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<br />Excerpt. -,m Internal Revenue Code
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />
<br />It any person liable to PlY any tn negllell 0' relUl1S to
<br />'pay tha ume alter dam and. Ihe Imounl (InCluding any Inler.
<br />1St. addlllonal amount. addition to tl>. 0' ulessab'e penalty.
<br />togethll with any COstl that may lec",e In addillon Ihereto)
<br />Ihall be a lien In fayor 01 the United Slates upon all P'OlXlrty
<br />and rlghll 10 property: whether real or pe'lonal. belonOlng
<br />to such person.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien.
<br />
<br />Unltas anOlhar dlte Is specilleslly fiud by (a'll. the lIer.
<br />Imposed by section 8321 shallari.. at the IIms the assessment
<br />Is made and shall continue until the lIablllly lor the amount so
<br />asmsed (or a Judgmenl againsl the tupayer arising out 01
<br />such liability) Is satislied or becomes unenforce.~le by reason
<br />ot lapse of lime.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />(a) Purcha.."" Holdel'l 01 Security In-
<br />temll, Mechanic'. L1enol'l, And Judgment
<br />Lltn Crtdltol'l. - Theilen Impo~ed by seellon 8321 shall
<br />not be yalld u against any purchaser, holder of a security
<br />Interllt. mechlnlc's lienor, or judgment lien creditor until nollce
<br />theraot which meets the requiremenjs of lubsecllon 10 has
<br />beln flied by the Secrelary.
<br />
<br />(I) Place For Filing Notice; Form.-
<br />
<br />(1) Place For Filing - The notice referred to in lub-
<br />section (I) shill be flied.
<br />(A) Undor State Laws
<br />(I) Rill Property. 'n the case ot real property. In one
<br />office within the State (or Ihe county. or other governmental
<br />subdlYlslon), as designated by the laws 01 such State. In
<br />which tha property subjeclto the lien IS siluated: and
<br />(II) Personal Property . In the case of personal
<br />property. whether tangible or Inlanglble. m one office
<br />within the State (or the county. or other governmenjal
<br />subdiylSlon), as designated by Ihe laws 01 such Stale.
<br />In which tha property subject to Ihe lien IS situated:
<br />or
<br />(B) With Clerk Of Oistllct Court - In the ofllce ollhe clerk 01
<br />the United Statu district court 10' the ludlclal district In wh'~h
<br />the property subject to lien,s situated. wnenever the State has
<br />not by law dUlgnaled one cfllce wn'ch "'eetslne 'eQUlleme"" ot
<br />s"!>Daragraph (AI. 0'
<br />(C) With Recorae, 01 Ceeds ()1 The OlStllcl 01 COlumo" . In
<br />tne oltlce ollhe Recorder 01 Oeeds of the OlSllICt 01 Columola :1
<br />the property sublecl I) lhe hen,s sltuatea ,n Ino O,-,lr,CI 01
<br />Columbia
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<br />(2) SlIus Of Property Subject To Lien - For purposes of
<br />paragraphs (1) and (4). property shall be deemed 10 be altuated,
<br />(A) Real Property. In the case of real property. al III
<br />physlcallocalion; or
<br />(BI Personal Property, In Ihe case 01 pellOnal property.
<br />whelher langlble or Intangible. al the resldenea of thl
<br />tupayer at Ihe time the notice 01 lien Is flied.
<br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (B). the resldenc~ of a corporltlon
<br />or partnership shall ba deemed to be the pjace al which the
<br />prinCipal execullye office of the business Is 1000ted, and the
<br />res'dence of a taxpayer whose residence Is without the Unlled
<br />Statee shall be deemed to be In tha Olstrlct of Columbfa.
<br />(3) Form - Tha form and content of ths notice
<br />referred to in subsection (a) shall be prescribed by the
<br />Secratary. Such nolice shall be valid notwithstanding Iny
<br />other provision of law regarding the form or conlent of a
<br />notice of lien.
<br />
<br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protBction for
<br />cBrtain interests even though noticB of lion
<br />imposed by sBctlon 6321 is filBd with rBspBct
<br />to:
<br />
<br />1 Securities
<br />2. Motor vehlclss
<br />3. Personal property purchased at retail
<br />4. Personal property purchased In casuaj sale
<br />5. Personlj proptlrty subjected to possessory lien
<br />6. Real property tax Ind special assessment liens
<br />7 Resldenllaj property subject to c mechanlc's
<br />lien for certain repairs and Improvem!nls
<br />8. Altorney's liens
<br />9. Certain insurance contracts
<br />fO. Passbook loans
<br />
<br />(g) Rellllng 01 Notice. - For purpam of this
<br />seclion .
<br />
<br />fl) General Rule. - Unless notlca of lien IHellled In
<br />the manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during the reQuired
<br />'efillng pellod. such nolice 01 lien shall be trealed as filed on the
<br />date on which it is filed (In accordance With subsection (f)) afler
<br />the expiret,cn of such refiling p.llod
<br />
<br />(2) Place For Filing. - A notice 01 lien rellled
<br />during the reQuired ref;lIng period shall be eltectiye only -
<br />IA) i1.
<br />fl) such nolice of hen is refiled In the ofllce In which the
<br />pllor notice of hen was filed. and
<br />fa) on the case of real property. the lact 01 relilmg IS
<br />entered and recorded In an Index to the extent reqUired by
<br />~ubsectlon ii, (.c). and
<br />iSI 111 any case 10 which. 90 days or more prior 10 the dale
<br />ot a reflllng ot notice 01 lien unde' subparagraoh tAl. the
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<br />Secretlry recllYed wrlnen Informlllon (In tht mlMtl
<br />preacrlbed In regulltlons jssued by thl Secrallry)
<br />concerning I chlngl In the tU\lIYI(a residence, If I nollce
<br />of such lien II Ilao lIIed In Iccordance with subuctlon (I) In
<br />the Statl In which such resldlnce lalOClted.
<br />
<br />(3) Required RoflOn; Period. - In tile cau
<br />of Iny notice of IIln, the term "required reflllng period- mllnl .
<br />(A) lhl on"Yllr period andlng 30 dlYI Iftlr tile expirltlon
<br />ot 6 yurs alter Ihe dlte oftha IUllsmant of tile tax, Incl
<br />(B) Ihe one'year period ending with thl explrallon of6yaars
<br />Ifter the clou of the preceding reQuired refillng period for
<br />such notice ofllan.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or
<br />Discharge Of Property,
<br />
<br />(a) Reltue Of Lltn. - Subfact to IUch
<br />regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, the Secretary shall
<br />Issue I certificate of releasa of any lien Imposed with respect to
<br />any Intern II revenue tax nolllter thin 30 dlYl Illtr the dlY on
<br />which.
<br />(1) ljablllty Sltlslled or Unlnforcelble . Thl Secretary
<br />IInds that thlllablllty for the Imounl I"'"ed, together with III
<br />InteraS! In respect thereof. hu bean fUlly Sltlllled or has
<br />become legally unenforcelbll: or
<br />(2) Bond Acclpted . There II furnlahad to the Seerltary Ind
<br />Iccepted by him I bond th.tls condllloned upon thl plYl1llnt 01
<br />the Imount umsad, log ether with III Intellal In raspeel
<br />thareof, within the time prescribed by jl\:l (Including Iny
<br />IXtenslon of such time), and thetls 'n accordlnce with luch
<br />reQuirements relating to terms. conditions, and form of tM tIond
<br />and sureties thereon, as may be specified by such regujltlonl.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis-
<br />closure of Returns and Return In-
<br />formation.
<br />(k) DllClolure 01 Certain Returnl Ind
<br />Return Information For To Admlnlltretlon
<br />Purpo.... -
<br />
<br />(2) OiSclosure of amount of outstanding lien. .If I notice of
<br />lien hes been filed pursuant to section 6323(1), thelmount of Iha
<br />outslendlng o~llgation secured by Such lien may be disclosed to
<br />any person WhO furnishes satisfactory wrinen evidence thlt ~t
<br />has a light rn the property lubject to such lien or Intends to
<br />obtain a rignt :n soch property
<br />
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<br />