<br />.,
<br />
<br />88-.101325
<br />
<br />ASS IGIlHEHT or MORTGAGE - Corporo lion
<br />
<br />K/lOW ALL I1E/I OY THESE PRESEHTS, Thot Superior Horlgngt', Inc. 0
<br />Corporntioll, lfH,> parly of the ftrot porot, in conoidl?rol1on o! One Dollor and
<br />olher vuluoblt' conoidt'rlllion, lo il in hllnd paid by Golonilll Genlrol Sovingo
<br />IJDnk, rso, a Corporation, lhl? porly of lhe occonu porl, al or before lhe
<br />C'nocnlillU and de11vel"y oI lheoe prl?oenla, receipl vhl?reoI 10 hl:?reby
<br />ncknovledf/C'u, hoo grnnled, IJnrgoined, oold, oooigned, lronolerred, ond oet
<br />oVt'r, nnd, by lheot' prt'oenlo, doeo grant, bargain, (Jell, 0001gn, lronoler,
<br />lronolt'rrt'u, ond ot't over, unto lhe ooid porly ol the oecond parl, ito
<br />oucceaaoro ond 0001gna, 0 certoin INDENTURE Of MORTGAGE, Dearing date
<br />a! August 29, 1986 , as Document number 86-104926 in lhe o!Hces
<br />at the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />ond made by James Matthew Meyer, a single person,
<br />to, or currently oBoigned to, Superior 110rtgDge, Inc. Bnd all its right, title
<br />and interest to lhe premises therein described, as !olloys, lo-wit:
<br />
<br />Lot nine (9), in Block one (I),'.in N~~afidy Estates, an addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebr'a~k'a;
<br />
<br />Togelher vilh lhe nolt' lherl:!in deocribed, nnd thl:? money due or lo becoml:? dUl:?
<br />lhl:?reunder. including inler!?ol. thereon, TO HAVE: A/lD TO HOLD lhe aom!? unlo lhe
<br />ooid porly of lhl:! oecond port, ila OUCCl:!oooro nnd a!:1oignu forev!?r, oubJl'ct
<br />only lo the provioiono of oaid IUDE/lTURE; or 110RTGAGE lherein conlained.
<br />
<br />And llle porty of the [irol port doeD hereby mak~, conolitute ond appoint lhe
<br />"nid porly of lhl:! oecond port, ita true and lowful allorney, irrevocable, in
<br />ila nnme, or olherwiol?, but ot thl:!ir o\'n propl:!r coota and chorgeD, to have,
<br />uoc, ond lake all lawful voyo ond meono for the recovery of lhe oaid money ond
<br />Inlereol, ond, in COO!? of poyment, to diDchorge lhe oome 00 the port of lhe
<br />[irol port might, or could do, i~ theBe preol:!nto vere not mode.
<br />
<br />III WIT/lESS WHEREOF, Superior Hortgoge, Inc. 0 corporation of the Slate of
<br />/lebronko hoo couoed thio Asaignment of Hortgoge to be execuled by its Vice
<br />President, ond otleated by its A..t. Secretory Bnd ila Corporate Seal to b.
<br />hereunto 8~ii'xed the 4th day of December .in the reer 1987
<br />
<br />- (\'11
<br />By: I /L-r :~
<br />Roy lIof~ichter
<br />
<br />DB.
<br />
<br />
<br />LL~,
<br />
<br />Stote 01 Nebrooka
<br />
<br />Counly ol 11011
<br />
<br />On lhe Dole obove alated, belore me, n 1I0lary Public, duly commiooioncd
<br />nnd qunli[ied in and for oaid County and State, Peroonally come lhe obove
<br />nnmC'd !loy 1I0[t'lchtcr, Vice President :lnd K:lt'cn G. Deilke, ^ssistant Secrctilry
<br />of Superior l1ortg<1ge, Inc. vho ore peroonnlly knovn lo me to bl:! thl:! identical
<br />perDonD whoDl? nnmeo ore affixed to the abovl:! oODignmenl of Morlgage. 00 lhe
<br />Vice Preoidenl and Aoet. Secretory of Boid Corporation, ond lhey ocknowledged
<br />lhe inolrument to be their voluntary Bet and deed, and the voluntary act and
<br />deed o~ the soid Corporation.
<br />
<br />WITNESS .Y~:r-~~d Dll1c1.1 ...1,
<br />..core..id. . AAlIIDT.\NJ' 51~-'
<br />DIXiE A. :li1;;(.\;'["
<br />. """My Comr.l EAp, Sl'pt :0, ; (;'"
<br />~QltJt:~7'1-'-."_7~"~
<br />
<br />in Grand Island, in said County, the d.t.
<br />
<br />
<br />HI commission expires:
<br />Return lOI
<br />
<br />P. (). BOX :I.BB'l
<br />GRAND ISLAND9 HE 68802
<br />
<br />;1 fORti HOOlfIED 151 9-87
<br />