<br />88- 101326
<br />
<br />ASSIGHHEHT OF HORTGAGE - Corporotion
<br />
<br />KIIOW ALL HEll OV THESE: PRESEHTS, Thot Superior Horlgnge, Inc. 0
<br />Corpornlloll, lhe.> parly ol lhe iirot porl, in cOl1oiderollon of One 0011111' IInd
<br />ollieI' \'nlunblt' conuidernlion, t.o it. in hnnt! poiu by Colonlnl Centrol SovIngD
<br />lJonk, rso, 0 Corporolion, Uw porty oi lhe Decond porl, nl or beiore lhe
<br />enlJt'illlllU ond delivel'y ol lheae preOl?ntll, receipt vhereo[ io ht'rt'by
<br />ncknavledHt'd, hOIl grnnted, bnrgoined, aold, oaalgned, lrono[erred, ond Bet
<br />OVQr, ond, by theoe preoenlo, doeo gronl, borgoin, oell, oooign, lrono[l?r,
<br />lrono!erred, ond oel oVQr, unlo lhe sold porly of lhe aecond porl, ila
<br />oucct'oooro ond oooigno, 0 cert.oin INDENTURE OF HORTGAGE, Dearing dale
<br />of January 26, 19 87 , BS Document number 87-100463 in lhe offices
<br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska,.JS:'"J,.L(na:J DI..\ ~{L('L. t,lD,r,.311\\LC.
<br />ond made by David J. Glenn and Cindy L. Glenn, husband and w:i'fe, \J\a..~~(/..(' ~(y, ,-\h
<br />lo, or currenlly oooigned lo, Superior Hortgoge, Inc. and 011 its right, title
<br />Bnd interest. lo lhe premises th~r~ln d~scribed, 99 !olloys, la-wit:
<br />
<br />Lot two (2), in Block six (6), in,.t~~_~e~iat of Riverside Acres, an addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall C01,1nty:~Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Togelhr:r vIlh UH.' nole lherein deocribed, nnd lhe money dut' or lo becomt' due
<br />thereunder, Including intert'ot thereon, TO HAVE: AllD TO HOLD the onmt' unlo lhe
<br />[Jold porly ol lilt' oecond port, ita oucct'llooro nnd oooignu lorever, DubJect
<br />only to the provioionD of oaid IHDE/lTURE OF' l10RTGAGE therein contained.
<br />
<br />And the pnrty of tht' fIrot part doeo hereby milke, conotitute ond nppoint the
<br />IlnId pnrty of the oecont! port, ito true ond loviul attorney, irrevocable, in
<br />ila nnme, or olhervioe, but 01: their ovn proper cooto ond chorgeo, to have,
<br />uoe, ond toke all lov[ul voyo and meons for the recovery of the ooid money and
<br />Jntereot, nnd, in cooe of poyment, to diochorge the Dome 00 the port. of the
<br />firot port might, or could do, it thene preBentn vere not mode.
<br />
<br />III WIT/lESS WIIEREOF', Superior Hortgoge, Inc. 0 corporation of the Stote of
<br />lIebraoko hOD cnuoed thio Aosignment of Mortgage to be executed by its Vice
<br />Pre~id~~~!~~nd otteated by its Asst. Secretory and ita Corporate Seal to b.
<br />he,reu(l'~'~>;~f.qi,(tld thlP 4th day o~ December in the year 1987 .
<br />.: \,..' I> ,.
<br />
<br />State o!"Hebrooko
<br />
<br />
<br />\ -" / r,
<br />\'/l-/ I, ! Y ...----
<br />I \~.'~/ \..-'::~
<br />lIofrfchter,\....Vice President
<br />
<br />By:
<br />Roy
<br />
<br />00.
<br />
<br />
<br />County of 11011
<br />
<br />On lhe Dnlt' nbave otated, before me, n 1I0tary Public, duly commioo.l.oned
<br />nnd ~unllfied in ond [or oaid County and Stote, Peroonolly come the obove
<br />nnmed Hoy Ilo[t-ichter, Vice President (Ind K(lren G. neilke, Assistilnt Secret(lry
<br />of Superior Mor"tg..ge, Inc. vho are peroonnlly knovn to me to be the identiclIl
<br />peroono vhoot' nomeo nre affixed to the above aO[Jignment ol Hortgoge. DO the
<br />Vice Preoident nnd Aoat. Secretory of ooid Corporotion, ond they ocknovledged
<br />the inotrument to be their volyntory oct ond deed, ond the voluntory act ond
<br />deed ot the uold Corporotion.
<br />
<br />WITNESS my hond ond officiol seal,
<br />aforesaid. ~
<br />r-:-"e:;'~Gow;:Altl_Slatr n! ~(bra~~a ~
<br />~. DIXIE A. r{,\,~.UI1~: ,
<br />--A~ C' \. 'I of ,
<br />~ _ My omm ty,r vL'c> "
<br />~ ~~~\~- .
<br />My commiooio exprTeo:
<br />Return lOI
<br />
<br />in Grand Iuland, in aoid County, the dale
<br />
<br />J-\:' ;,~ ~ ~('{fYl~
<br />Nol ry Public Dixie A. McCord
<br />
<br />P.D. DDX lUG?
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />
<br />HI F'ORH HODIfIED ISI 9-87
<br />