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<br />(; <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Q <br />3 <br />- m <br />(", ~.r _ <br />., -< (: <br />~~' .J~ <br />~ ~ '1' ~ <br />A (I '0 <br />~. t\0( <br />'-, ('}(:.. '0 <br />~~. <br />~~' ~ <br /> <br />~~l <br />~ <br />\'-. <br /> <br />f' <br /> <br />o <br />iF <br />;l- <br />0- <br />~ <br />XI <br />.z <br />;r <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />Excerpts From Internll Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />II Iny person lIabla to pay any tax neglects Dr refuses to <br />'ply lIla same liter demand. the amount (including any Inlll' <br />"I, Iddlllonal amount, addition to tax, Dr assessable penally, <br />tog'lIlar wllh Iny coslS that may accrue In addition therelo) <br />shill be a lien In Isvor 01 the Unlled States upon all property <br />Ind rights to property. whether real Dr personal. belonging <br />to such person. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unlua Inother date Is specifically fixed by law. the lien <br />Impoltd by IKllon 6321 shill arise at Ihe time lhe assessment <br />ISlllld. Ind shall continue until Ihe liability lor the amount so <br />"aulld (Dr I ludgmenl Igaln.t lhe taxpayer arising oul 01 <br />such IIlblllly) Is satisfied Dr bt!comes unenforceable by raason <br />Dr Ilpst 01 time. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323, Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(I) Purchlltr'., Holde" Of Security In- <br />t...., MtchInIc'. LItnon, And Judgment <br />Lien CrtdltOl'l, - Theilen Imposed by lletlon 6321 Ihlll <br />not be v'lId II Igllnll Iny purchl"r, holder 01 I security <br />Inltmt, mechlnlc'slllnor, Dr ludgmlnlll.n credllor until nOtlca <br />lIlaraof which muls Iha requlremenls of subsection (I) hu <br />baIn IIIId by the Seerellry. <br /> <br />(I) PIIce For Filing Notice; Form,- <br /> <br />(1) Pllce For Filing, The notice referred to In sub- <br />section (I) shall be lIIed . <br />(A) Under Stili Llws <br />(I) Rllj Property, In the Clse of rnl property, In one <br />offlc. within the Stili (Dr the county, Dr olher governmlntll <br />subdivision), al designated by the laws of such Sllti. In <br />which the property subjecl to lhe lien Is slluated; and <br />(II) Personal Property , In Ihe case 01 plllonal <br />property, wh.lher tangible Dr inlanglble. in one olllce <br />wllhln Ihe State (Dr the county. Dr olher governmental <br />lubdivlslon), as dnlgnatdd by Ihe Ilws of such State. <br />In which lIla property subJecl to the lien Is sltulled: <br />Dr <br />(8) Wllh Clerk 01 Olslrict Court. jn the ollice of th. clerk 01 <br />Ihe Unlled Stiles district court lor the Judicial district in which <br />the property subject to lien isslluated. whenever Ihe State has <br />not by IIW deslgnllld one olllce o;hlch mells Ihe reQulleme"'S 01 <br />subparagrAph (A). Dr <br />IC) With Recorder Of Deeds 01 The Dlslncl Of Columo,a . In <br />Ih. offiCi 01 the Recorder of Deeds of Ihe O'~lnct 01 Columo'a. ,f <br />Ihe property subject tJ Ihe hen,s sllualed In In. O,;'nCI 01 <br />Columbll. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />cl/ <br />oy <br />to- <br /> <br />Entered 8fi Document No. <br /> <br />88-1 0 ]. 1 9 1 <br />Grantor /') <br />Grantee /'9 <br />Numerical /v.4 <br />T.',TE 0;' NEf.HV\SKA) <br />c:. c; <br />OL!f!TY OF I{M,L ) Vv <br /> <br />:!I <br />3: <br />9' <br />r;;" <br /> <br />... <br />cg <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />-. <br />n <br />CD <br />o <br />.. <br />~' <br />I>> <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />(1) <br />::J <br /> <br />B liAR II <br /> <br />z <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />AI1 10 2'6 <br /> <br />C <br />:I <br />I <br />fn <br />I <br /> <br />!!t <br /> <br />(;~~~.. /"=;;l.:'~ <br />,,?,1 . <br />RCr,. OF OFFns <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Q. <br />III <br />"< <br />2. <br /> <br />(2) Situs 01 Property SubJecl To lien ' For purpoau of <br />paragraphs (I) and (4). property shall be deemed to be Sllulted, <br />(A) Real Property , In the case of reaj property, It III <br />physicajlocalion; Dr <br />(B) Personal Property, In Ihe case of perlOnlll'foperty, <br />whelher talllllble or Intanolble. at the r"ldance of tha <br />lax payer at the time the nollce DIllen Is 1II1d. <br />For purposes 01 paragraph (2) (8), Ihe resldenca oIl corporation <br />Dr partnership shall be deemed to be the plata It which lIla <br />principal execullve offiCi of the business Is locatld. and lIla <br />residence of alaxplyer whose rllildence Is without lIla United <br />Slit" shall be dltroed to be In the District of Columbll. <br />(3) Form ' The lorm and content of the nollCl <br />referred 10 In subsection (a) shall be prescribed by tha <br />Secrelary. Such notice sh.1I be valid nolwlthsllndlng any <br />other provision 01 law reglrdlno lhe lorm Dr content of I <br />nollce of lien. <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain inlerests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by s8ctlon 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Securities <br />2. Motor vehicles <br />3. Personll property purchlltd It retail <br />4. Personll property purchlltd In clsullsll. <br />5. Personll property subjected 10 poS"ssory lien <br />8. R.II property tax Ind speclll uausm.ntllens <br />7. Resld.nlllj property SUbJiCt to I mechanic's <br />lien lor Clrtlln repllrs Ind Improvements <br />8. Anorney's liens <br />9. Certlln Insurance contrlcts <br />10. Pessbook loans <br /> <br />(g) Retlllng Of Notice. - For purposes 01 thll <br />secllon ' <br /> <br />(1) Gtn"tl Rule. - Unless nollce DIllen Is relllld In <br />Ihe mlnner prescribed In peragraph (2) during the required <br />rellllng period; such notice 01 lien shill be treated IS Iiled on th. <br />dale on.which It Is fijed (In Iccordance with subsection (f)) alter <br />the expiretlcn 01 such refillng period. <br /> <br />(2) PIICe For Filing. - A nolice of lien rallied <br />during lhe rlQulred reflllno period shall be effective only' <br />(A) If. <br />(.) such nolice of lien is refiled In the office In which t~.e <br />onor nolice of lien wes filed, Ind <br />(iil in the cese 01 rllj property. Ihellcl 01 refillng Is <br />enlered and recorded In an .nder to the ellent rlQulled by <br />subsection (I) (41. and <br />lBI in any cue ,n which. 90 days Dr more pno' 10 the dale <br />oj a refillng 01 nOlice of lien under subparagraph (AI. lha <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Secretlry received wrlll.n Inlormlllon (In lIla mll1l1ll' <br />prescribed In regujltlOnS IssUld by tha Secratary) <br />concerning I change In lIla taxpaye(s resldanct, III notice <br />of luch lien II Ilso IlIed In Iccardal1Cilwllhsubsltllon (I) In <br />lhto Slit. In which IUl:h rnldlllCl II located. <br /> <br />(3) Required R.f1lng P.rIod. - In till CUI <br />of Iny nOIlCl olllan, the tlrm "required rall11ng perllld" _ - <br />(A) lha on.Yllr period Indlng 30 dlyelftar the Ixplratlon <br />of 8 yesrs liter the dlt. oltha _snttnt ollila tax, and <br />(8) the one'year period .ndlng with theexplral\on 018 yea" <br />liter the clo" oltha precedlno required raflllng period lor <br />luch nollce of lien. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325, Release Of lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(I) R...... Of. Lien. - Subjltl to auch <br />regulallons as the SKretary may prucrlbe, the Secratary shall <br />Issue. certlllcatt 01 relll" 01 any lien Impoald with IMpetl to <br />any Intern.j revenue tax nolllter thin 30 dlY' liter lha dly on <br />which- <br />(1) lllblllty Sltlsllld Dr UntnlolCllbll - The Secrtllry <br />IInds that thelllblllly lor th. Imount ulUlid, tog.lhtr with III <br />Inlernt In respect thereol, hll beln lully IItlSIItd or has <br />becom. legllly unenlolCllbll; Dr <br />(2) Bond Acc.ptld. Thare Islurnlshad to the Secratary and <br />Ictlpt.d by him I bond thaI Is conditioned upon !hi p&ymam 01 <br />th. Imount 1I...Itd, toglthar with all Inl1mt In l'llpect <br />lIlarsol, within t~ tlm. prescribed by Ilw (Including any <br />extension of such lime), and that Is In IccardlllCl with .udt <br />requlremlnll rej.lIno to terms. conditions. Ind lorm ollha tIoncI <br />Ind suretlll thareon, II may be spacllltd by such regul.lIon.. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation, <br />(k) DIIclOlUI't of CtrtIln Returna and <br />R.turn Informlllon For To Admlnlltrltlon <br />PUrpoltl. - <br /> <br />(2) Dlscjosure ot amounl of outstanding lien. ,\I a notice 01 <br />lien has been lIIed pursu.nllo section 6323{1}. thelmount ollhe <br />outst.nding obligation lleurld by such jlen mlY be dlecloltd to <br />.ny person who lurnlShllllllslltlory wrilt.n Ividlncethll ha <br />hIS I right In the pr~perty lubJecl to such IIln Dr Inllndl to <br />obtlln . right jn such property. <br /> <br />~ <br />