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<br />I <br /> <br />." <br /> <br /> <br />~. ~~i ~ <br />>O,.-..J ~ il' <br /> <br />~ ~~~ <br />~ 1'1 ~ <br />~'.~~ <br />,''\\ '\. <br /> <br />\(j~ <br />~~ <br />~.J,~t ! <br />~. <br />~ <br /> <br />o <br />ii' <br />~ <br />i" <br />:D <br />c3 <br />ii' <br />ii <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />L From I.ltmll R...... Codt <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />II Iny :IIrson liable 10 pay any tax neglects or refuses to <br />'PlY the same liter demand. the amount (including any inter, <br />lit, Iddltionll amount, eddlUon to tax. or assessable penalty. <br />togt\lltr with any costs that may accrue In addition thereto) <br />Ihlll be I lien In lavor 01 the United States upon all property <br />IIIcI rlghtJ to property, whether real or personal. belonging <br />to IIlCI1 person. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of lien. <br /> <br />Unless another date II specifically fixed by law. the lien <br />ImpotlCf by lICtion 632t shall arise at the time the assessment <br />II iIIIdt Ind shall confinue until the liability for the amount so <br />UMUed (or I Judgment against the taxpayer arising out of <br />1IlCI1111b1l1ty) II satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />of Ilpse 01 time. <br /> <br />See, 6323, Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(I) Purchlltr'., HokItrI Of StcurIty In" <br />....... MtchInIc'. LItnon, And Judgment <br />LIen Cred"ora. - Thlllen Impaled by eection 6321 shall <br />nol be vllld II Igllnlt Iny purchlser, hojder 01 I security <br />IntIrIII, lllIChanlc'llIlnor. or Judgmlnt IIln creditor until notice <br />thereol which milIa the requirements 01 subsection (I) hIS <br />bIIn IIIId by the Secretary. <br /> <br />(I) PIIc:e For FIling Notice; Fonn.- <br /> <br />(I) Pllce For Filing . The notice referred to In sub- <br />HClIon (I) lhall be lIIed ' <br />(A) Under Stlte lawl <br />(I) Rtll Property. In the case of reaj property. In one <br />olllce within the SIIII (or the county. or olher govemmentaj <br />subdlvlllon). II designated by the jaws of such State, In <br />wIIlch the property subject to the lien is situated: and <br />(II) Personaj Property . In the case of personaj <br />property. whether tangible or .nlangible, in one ollice <br />within the State (or the county. or other governmental <br />lubdlvlllon). as designated by the laws of such State, <br />In willen the property subject to Ihe jlen is situated: <br />or <br />(B) With Clerk Of District Court. In the ollice of the clerk of <br />the United Slltes district court for the judicial district in which <br />the property subject to iien is situated. whenever the Slate has <br />not by law designated one cll.ce meets the 01 <br />subparagraph (A). or <br />(C) WIth Recorder Of Deeds Of The OlstrlCI Of Columo.a - In <br />theollice of Ihe Recorder of Deeds at the DIStrict at Columo.a..1 <br />the property sublect tJ the lien IS s.lualed ,n Ino O"lr,CI 01 <br />Columbia. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />::!l <br />j[ <br />:;: <br />iii' <br /> <br />- <br />fO <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />ri" <br />C'D <br />o <br />... <br />.... <br />I>> <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />:J <br /> <br />!!L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />a.. <br />lit <br />"< <br />2. <br /> <br />(2) Slfus Of Property Subject To lien, For PUrpDlII 01 <br />parlgraphs (1) and (4), property shall be detmed to be situated. <br />(A) Rul Property . In lhe case 01 reel property, I' III <br />phYllclllOCllion: or <br />(B) Personll Property. In the elSe ollllflonlj property, <br />whether tanglbje or Intlnglble. al the relldence 01 the <br />taxpayer at the time the notice 01 lien Is 1I11d. <br />For purposes 01 paragraph (2) (B). the residence oIl corporetion <br />or plrtnershlp shall be detmed to be the place It "hlch the <br />principal executive olllce 01 the business Is !ocated, IIIcIthe <br />residence ala taxpayer whose residence II wllhoutthe United <br />Slatlllhall be deemlli to be in the Oiltrlct 01 Columbia. <br />(3) Form ' The lorm and content 01 the noUce <br />relerred to In subsection (a) shall be prllCfibed by the <br />Secritary. Such notice shall be valid nolwit!lltandlng any <br />other provision 01 law regarding the lorm or conlent of I <br />notice 01 lien. <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though noticB of IiBn <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respBct <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Securities <br />2. Motor vehlcl.. <br />3. Personal property purchlHd at retail <br />4. Personlt prolMtrty purchlHd In caluallall <br />5. Personal propirty subjected to polSlSlOry lien <br />6. Real property tax and special UlISSment liens <br />1. Resldenllaj property subject to a mechanlc's <br />lien lor certain repairs and Improvements <br />6. Attorney's liens <br />9. Certain insurance contracts <br />10. Passbook loans <br /> <br />(g) Reflllng Of Notice. - For purposes 01 thll <br />section, <br /> <br />(1) G.neral Ru'-. - Unless notice 01 lien Is rellled In <br />the manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during the required <br />refiling period. such notice 01 lien shall be treated IS liled on the <br />date on.which it is tiled (in accordance with subsection (I)) alter <br />the expiraticn of such refiling period. <br /> <br />(2) Place For Filing. - A notice of lien reliled <br />during the required reflling period shall be ellective only, <br />(A) if, <br />(i) such nolice 01 lien is reliled in the ollice in which the <br />prior notice of lien Wa5 tiled. and <br />(Ii) in Ihe case of real proO)lrty. the lact of refiling il <br />entered and recorded in an index to the exlent required by <br />~ubsect.on (I) (4), and <br />(B) in any case 10 which. 90 days or more prior to the date <br />of a rellling 01 notice 01 jien under subparagraph (AI. tilt <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~A~ftr8d 81 OOCUmftnt NO,. <br />6(1=-." 1 [I 1 1 9 2 <br /> <br />Grantllr -?f; ~. <br />GranUe- / /r - <br />Ntllnr:;\J:al L?L- <br />ST!,.TE OF NEBf\J\SKA) .c <br />C (' L't-.' ., (': r- f'! L L ) S Q <br />. . " ! '.. !r... <br /> <br />(' J <br />\J <br />1/901' <br /> <br />or: <br />? <br /> <br />'88 liAR II <br /> <br />c:: <br />~ <br />( <br />i <br /> <br />A H 19 2 8 <br />(2.~;! 0 I . <br />p'...,..z,"J ~-_<<_~ <br /> <br />qr.C: OF DEEOS <br /> <br />Secratary received written Inlormltion (In the mannar <br />prescribed In regulatlonl luued by the Slcralary) <br />concerning a change In the lIxpiytr'1 raskltncl. " I no1Ica <br />olluch lien 111110 flied In accordlnce with IUbHctIon (I) In <br />the Stall In which IIlCI1 raskltnclla Iocallod. <br /> <br />(3) Required RtM", PtrIod. - In IhI CIII <br />01 Iny notice of 1110, lhI tarm "raqulred rallllng parIad" 1IlIIIII- <br />(A) lhI one-Yllr pirlod In!IIng 30 dlY'lfIar IhI axpIratlGI'I <br />of 6 YIIrs IlIIr the dltl 01 the _1IIIlIt of IhIlIX, IIIcI <br />(B) the one-ytlr period andlng with the .xplratlon ofSyura <br />alllr the ~Io" of the prtctdfng required rallllng perflld for <br />llJ(h notice 01 lien. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(a) R..... Of' LIen. - Subjtct to such <br />regullllonllllht Secretary may plIICrtbe, the StI:ratIIy a/IIII <br />InUla certificate 01 rellan 01 any 1110 ImpotlCf with raspact to <br />any Intlrm.1 revlnutllx not lallr than 3D dlY' IIlIf the clay on <br />which. <br />(I) L1lblllty Satllfied or lnnfon:tlblt . TIlt Stcmary <br />Ilndlthlt t1:'llablllly for the IlllOunt UMUed,logtIhIr with all <br />inlerut In rllpect therlOf, hll betn fuliy 1It11fled or has <br />becoma Itgllly untnfOrCllblt: or <br />(2) Bond Accepted. There II fumllhtd to the Stcratary IIIcI <br />Iccepled by him I bond thltla conditioned upon IhI payllllllt of <br />the amount 1IIIIIId, tOlllther with III In\Ir1It In reapact <br />thereol, within the lima prascrlbed by Ilw (lncludlng any <br />extlnllon olluch IIml), Ind thllla In ICCOrdlnct with such <br />requlremanlS rljltlng to terml, conditions, Ind form of IhI tiond <br />Ind surellta therlOn.1I may be sptCIIled by auch ragullU-. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(k) DIIcIoIuI'l of CerIIIn Returns Ind <br />R.tum Informltlon For Tu Admlnlllrltlon <br />PUrpoltt. - <br /> <br />(2) Disclosure 01 amounl 01 outstanding lien. .lIa notice of <br />lien has bien filed pursuant to section 6323(1), the amount 01 the <br />oulltanding obligation lICured by luch lien may be disclOllClto <br />any pirlon who furnishll satisfactory wrinen evidtnce that he <br />hll a light In the property subjlCl to luch lien or inlendl to <br />obtlln a right In such property. <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />~ <br />
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