<br />I"
<br />
<br />88-101335
<br />
<br />ASSIG/lKEIlT OF' HOfHGAGE - Corporolion
<br />
<br />1<110'>1 M.L /11:/1 BY T/lESE PflESE/lTS, Thnl Superior MorLgoge, Ioc. 0
<br />C u " f' () r iI L.l () II, L h t' P 11 " l Y 0 [ l he f 11' () l p n I' L, i II c; 0 11 U i u,-, r II 11 0 n 0 [ 011 e Do 11 0 I' 0 n d
<br />o l "l.' r' \' II I Un b 1 t' c; 0 n (J 1 u t' rill ion, loll 1 n "" n u pol u U Y C u 1 0 n 1111 C e n l I' 0 1 So v 1 n 90
<br />Il [1 n 1\, f'~; Il, 0 CO J'fJOI' n L1 on, lhe po I' l Y of l hc oecano po I' L, n l or before lhe
<br />cnn'-'(I1 J 1l~1 nnd del i vel'y of lhe[le )in:'f]en In, receipl vlH!l'eo! 10 hereby
<br />ncl<novledcl,:,rJ, hnn gl'nnled, unrglllneu, nolo, onoignetl, lrurw[erred, ond oel
<br />aVt'r', ond, lJy lhcnt' prcoC'nlo, doeo gronl, uorgoin, (1ell, oooign, lrono!!.'r,
<br />lrono[erreu, ond oel over, unlo lhe oold porly of lhe oecond parl, ilo
<br />nucceoooro ond ooolgno, 0 certoin INDENTURE or MORTGAGE, Dearing dale
<br />of December 31, 1985 00 Document number 86-100029 in lhe offices
<br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />ond made by Timothy C. Mitzel and Teresa A. Mitzel, husband and wife,
<br />lo, or currently oooigned lo, Superior Horlgoge, Inc. Bnd 011 ito righl, 1111e
<br />end inlereol lo lha premiseD therein described, DO [ollovs, lo.vll:
<br />
<br />Lot five (5), Le Heights Fourth Subdivision, comprising a part of the East half
<br />of the Northwest quarter (E1ffi1%) of Section eleven (I I), Township eleven (I I)
<br />North, Range ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />TOlJl.'llt,:,. vll" l"e nule lhereln dl?ocr'lued, nlltl the mane}' uue or lo become duC'
<br />lhe...:,unrleJ", Inc1udinlJ inlereol lherl?on, TO "^Vf: AIID TO 1I0LD the anme unlo lhl?
<br />nnlu I'l1rly oi the ueconu porl, ilu OUCCl'llouro onu noulunll forever, aubJt'cl
<br />only lo the IH"ovlo1unu of oold I/lDE/lTURE: or /lOIlTGA(jf: lherein conlolnl?d.
<br />
<br />Anu lhe porly oi lhl' Jlrol port doeu hl'r'eu)' mnkt', conulllule onu oppoinl lhl'
<br />rlllid porl)' of lhl' uecond porl, ilo lrue und lnvful nllol"lH?)', irrl?vocable, In
<br />i In nome, 01" ollH?rvirJr?, bul nl lhelr ovn pI'opar cooLo nnd chor9l?o, lo hovt',
<br />UOl', nlld lokl' 011 Inviul vn)'o ond meono [or lhl! r.t'cover)' of lhl? aold money and
<br />,lnlereol, olld, In coot' of Pllymenl, lo ulnchurge lhe aome 00 lhl? porl of lhe
<br />[lrol porl mighl, or could do, iI lheoe preocnlo Yere nol mouc.
<br />
<br />III WIT/IES5 WIlEREOF, Superior Morlgoge, Inc. n corpor'ollon of. lilt' Sloll' of
<br />lIeDrO(,ko hrlo COUOl'U lhlo Aooignmenl of Horlgoge lo ue execuled by ilo Vie!!'
<br />Preoidenl nnu olleoled by ils Asst. Secrelory ond ilo Corporale Seal to be
<br />hereunlo aLIixed lhe 8th day of December in the year 19 87 .
<br />
<br />
<br />(
<br />It, \
<br />By: 1'/7 '\ , - .\.--:;
<br />Roy Ilofrichter; Vice President
<br />/
<br />DO. 1f
<br />Counly of 11011 All'eo. . ".
<br />Koren -G. Dcilkc,
<br />
<br />(In lit,:, DoLl.' obove nlntcu, before mc, n Ilalor)' Publlc, duly commiooloned
<br />nnu quollill!u 1n [lnd for oold Gounly tlnu Slole, rcroonoll)' coml? lhe obovl?
<br />n n m l' U n u}' \I 0 [ ,. i c h t e\'. Vie cPr e sid e n t (] n d K n r c 11 G. lJ c i I It c, ^ 5 S is t [1 n t 5 c ere t " r)'
<br />of SUflcrlor Hort~FIIJl', Inc. vho ore peroonolly knovn lo ml' lo ue lhe idenllcol
<br />pt'ruono vhoo(? numl'lJ orc offlxl'd lo till' OUOV!! ouolgnmenl of Horlgogl? 00 Un'
<br />Vie", Preniuconl and ^aol. Sl?crclory oL ooid Corporollon, nnd lhr.y ockno'tledged
<br />lhe inolrumr.nl lo Dr. lheir yoluntory ocl ond deed, ond the volunlory Bcl Bnd
<br />deed of lhe Dold Corporntion.
<br />
<br />Slole o! llebrookn
<br />
<br />
<br />....1 T1IESS~l~,.hond and ofLiciol seal,
<br />8 ! 0 reDo i d t .~.~. ~--, ~7~; Y"~i}.:' - ;. ~l~'.' ~-;. '-,~'-'~ .-.,,~-,,-- ;i.,of "_;~
<br />, ;~. lJt ~..t:AL HOlrOj\{ -';'Ili~ vt ilct1iGS1.c1 j
<br />ll"<",li,;, . DIXIE ,'!;,. I\!icCQ~H) (
<br />L~.er. My COmfit hp, Sl{lt 10, W~g \
<br />~,""N'''~~...,-,::,,,~m,")''''''J.-~-',":vn.:l
<br />My commiooion expireo:
<br />Retourn lo'
<br />
<br />in Grond Ioland, in oold Counly, lhe'dale
<br />
<br />L~\A 'IJ 0 ,QfTij"(Mh;J
<br />Hot ry Public Dixle ^. HcCord
<br />
<br />P.O. [lOX :t.BBl
<br />GRAND ISLANDt NE 68802
<br />
<br />5XI fOR X HODIFIED i51 9-87
<br />
<br />~
<br />