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<br />I <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />.' ) i ~I:~ <br />\ ~ ~ <br />:--"'-~ ,"--':f ~ <br />'" '\.-. '{''r - ' <br />~ -~, i r: <br />\", " \- '--- <br />~ \, ~ r- <br />,<\ .\l' <br />~~ <br />~\,^ <br />~,'j~ <br />~\ <br />\\' <br />{' ~.~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />'i <br />;;g <br />.2: <br />iii' <br />i:i <br />~ <br /> <br />;,~...., <br /> <br /> <br />(") <br />0' <br />~ <br /> <br />Ellcerptl From Internal Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to <br />'pay the same after demand. the amount (including any Inter. <br />lit. additional amount, addliion to tax. or assesuble penalty. <br />logethar with any costs that may accrue In addition therelo) <br />allall be a lien In favor of the Unit&<! States upon ell property <br />and rights to property, whether real or personal, belonging <br />to lUl:h person. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless InOlher dale Is speeifically fixed by law. Ihe lien <br />Impos&<! by eectlon 6321 ehall arise al the time Ihe asssssmsnt <br />II mada and shall conlinua untlllhe liability for the amount so <br />usemd (or I Judgment against the taxpayer arising out of <br />such liability) Is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />01 lapse of time. <br /> <br />Sec, 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(I) PUrchuer'l, Holcklrs Of Security In- <br />t'rtltl, Mechlnlc'l LIIIIOI'I, And Judgment <br />Lltn CredltOnl, - The lien Impos&<! by section 6321 shall <br />not be valid .. agalnll any purchaser, holder of I security <br />Inlarell, mechanic's lienor. or /udgmanlllen creditor unll! notice <br />t~.areof which meala the requirements of subsection (f) has <br />bltn III&<! b11he Secretary. <br /> <br />(f) Plnee For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />(1) Place For Filing . The no lice referred to in sub, <br />section (a) shall be lIIed ' <br />(A) Under State Laws <br />(I) Real Property. In the case 01 real property. In one <br />otllce within the State (or the county. or other governmental <br />SubdlvlaIOn). as designated by the laws 01 such State. In <br />which the property subjecl to jhe lien is situaled; and <br />(II) Personal Property . In the case of personal <br />property. whether langible or Inlangible. In one oHice <br />within Ihe State (or Ihe county. or other governmental <br />sulxllvlslon). as deSignated by the laws ot such Slate. <br />In which the property subject 10 jhe "en is situated; <br />or <br />(8) With G,erk Of Oistflct Court. In the oHlce 01 the Clerk of <br />the United Stales district court lor the I'Jdlclal dlstflCI In which <br />the property subject 10 lien IS situated. whenever the Sjale has <br />not by law deSIgnated one ctf.ce whIch meets Ihe "QUlremerls 01 <br />subparagraph (A). or <br />(C) W,jh Recorder Of Oeeds 01 The OlStflcl 01 COlurno.a In <br />the office of the Recorder 01 OeedS ollhe OlStflCt 01 COlurno,a ,I <br />the properly 5uDlact tJ the hen IS sl:uated In 1"'1> D'~lr,c' Of <br />Columbia <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />:!! <br />it <br /> <br />[()t~l'I<d t.& 0noJnti!'"t N<'), <br /> <br />I 88..--. 1 !J '1 1 9 0 <br />Gr3n'ot ~~. <br />Z ftrMtee~~~_ <br />g ~~' ~ ~urre;i<:21 A/~ <br />(") ~ ,\ I L '" .. ~ .-:,'f, t,) S S <br />tD G1t:':i":- H.'--LL ) <br />o <br />- . <br />;fa liAR II <br />>C <br />r- <br />..... <br />C'D <br />:;, <br /> <br />g. <br />;;- <br /> <br />i' <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />..... <br />lJiI <br /> <br />!!. <br /> <br />(:/ <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />a.. <br />ll> <br />'C <br />2. <br /> <br />(2) SlIus Of Property Subject To Lien. For purposas of <br />paragraphs (t) and (4). property shall be deemed 10 be situat&<!. <br />(A) Real Property. In the case of real property. at Its <br />physlcallocalion; or <br />(e) Personal Property. In the case 01 pellonal property, <br />whether tangible or intangible, at the ruldellCt of the <br />taxpayer at the time tha no lice of lien is III&<!. <br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (8), the realdence of a corporallon <br />or partnership shall be aeem&<! to be the place at which the <br />prinCipal executive ofllce of Ihe business Is locat&<!, and the <br />residence 0' a taxpayer whon residence Is without the Unit&<! <br />Stltu shall be deemed to be In the District of Columbia. <br />(3) Form . The 'arm and content 01 the notice <br />referred 10 '" ,ubsectl~n (a) shall be prescribed by the <br />Secretary Such notice shall be valid notwlthatandlng any <br />other provision 01 law regarding Ihe form or content of a <br />notice 0' lien. <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain inte~ests even though notic8 of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respecl <br />to: <br /> <br />t Securities <br />2. Motor vehicles <br />3. Personal property purc~ased al rltall <br />4. PerSOnal property purchu&<! In cllua! nla <br />5. Personal property eub/ect&<! 10 poasallory lien <br />6. Raal property IIll and apeelll IIl1l1menlllenl <br />7. Resldenllal property subJect 10 a mechanic'. <br />lien for certain repalrland Improvemenls <br />8. Morney's liens <br />9 Certain Insurance contracts <br />10. Passbook loans <br /> <br />(g) Reflllng Of Notice. - For pUlpom of Ihll <br />section. <br /> <br />It) General Rule. - Unlm nOlles 01 lien II relilld In <br />the manner prescribed In paraO'lph (2) dUflng Ihl rlqUired <br />refiling period. such no lice ot lien shell bt Irtajed II "I&<! on Ihe <br />date on which it IS "'ed (In acco'dance WIth subsechon 1111 aller <br />the eXplrallon of Such rellllng pelled <br /> <br />(2) Place For Filing. - A notice 01 I'en 'e"lS<l <br />dUflng the required rellllng peried shall be eHecjlve only. <br />(A) I'. <br />(IJ suCh notice of lien IS reflted In the office In which the <br />pflor nOI'ce 0' "en was filed. and <br />(III '" the case of real property. Ihe fact 01 rel'llng II <br />entered and recorded In an mdex to Ihe exlent reQulr&t! bv <br />subsectIon (f; (4). and <br />,e) In any case In which. 90 days or more pnor 10 the date <br />01 a re""no 01 not'ce ot lIan under subparagraph 1Ai. Ihe <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />!'tV/ <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />MilO <br /> <br />iJ <br />26 <br /> <br />c: <br />::s <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />//(J~ <br />-.--....... " <br />--...~~'-'. ~..,.J <br /> <br />Pl~{-:. nF nFFn<:; <br /> <br />Secretary recelv&<! wrlnen Intormatlon (In the mlMer <br />prescribed In regula lions Issued by the Secllltary) <br />concerning a chan-~a In the taxpayerl relldence. II a notice <br />ot such lien Is also iliad In accordance with aubllctlon (f) In <br />the State In which luch relldence It located. <br /> <br />(3) Required ReflUng Period, - In tht Cll. <br />of any notice of lien, the tarm "raqulr&<! raflll~ period" meanD . <br />(A) the one-year period ending 30 da)'I Iller the uplrltlon <br />018 YOlrs efler the date of the alSUlm,nt olthl tax, and <br />(8) tha one'yaar period ending with tha explrltlon 018yelFl <br />afler tha clou 01 the pracedJng requlrsd rallllng perfOd lor <br />such notice of lien. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />Discharge Of Property, <br /> <br />(a) Rele... Of Lltn, - SUbJect to IUCIl <br />r~ulations II the Secretary msy prelcrlbe. the Secr'laIy Ihlll <br />Issue a certlllcate of release of any lien !mpolld with raapect 10 <br />an11nternal revanua till not later IMn 30 dlYI liter 1M dly on <br />which, <br />(I) L1eblllty Sallsll&<! or Unenlorceable . The Secrltlry <br />find I thaI the liability h.~ ,~;; Imountlllell&<!, tOClthar with all <br />interSSI In respect thertol, hIS been lully utllfled or hIS <br />become I~ally ulllnforceable; or <br />(2) Bond AccIPlad . Thera la furnlahed 10 tho Secratlry Ind <br />IccepI&<! by him a bond thlt la condition&<! upon the payment of <br />the amount IIUII&<!. togathar with all Interllt In relpect <br />thereof, within the time prucrlbed by law (Including any <br />extenllon of such time), end that la In accordance with luch <br />rlqulremlnll relallng to term I, condltlona, and lorm ot the tIond <br />Ind IUIIIl.. thareon. II mlY be Speelll&<! by such regulatlonl. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(kl DlaclOlure of Certeln Retuml and <br />R.tum In'ormetlon For To Adminlltretlon <br />PUrpolU. - <br /> <br />121 DISClosure 01 amount Of outslanding lien. .If a notice of <br />I,en has been filed pursuant to section 6323(0. the amount of the <br />outstanding obllgltlon lecur&<! by such "en mlt be dlsclol&<! to <br />any person Who furniShes satisfactory writlen aVldance that he <br />hu a fight In the property subject 10 suCh lien or Intends to <br />obtain a fight In such property. <br /> <br />-.J <br />