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<br />r- <br /> <br />." <br />o <br />3 <br />,~'-...~ ( ~ ,> <br />:'~~;~ 1 ' <br />,",,' .\,~ <br /> <br />,~~~ <br /> <br />\ ~ f;), <br />~.~ <br /> <br />(':--- <br />'_I "" <br />',\--, <br /> <br />~ <br />'\ <br /> <br />o <br />jJ" <br />.. <br />'i <br />:zl <br />cZ <br />ji;' <br />;- <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />Excerpts From Internal ReYf/nue Code <br />See, 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any person liable to pay any lax neglects or refuses to <br />'pay the same alter demand. Ihe amounl (Including any Inter. <br />lit, additional amount. addlllon to lax. or IIsessable penalty. <br />loglther with any costs thaI may accrue In addition thereto) <br />Ihall bt I IIln In flvor of the United States upon alt property <br />and rights to property. whether real or personal. belonging <br />10 suCh person. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322, Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unllls another date Is specltically li.ed by law. tha lien <br />Imposed by section 6321 shall arise allhe time Ihe assessment <br />Is made and shall continue until the liability for the amounl so <br />aSlullll (or e judgment against the lax payer arising out of <br />suCh liability) Is satisfied or becomes uMnforceable by reason <br />of lapse of lime. <br /> <br />See, 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons, <br />(a) Purchuer'., Hold.1'I 01 Security In- <br />ttrtlll, Mechlnlc'. Llenol'l, And Judgm.nt <br />Lltn Crtdltol'l. - The lien Imposed by secllon 6321 shall <br />nOl be valid as against any purchaser. holder of a security <br />Inllml, n1schanlc'sllenor. or Judgment lien creditor unlll nollce <br />therlOf which meals Ihe requirements of subsecllon (I) has <br />bien lIIed by the Secrelary. <br /> <br />(I) PIIct For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />(1) Place For Filing . The nOllce referred to in sub- <br />sectIon (a) shall be flied. <br />(A) Under State Laws <br />(I) Real Property. In the case of real property. In one <br />olllce within the State (or the county. or other governmental <br />subdivision). as designated by Ihe laws of such State. In <br />whIch the property subJecl to Ihe lien is sltualed: and <br />(II) Personal Property . In the case of porsonal <br />property. whether langlble or Intangible. in one olllce <br />within the State (or the county. or other governmental <br />lubdivlslon). as designated by the laws of such Slale. <br />In whIch tho property subjecl to the lien Is situaled: <br />or <br />(B) With Clerk Of Olstrict Court. In the office of the clerk ot <br />Ihe United States district court for the judicial district in which <br />, the property subject to lien Is situaled. whenever the State has <br />not by law designated one of lice which maets the reQulremeols of <br />subparagraph (A). or <br />(C) With Recorder Of Deeds Dt The OIst'lct Of Columo.a ' In <br />tM oWce of the Recorder Of Deeds of the DIStrict of ColumOla. If <br />the property subject t~ Ihe lien IS Situated 10 :~. D"'fiCI ot <br />Columbia, <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />"" <br />[ <br />9' <br />ill' <br /> <br />.... <br />co <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />-. <br />(') <br />(1) <br />o <br />-- <br />-t <br />II <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />~ <br /> <br />En!&r,~-d ~, O. N..., ' <br />l1cum"n# .... <br />88- :1. i) 1 2 8 7 <br /> <br />LGO/ l <br /> <br />~:, T <br /> <br />II: 'I)r <br />;;,')'.!C #~ <br />;-j,. .r:~ :Ic;:~l ' <br />"'~'~) <br />. " .... l.... . -; .....- : \ , ~ <br /> <br />s ~~ <br /> <br />:z <br />!=>> <br /> <br />., I <br /> <br />c: <br />::I <br />[ <br />i <br /> <br />fJO 11M: 18 <br /> <br />''1'1 9fi [6 <br />(~I J <br /> <br />!!. <br /> <br />ta <br /> <br />e- <br />'-C <br />2. <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of Property SubJect To lien. For pUlposea of <br />paragraphs (1) and (4). proparty shall bt deemed to be situated. <br />(A) Real Property. In Ihe case of real property. at Ita <br />physical locatIon: or <br />(B) Personal Property. In the case of personal properly, <br />whelher langlble or Intangible, al the resIdence of the <br />taxpayer al the time the notice of lien Is flied. <br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (B). the residence 01 a corporallon <br />or partnership shall be deemed to be Ihe place at whIch thl <br />principal executive olflce of the business Is located, and lha <br />residence of a 13xpayer whose residence Is without the Unlled <br />Slalea shall be deamedlo be In the Olslrlct of Columbia. <br />(3) Form . The form and content of Ihe notice <br />referred to In subsection (a) shall be prescribed by lha <br />Secretary. Such nollce shall be valid notwlthslandlng any <br />other provision of law regarding the form or contenl of a <br />notice of lien. <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests Bven though noticB of IiBn <br />imposBd by section 6321 is fIIBd with rBspect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Securities <br />2. Motor vehicles <br />3. Personal property purchased at retail <br />4. Personal property purchased In casual sale <br />5. Personal property subjected 10 possessory lien <br />6. Real property tax and special assessment liens <br />7. Residential property subJect to a mechanic's <br />lien for certain repairs and Improvements <br />8. Allorney's liens <br />9. Certain Insurance contracts <br />10. Passbook foans <br /> <br />(g) Rellllng Of Notice. - For purposes of this <br />seclion. <br /> <br />(1) Generel Rule. - Unless notice of lien Is reflled In <br />the manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during the requIred <br />reflling period. such notice of lien shall be treated as flied on Ihe <br />dale on'which It is filed (in accordance wilh subsecllon (I)) after <br />the expiration of such refiling period. <br /> <br />(2) Piece For Filing. - A notice of lien refiled <br />during the required refillng period shall be ellecllve only. <br />(A) i1. <br />(i) such nollce of lien is refiled In the oftice in which the <br />prior notice of lien was filed. and <br />Iii) in the case 01 real property. the fact ot refiling is <br />entered and recorded in an lOde. 10 the exlent reqUired by <br />subseclion (f) 14). and <br />(B) 10 any case 10 whIch. 90 days or more pnor to the date <br />of a refiling of notice 01 lien under subparagraph (AI. the <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />(. .' <br />t./ <br /> <br />,/ '- <br /> <br />o ,l <br />. ':.. {j~;L~ ::<...,i <br /> <br />:.' ::- (:- (j r r):: c " ::: <br /> <br />Secretary receIved wrItten Information (In tha manntr <br />prescribed In regulallons IlIued by tha Secratlry) <br />concerning I change In the laxpayer'1 resldenee.lf I nollct <br />of such lien II allo flied In accordance with lublectlon (I) In <br />the Stale In which luch r"ldenee II located. <br /> <br />(3) Required RlIflUng Plrlod. - In \hi CUI <br />of any notice of lien. the tllm "required reflllng ptrlod. mlW . <br />(A) the one-year period ending 30 daYlaltar tha Ixplrallon <br />of 6 years after the date of Ihe 1..lIlmant of thl tax, Jnd <br />(B) the one.year period ending with Ihuxplrallon of 6 yaall <br />after the close of Ihe preceding required IIflllng parfod for <br />luch notice of lien. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(a) ReItae 01' Lltn. - Subjtct to tueh <br />regulations as the Secretary may preacrfbe. the Stcrstary allall <br />Issue a certificate of release of any lIan 1m pond wIth "spoet to <br />lny Inlernal revenue tax nollater than 30 dlya alter the day on <br />whIch - <br />(1) LIability Sallsfled or Untnlorctabll . The s.cllllry <br />finds Ihat Ihellablllty for Ihe amounlaslllled. togather with all <br />Interest In respect thereol, hal bien fully ulllfled or hIS <br />becomllegally unenforceabll: or <br />(2) Bond Acceptll! - Thlre Ilfurnllhld to the s.clllary and <br />accepted by him a bond that Is conditioned upon the payment of <br />the amount lsseSSed. together wIth III Intellll In "'pact <br />thereof, wIthin the time prescribed by law (Including Iny <br />extension of such time). and Ihatls In accordaOCl with luch <br />requlremenls relating 10 lerms, condItions, and form of the Iiond <br />and surelles thereon. IS may be specIfied by such regulallonl. <br /> <br />See, 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation, <br />(k) DllCIOIUre of C.rtlln Rltul11l and <br />R.tum Inlormltlon For To AdmlnlltraUon <br />PUrpoHI. - <br /> <br />(2) Disclosure ot amount of outstanding lien. .If a notice 01 <br />lien has been filed pursuanlto section 6323(1). the amount of the <br />outstanding obligation secured by suCh lien may be disclosed to <br />any person who furnishes satisfictory wrillen evidence thaI hi <br />has a right in the property subject to such lien or Intends 10 <br />obtain a right in such property. <br /> <br />-.J <br /> <br />" <br />~ <br />
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