
<br />'. 'said channel, a'distancci af'pne Hundred Foriy'and Forty Five;.liundre.dths
<br />(140.•45) feet, thence deflecting' rlght.320.�4'45. an d 'runni�g Nortliwetterly
<br />along the'centetllne oE. d channel %,. d, stance of, One.11uMted Sixty Two.,
<br />and `fora llundre'dths. (162j 0 ).feet; thentce deflecting Yight:'41 °S9'2'S," an run
<br />-
<br />a tonhe centerline 'of "'said:channeL aAisi.n ce of:Three,'
<br />llundred Fittyihice, aid. ve.11undeedths (353 Q5 rfeet,G'tlience deflecting
<br />- y right 37d40' 15"anid running northea�crly. Along the, centerline of:-said, ghannel
<br />a distance .oE 011ie Ilundred' Ei.ght.y. Seven: and ,S.even fi-ellth9 •(187.7)'` feet; thence
<br />'de'f fact ing left :86 °28; 55 "; and �runriing- northwestekly_ a ong' the ce.gt;eY.lin.e of
<br />said channel, irdistance °of -Oqe' 11undred •SerEenty Two 'fnd Forty Five Hundre•iths.
<br />Y "' (1`7.!,45). feet; thence defl.eatin right 38.;25 -05 and'.running norElieas'ter:ly`'along
<br />};•:
<br />W t��cr centerline o f sa id chanrfc l ; s. d tst ance '.o f, Two - 11undred' Thtrq !•ours an
<br />Three
<br />Ten{�rhs ('334.x)• feet Llienc4e defleceing rfght''16°47 "15, aii ruttning �lortti .r:
<br />terlY,' (ndt :in,t.he river), a:dist'nnce' of Four hundred T'i`rky' Six. and Forty
<br />r Sev.Cn llundredthrs (417:47) feet, to a point: in the penter o the:` present' '
<br />of'. Mood giver; . thence :de.f feet ing, r•i ht`,71 3a '. end running ,southeasterly
<br />nllon��ethe ..center, oC•..sa o
<br />, :' • t '`Th>"ee an •Five T`,�nths''•
<br />g fd• clianhe•l a distanceSe�f .Tlrir y
<br />(33.5) feet:; - tl�ento c7:r.(1t�cEing•l fC.42,0?7' and 'running- northeasterl3r'd -kong the
<br />cen cr'oF said -flannel a distance 01,t.Cne:liugdred Eighteen,� and .One4 zAth (118 -1)
<br />fe t ; thelloe - de E leant fg4l; ..l,et 57±v.' 4:0" and rfinn ing ndrthGasGer ly, a lgng the cen
<br />-r' nE flaLd'chtinneT` dLaear �e ,1r :rQnr� ilundred_'fk y c�tcn and Sixty Two'llund-
<br />�, re }is (f67,62) feet; th- irnce „ldcting:riglit`Gb °4Z'GO:,' and running notheasr
<br />crly along• the ceiyter.of` s:a�d'ch.Innei a' dr9 ance' of: l"ivc•ilundre'd thirty,
<br />and' Six Tenths, (�37.6).`fcet; ,t'h6nce•'d6flecting "leis -02036.'10' and. running.
<br />Northeasterly' -a' long' Lite. ccri er. ol; '�x1d,'ehann`el ;a distahce'of One Hundred ��
<br />sixty Six and Seven Tenths (166.7) fcet;s Bence def ectingg:rigghc. 19,, 04 t and ryhning' ndrtheaste.rly; - along: the canter of said pbannel a distance o
<br />•
<br />bnc liundred Sixty ;•Eight -nnd Sixty Four .H•undredths (i68.64j :.feet;• thence de
<br />Onc'Itundred Thirty: Three,andEiblgit Qne.11un
<br />fleet ng le-ft.. G] ��
<br />and runiiing� norGf�e�sterly alcn the center of said---,, .
<br />r ... clian0l a'. distance of y dre 133 81)
<br />feet;.thence_defletting r'ig}rt 52057J_. And rUn "n'ing n. oi^Cherst6rly.alonethe, center
<br />of saLd channel -a distanca;pf, Two 1lundred Thirty Five and:Thlrty:l'ive llundredth'a.`':
<br />(235.r�5) feet thence deflece Vii; right 15t%2? 5b". ands- running northeaste_rly -along.
<br />__-,V _-GCnter. of saic `cjianncl• a distance. aC One hundred ,three' and Eight Two Hung.
<br />r dredths' (1031.82)' fee; to a point on the North. lined szrfd--Lot 1; .island (plso
<br />being. the Section line,) . thence defl'ecting'righa.15 °28' and running- easterly -
<br />a;lgnb. the. nOrtla line of said ,Lot 1 a distahee of Thirty Five- and ,Forty ;Six
<br />lfuddredih's 0.5:46)• feet- tcrpoint;oi the: southerly,;xight -of way ^ ne of the,•
<br />•,+ z,., t,air -''& f}, It'll thence deflecting; rigHt, ;28 °,08.:,40" and rNnf►ing south sterlyr-along
<br />f said raairoad:xight- oC -waX linc`a - distance of.Two }(undred Fifty One`, dTEighty
<br />'fwo lltilnJr tfhs (251.82 feet; thence "d,cflacting right_ 13 °.5 '3�0” a`n�r.un
<br />4
<br />'"' w" '�§avepftea t<cn a tlist.7nce, f N`ri-n,& ll r .'rid" igNCy Fafur and Fg ra:h�r (994.1
<br />y �' 1 Island s id oint being •two lion
<br />feet .to.;a:4po c1Tk•11 @r.f�714G j;f,�ne ^Elf i a 1�
<br />dyed Thirty Mine and '�'hirty FivB':Iluriuredtlrs' 039.35) feet r nth' of.the North-
<br />* west sorrier of slid, SE_kNd %; thence def1cicting left QI�55' And -rennin south-
<br />erly along. the east llne -of said Lots One ('1) and Two (2), Islrin ', a distance
<br />oC unc +Lhuus�nd a'ivrr llundreu -Sixty and Fitt llundra:dtfls. (1,560.55) feeE:
<br />to the place beginning and eontaining 10.3.954 cres more or -less•
<br />togethg.r with all .appurtenances- thereto belonging and now thereon, for iihich the ;..
<br />party of tl�c second part agrees ta',pay the total sum of,TEE1•THOUSAIND.MM 00/100
<br />` •
<br />-•'x`$10;000.00) Da7LLARS.gdid upon e:xecution�of said•' agreement :wHich suer is ackriow-
<br />�le'd6cd as having been received by first part ies 'and the balance• puyab7e as fol�.aws
<br />to t o aien s FbY'4 t o Hoaember
<br />with pr.incipa� in a;eS p y t of,$27,OD0 90 `k, be "ai o $G 6
<br />w
<br />r'FNq�`4- a'- 1.
<br />'with interest on thee' unpaid balance 'of 77. `peannuaa pay wik- princip� petit'
<br />