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<br />Excerpts From Inl.mll Rev.nu. Code
<br />'Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />
<br />If Iny perlon IIlble to PlY any tax neglects or refuses to
<br />flY tht lime liter demlnd, the amount (Including any Inter.
<br />IIl,lddltlonlllmount. Iddltlon to tax. or assessable penalty,
<br />togIthtr with Iny cO~tl thlt mlY Iccrue In addition thereto)
<br />lhall be I lien In Ilvor ollht United Slltes upon all property
<br />and rlghll to property, whtthtr rell or personal, belonging
<br />lD IUcI1 pellOn.
<br />
<br />See, 6322. Period Of Lien.
<br />
<br />Unless lnother date Ie specifically fb.ed by law. the lien
<br />Imposed by section 632llhalf arise atlhe time the assessment
<br />II mlde and shall continue unlilthe liability for the amount so
<br />IIIIUId (or I judgment againsl lht taxpayer arising oul of
<br />euc:h IIlblllty) II satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason
<br />.,llapA of time,
<br />
<br />See, 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />(I) Purchae"" Holden Of Security In-
<br />ItrIIta, 1hchIn1c'. LIonon, And Judgment
<br />Utn CrtdltOl1. - The lien Imposed by section 6321 shall
<br />IlOl be valid u agllnst any purchaser, holder of a security
<br />Inllrest IIIICIlInlc'sllenor, or judgment lien creditor until notice
<br />lhtreol which ml!lll the requirement, of subsection (f) has
<br />been flied by the Secretary.
<br />
<br />(f) PIICt For Filing Notice; Form.-
<br />
<br />(I) Place For Filing . The notice referred 10 in sub-
<br />section (a) shall be flied -
<br />(A) Under State laws
<br />(I) Real Property, In Ihe case of real property, In one
<br />olflce wllhln lht State (or the county, or other governmental
<br />lubdlvlstDn). IS designated by the laws of such State, in
<br />which the property subject to the lien is situated; and
<br />(Ii) Personll Property . In the case of parsonal
<br />property, whether tangible or Intangible. In one office
<br />within the State (or the county. or other governmental
<br />subdivision), as designated by the laws of such State,
<br />In which the property SUbject 10 the lien is situated;
<br />or
<br />(B) With Clerk Of District Court. In the office of the clerk of
<br />the United StitH district court for the judicial district In which
<br />the property SUbject 10 lien Is situated. whenever the State has
<br />not by lew designated one office which meets the reQuirements of
<br />lU~r..raph (A), or
<br />(C) Wllh Recorder Of Oeeds Of The District 01 Columbia. In
<br />tht ,ffice 01 the Recorder of Deeds 01 the D,strict 01 Columbia. if
<br />tlM ,reperty subject to the lien is situated In the Distflct of
<br />Cohllllbll.
<br />
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<br />Entered IU; Document No.
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<br />(2) Sllus Of Property Subject To lien. For purposes 01
<br />paragraphs (I) and (4), property shall be deemed to be sltulted.
<br />(A) Real Property . In the cue 01 reaj property, It Ita
<br />physlcallilCltion: or
<br />(B) Personaj Property. In the cast 01 personal property,
<br />whether tangible or Intangible, al the residence 01 the
<br />taxpayer at the time the notice of lien Is flied,
<br />For purposes 01 paragraph (2) (B), lht relldence 01 a corporation
<br />or partnership shall be deemed to be lht pjace at which lht
<br />principal executive office ollht buslneu Is located. and lht
<br />re~lden~ 01 a taxpayer whose residence Is without lht Uni""
<br />States shall be deemed to be in lht District 01 Columbia.
<br />(3) Form . The lorm. and content 01 lht notice
<br />referred to In subsection (a) shall be prescribed by lht
<br />Secretary. Such nolice shall be valid notwithstanding any
<br />other provision 01 law regardinp the lorm or content 01 a
<br />notice of lien.
<br />
<br />Not.: See section 6323(b) for protection for
<br />certain interests even though notice of lien
<br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect
<br />to;
<br />
<br />1. Securities
<br />2. Motor vehicles
<br />3. Personal property purchased It retlll
<br />4. Personal property purchased in casual slle
<br />5. Pellonal property subjected to polsesSOry lien
<br />6. Rell property tu Ind speclll alllSlmenlllens
<br />7. Residentiaj proparty subject to a mechanic's
<br />lien lor certlln repairs and Improvements
<br />8. Attorney's liens
<br />9. Certain Insurance contracts
<br />10. Passbook loans
<br />
<br />(g) A.flllng Of Notice. - For purposes of this
<br />section.
<br />
<br />(1) GentI'lI Rule, - Unless nolice 01 lisn Is rsllled In
<br />the manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during the required
<br />refiling period: such notice ot hen shall be treated as tiled on the
<br />date on.which Ills liIed (in accordance with subsection (f)) alter
<br />the expiretion 01 such refillng period.
<br />
<br />(2) PIIc:t For Filing. - A nollce of lien retiled
<br />during the required reliling period shall be effective only.
<br />(A) If.
<br />(I) such nolice 01 lien Is rellled in the office in which the
<br />priGr notice 01 lien was filed. and
<br />(ii) In the case of real property. the facl of refiling is
<br />entered and recorded in an Index to the extent required by
<br />subsection (I) (4). and
<br />(B) In any case in which. 90 days or more prior to the date
<br />of a refiling 01 notice 01 lien under subparagraph (A), the
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<br />Secretary received wrlllen Information (In lht mlnner
<br />prescribed In regulltlons lulled by the Secretary)
<br />concerning I chlnge In lht laXpayar'1 I'IIldtncI, III notlCl
<br />01 such lien Illjao Illed In ICCOrdlllCl with lubsacllon (f) In
<br />lht State In which suc:h residence ilIOCItId.
<br />
<br />(3) AIqUlred R.f1lng PerIod. - In the cue
<br />01 any notice 01 lien, lht term "required ",mng period" melns .
<br />(A) lht one-year period ending 30 dlYI Iller lht expiration
<br />01 6 yellS liter tt-.e dal! ollht UIIIIllIIIIt ollht laX, Ind
<br />(e) lht one-year period ending wlthlht explrlllon 018 yurs
<br />aller lht close ollht precedlng required "'mng period lor
<br />such notice 01 lien,
<br />
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or
<br />Discharge Of Property.
<br />
<br />(a) R'" Of LItn. - Subjtcl to IUcI1
<br />regulations IS lht Secretary may prescribe, lht Sacrltary lhall
<br />Ilsue a certificate 01 rejeue 01 Iny lien Impotld with respect to
<br />eny Internal revenue tax not jlter than 30 dlylllllr lht dlY on
<br />wh!ch .
<br />(1) ljlblllly Satisfied or Unenlorceable . The Secretary
<br />I,nds that the liability lor lht amount assessed, together with all
<br />interest in respect lhtreol, hu been lully satisfied or hu
<br />become jegllly unenforceabje; or
<br />(2j Bond Accepted. There is lurnished to lht Secretary Ind
<br />accepted by him I bond that Is conditioned upon the payment 01
<br />lht amount assessed, togelhtr with all inllrest In respect
<br />lhtreol. within lht time pn;scrlbed by IIW (Including Iny
<br />extensiijn of such time), and that is in accordance with such
<br />requirements relltlng to terms. conditions. and lorm of lht tiond
<br />Ind sureties lhtreon, as may be specified by such regullllons.
<br />
<br />See, 6103. Confidentiality and Dis-
<br />closure of Returns and Return In-
<br />formation.
<br />(Ie) DlIcIoaure of Certain Aeturns Md
<br />Return Information For To Administration
<br />Purposel.-
<br />
<br />(2) Disclosure of amount of outstanding lien. ,\I.a notice of
<br />lien has been filed pursuant to section 6323(1), the amount of the
<br />outstanding obligation secured by such lien may be disclosed to
<br />any person who lurnishes satislactory wrltltln evidence that he
<br />has a right in the property subject 10 such lien pr Intendlto
<br />obtain a right in such property.
<br />
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