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<br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />1- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />6 Eminent Domain. Lender,s hereby assIgned all compe~~:-:W!~d!a~~n~other payments or rea~e~eQID~n~~eChon wIth <br />condemnation or other lak''lg of the Property or part thereof. or for conveyance In lieu of condemnatIOn Lender shall beentllled at Its option tocommence. appear In and <br />prosecute In Its own name any action or proceedings. and shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement In connection with such taking or damage. In the <br />event any portion of the Property IS so taken or damaged. Lender shall have the option In Its sole and abSoiute dlscretlon_ to apply all such Proceeds. after deductmg <br />therefrom all costs and expenses Incurred by It In connection with such proceeds_ upon any Indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Lender maydetermine. or to <br />apply all such Proceeds, alter such deduct!ons_ to the restoration of the Property upon such conditions as Lender may determine_ Any application of Proceeds to <br />Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date of any payments under the Note or cure any default thereunder or hereunder <br /> <br />7 Performance by Lender. In the event of Borrowers faIlure to perform any of the covE-nents herem or make any payments reQuired hereby. or If any act IS taken or <br />legal proceeding commenced which materially affects Lenders Interest In ttle Property. Lender may In its own discretion, but w!thout obligation to do so. and without notice <br />to or demand upon Borrower and without releasing Borrower from any obligation. do any act which the Borrower has agreed but falls todo and may also do any other act It <br />deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Borrower shall. Immediately upon demand tnerefor by LendeL pay to lender all costs and expenses Incurred and sums <br />expended by Lender In connection with the exerCise by Lenderof the foregOing nghts_ together with Hlterest thereon at the rate provided In the Note, which shall beadded to <br />(he mdebtedness secured hereby_ Lender s:"all not Incur any personalllablhty because of an,.thmg It ma)' do or omit to do hereunder <br /> <br />8 Events of Default The followmg shall constitute an event of default under this Deed of Trust <br /> <br />(a) Failure to pay any Installment of pflncipal or Interest or any other sum secured hereby .....nen due. or fa!lure to pay ,^.hen due an}' other Indebtedness of <br />Borrower to Lender: <br /> <br />(b) A breach of or default under any provlS. _ n contamed 10 the Note. thiS Deed of Trust. any document \\'hich secures the Note. and any other <br />encumbrance upen the Property. <br /> <br />(C) A wnt of execution or attachment or any Similar process shall be entered against Borrower which shall become a lien on the P(operty or any portIOn <br />thereof or Interest the rem: <br /> <br />(d) There shall be filed by or against BorrO'lter an actmn unt!er an}' present or future federal. state or 01her statute. la\\' or regulation relatln9 to <br />bankruptcy. Insoh'enc}' or other relief for debtors: ortnere shaH be appointed any trustee. recen-er Of hquldator of Borro'tier or of aU Of any part of the Property. Of <br />the rents. ISSUes or profits thereof. or Borro....-er shall make any general 3ss~gnment for the benefit of credItors <br /> <br />(e) fhe sale. transfer_ assignment. com,-eyance 01 furthe-r encumbrance cf all or an~' pan 01 or an}' mterest fn the Propert)'. either \'oiuntanly or <br />lOyoluntanly. without the express wrmen consent of Lender <br /> <br />(f) If Borrower IS not an mdlvujuat tile saJe. trat\sfer. ass!gnmenl. ccn.c,'ance OJ encumhrance of more than ~ p.ercent of (II a cOlporahonl .is <br /> <br />Issued and outstandmg stock or (If a partnership) _ p€!ce:nt ot partnerstl;p mterest~ <br /> <br />9 Remedlts; Ac.uter.lIon Upon Default In the e\ent of any E\ent of OrfauU len-o:er m.3.)" drc~afe- ail tndebtetlness s&ured hNeby to be due- am! pa....ab'e and the <br />same shall thereupon beco,me due and payabfe w'itilout any presentment. ri1-€iir..3!lT.I~_ P-€O!es! or fio~~,te of an~' The:eaftN lent!er may <br /> <br />tal Demand that T e.-:err;lS-e the PO\'.fER OF SALE gran.teo rlelfem aff>Jj T ......stee sinal! .her€'af~er cau~ B-tHrilt\er-s Interest m the Propeft)' to be so1c:J <br />and the proceeds to tJ.e Cftstnbuted. all !O the Pfo--ai'11€d m Ih>e N€tuas\a Trust D2i!.;js Act <br /> <br />(b) Either In person 01 oy agent. ~-ltl1 or 'A.thou! ~:nlli'.g~I!i'9 an)' aU~o-:n OJ J,M'ocre.t)-;Ill>-<~ Qf b)' a fffeJ\E-J app.ainted b,' a court and Without r~atd to thle <br />adequacy of Its secunty. enter upon and take rros.s.e-ssr.{y.Ol o~ UoeP'o~en'J'_ {tlf an')' ~3n: UM~rr€'D' rn ttSO'An name-or on tne name 01 the Trust~. and do an)' actswh,ch <br />It deems necessary or desuabfe to pre_li.en.-e tll:e '..a!~. m.a'*-ett3.b{.r.~t'f or re.ntahr,~'jr:i o~ ttr.e lP'ti:l'-I!'ert~, a-~ par. thereof or mterest (herem, tncre3.SC' the IncOtT\le <br />therefrom or protect thesecuflty he,eo' anod AlIth O! 'AiUUl'ul la....~l!icg pn-sses.S!ion o! 11ft€, PrU'p-rft)' SU-r .01' elf elhef'A'lsecoUet:t the fents. 'ssuesancl profits th-erf'-ot <br />including those past due and unpa~d and app!)' tr,e same- res costs a-r.d e"ile.nS~5 oQ;' o-'p-ea2t~o.'l1 an~ CG"iC-e-Cl:;-G-ll ~nctmlUlg aUor~}"S. fees. upan an)' m~b'(loi.1I'\{'~S <br />secured hereby, all In such order as Lender mat' Cle:e'm~lITi:' TIT€' €fl_t-errmglIUPD:./T'il an.!]! ta.'~~:rt-I1 ~SE'5S~an 0' Ute PropE-J1)'. the coUectlon 01 such rents. 'ssues an\3 <br />prohts and the application thereof as afcreS-al{1l shaH ""0'1 cure C-iT \Ai!~'"I:e an)' C!~'a:J.::l:t Gf r.'O'~~ce at d:-t:>f3UU 1hi';:reun-treJ Of ~n~ah-da.!e any act done 10 response to Sltth <br />default or pursuant to su(:h notr-ce of de'auit an-a. lr)!ltjiYl,'attu5!aml1"ln!YI !lIloi:' ("om1~oTl'll3.'lilCe 1.11'1 ~~so.(ll::l o! !!!'Ii" PJO~'2fl)' '"' l~ Co'~&tlDn. fe-C-e-lpt ana apphcahon 0-' <br />rents. Issues or profits. T rusle-e or lender s-n-a~~ tJoe E-nhtr-e-rJI 10 eaellcl:re e-Ili'e:f)' lfl.y1l1': 0110" vl:ti'.(t !(!l!' urn an't' or th,e loan Instruments Of b)' law uponn occurence 0' an ~ <br />event of default. mcludlng the fight to e~e'CI S-'?' lne iNJ:'A-e". o~ 9%e.. arrcl!! <br /> <br />ee) Commence an act!-{)flto forectose t.1f11S 0ei:-nI n1 11l'u;S! as a m.,tHt~l~ ap:i!"a,.1l! a lI'Nell-.e.1 c!l' 5-P"2't1it.-r:a.!I..' e-!I1~{nce an)' of the co\-enants h~te-o' <br /> <br />No remedy herein conferred upon or res.en:e-!l to Trustee G' l€<11:-d--e-r uS tlllte111'.If~:'I) hoe e.t':ius,'!'~t"' 0' a,ll't' iO"''i:-e-~ lfe::;r.i2-t!:r fr.'f'oTl?"n Of b)' la"' ~UO\.'I!-l1ro or pe-:rmllle-d. but each shaH be <br />cumulahve, shall be In addlt.on to e.ery other remedy gi~'-en hef~.ufH!-f" o~ lIT,n',," C:f t;-ell'eaJ~e" e_r.5ti:!fto.g at P3'A Go! ~n €'"I;i.II4,' Of b)' s.ta~ote aT1~ ma't. be e..erC.Se-i1 concunentl)'_ <br />Independenlly or SuCCeS5n/ely <br /> <br />10 Trust". The Trustee may .e-Slgn at an)' t.r.;:eAM:h-1}:J;1 caU!Ie a'f1'ijllLeT\;!of:-:f r.1!":',~t at am., tonTTlf' dl1l1',~ 'Al,t~u1 C3J,i:Se ap';Nl>'irol a surcesSO-f Of subsMute T,ustee T,usleoe <br />shaH not be liable for any 'oss or damage unress d'lJ'e' 10 at~"-o1Tta.'b~~ m;e-.g,:.~~"f'tTlItE' 0/1' 1tILlil;:I~....!1 r.-i.'S.;:IJJf1'.ttU.rI a'll,tlI s..'fTla'n n.a2 lOoi?' lI'€-rIU'''~ ID ta\.e an)' achon on conoe-ct.o-n \\'.th 'he <br />enforcement of thiS Deed eo' T.ust un!ess .ndemnohetl m 'Aflt11rr-1J p.o.' ai!1 CUts-t!> C~;Po?:\'1'.3aftl:{llr.l 0' E'*l[!o{l'f.'Tl5if$ 'Ahrl[lh mat' be- ass.-OC1i3te-l2 the_e",th tn addition. T.ust{lrop maV <br />become a purChaser at any safe 01 the Property (JUotbnal O! Ulm-lJ.Ef tn.e pttA1:-1I' 0,11 sa',e S'l'ant~a: 1h<fIlE-;:n~ 1P'~S'po.n;fo tt.>e sa'li!' 0' aWl G'I' .an)' P'O'hon 0' the- ~fopeny. as prOlrtdeO b)' la\l;. <br />or selllhe P,operly as a who"'. Of In separale parc,,:s '" '!lIS <br /> <br />11 Future MY.nee... Upon request of Borro-..-er. le-~" mar_. at ~lS ().g>trOi;'T) malle a~tI'I~llomal anrll"u;hue ar:h'il'flte-5 an[J .e.a(h'antes to Bouo,,-er Such athanr-esan(j <br />readvances. with Inte.est ttte/oon. sl1aU be 5eCure.d Dy thHS O~ a' T l'/iUI~~ ;." n-'O> ttl'lrrlE' sJha.',~ Ih-i:" P.'1!'""t1':p..a) a'l'!\-Oo'u'llIt 0' lh,fo AnrD:t"b'MTbf'oSS se-cUf€,-~ b't' Uus. ~ 01 Trust. n01 HII- <br /> <br />cludlng sums advanced to protecltne sec......t, OIIlll~S. D'i'of'(] 0,1 "! 'u~1, lll're Q-lIltQ-I"3~ P'1ij1Lt 'p..l.iI ~mO-o.:J;'r.l" s.M.It.~ r-",,1(>,'!'. 01 S 15C. .000.. 00-_ _____ _ . '" hie ~i..".-CJ IS. <br />greater <br /> <br />12 MlaullaMouS P,OYlalons. <br /> <br />(a) BO.flow.r Nol Rtfllsed.. E..renSJ,O<T\ o! Ul'~ hre.e fc~ 1l'-3:"fnieol O'l' mOO'l~IJra'rnfll 3' amtUhla'.Gn o' ~!Il.... S'ums, 5.e-tlue-iJ nt' ."'5 ()er.eod 0' lfus.t 9tAntel:t by <br />lender to any succ~s-s.or m mtere-5t o' BO.ffO.At'1f S>tt>.l.~~ ~O~ op.e!atoe' to felieas.e" ~n a'!'ll)' m..!,fl';'n'.f"_ ltr.e ftI3b-~~~l}' ot lhop r)lfMgl'!'\31 Bo,,(lol'\-e1' ana 8ouo,,-efs S.UCCe-S.SOT$ m <br />Interest lender shall not be re-qulre-d tocomn:men-re 1!;"Ol{:e~1Ir1't1gs.;'!"'5' Sllkt.,," S'tI'tCE'5S()t C./f ~ehj;~tDed{l':r'j t,m'" litH ()lI'J"mt"N 01 ou~eh"~5.f'm()c!ilfyamo1hl.aljcYn <br />of the sums secured by tnls Oee-o 01 Trust hI' re-.il5G'll c~ any d-rrr!l\anjs m3;J.eo b-,- Ul.e c1hg'li<-a1 8Dl!IfO'tt.'f!,f .1TbcJ Bt'toTM -",,~( S S'UI{C,~''-S.S.l)1S m mleh?st <br /> <br />(b) Lend.,.. Po..,.. \'i'.thou! aUe<l,""g tne luatnhl)' 01 ani' oUtof'lI' Jtof'lI'~n'fll ~I'atl,!le ro'l' I~ p.3)'me:n1 o! an)' ob~';gatlon f"J\Neln menhonNI.amS "'jthG-ul attNhng <br />the lien d. charge ot UIIS Deed of Trust upon any po1hon olltte P'o-;Po!l1}' ne! It_~ C,:T Itr,P'f:'IO!oore re~f!'~s..pal as'n~t)' 'OT t~€' .0111 amount 0' aU unpaH' obl1gahons <br />lenaer may. Irom lime to time an-d v.lthO<at nolr<e .n) lI'er~as.e an)' person $-'0 wlla!y~ u~1 e:a_l€Tlli:1thre matlUl'H1f Of alter an)' 0' ltt.e te'ms ot an)' $C'ch obhgahons_ (m. <br />grant other Indurgern:es. (,\') rerease C' rec('o'\li.:o)' Of cauSof' to b-e "elle-3~ eM" re<OTh'l"_'f"LI at an)' hrn-.e alle.fIIU~'s o;phDns an)' p,!lCe-t pD7hon OT aU 01 the P'OpeT1~' <br />CY) fake or relea\.E!' any otner or additional S.ecurd)' fo, .1'111)' Ob'!irfll!t.ttmI tt,ell'e~n m,e-~hn,~ O! h"l ma...e comp.()s'114GT'llS OT O~twT anailQe-m~n1$ ~"ltfl debtOf$1O 'elahc:vn <br />Ine,elo <br /> <br />(C) Forbu.ranee by le-nde-r Nola W.....,. An";- 'ollbeaf.l!l"tJte b)'.lE'n.zlt"lf m e.elf(hS~n-Q an)' fW9hl OT lIe~.pot' I1e-JeanGer. OT 01-f\f"'lns.e aftouse-zj by apphcab'p <br />law. shall not be.a of o. preclude ttt,e.pae'CI5-e01 any ~llVth flrglflt oor .e:r.rto{>od)' TI1-e porotu~eofl'!\il'T\I.:,)' mSUTanreOT tlflep3l-,'ment 0' ta..esor other hensor Charges <br />by Lender shall not be a "'al~er 01 lender's ngtll to atcef..erate In,!, mah..u~ty o~ tne Rn.tJeb1e-lJ~SS S.e"cufN1 b)' Ihls ()e.e..tJ 0' T'us.1 <br /> <br />Cdl Succ.non.nd MllllnlBound: JoInllnd Snetal LIablIilJ; Ceptions. n., co."'''A''IS anll ag1fi'menlS ~'e,n co~lalnell !.hJllI b\Oll. anlllhe "9hl~ <br />hereunder shall,nure 10. Ih., respecll.e successo's ano US'9"S (I! lenl}e. a"" Btwo..e... sol>JNllO I~ p'o..S\O"S o! pa.ag1aph Blel ~,e-o' AU covenanls anll <br />agreemenlS 01 Borrower shall bt-IOlnl and s.e.e.a' The capllons amll ""all,ngs o' !n" l'3rag,al1'" ollh,s ~ll 01 T,ust a.., lor con''l'n,,,nCe onl~ anll af., nollo be <br />used to Interpret or define the PTovISlons hereof <br /> <br />(e) ReqUttlI rOf Notice-I. The pattIes he.eDy request lh31 a COP)' o! a:n)' rO'.l.te 0' oe!aUi1l t.>f'feuna-e-r ana a copy 01 an)' oohce of s.alt" t\eT€'UneJef t>e mallf"111o <br />each party to thIS Deed ot Trust at the address. set 'orth aboll~ ~n lh-e- ma'l"e! C'e-5tClh':1oNJ t.)' ap.p,Jt3b'le .aA E.cefll tOT an~ o!ner OOhcp rE"QUlf€'O un13er apphcablf' <br />law to be given In another manne.. any notice p'C,,~de-d to' ~n th',S o.e.e-a o~ T'us.t slflaU lJot!' g,.'en bl' mallHllg SuCh OO'tiCfo b~ cert_f,e-I1 mall aOdTes.~tI to the 01hPr <br />par"es. allhe alldress sellorlh abo,e <br /> <br />Any notice pfovtded tor In thiS Deed 01 Trust shaH be de-em~ to h.ali'e been gn'en 10 B-t>nO'A-er 0' LenlJer '4\1len 91\-'en In the mannef deStgoate-lJ herem <br /> <br />(I) InlP"CUon.lender may make or cause to be made reas.onab'le entrt:es uponn and mspe-ChOns. 0' the P10pe'1)' _ p,ov,l1e-d that lender shaH glll'e Borrower <br />noltce pllor to any such IOS,pechan spec.IYlng reasonab~e c-~use the'efo, related to lenders ,"tetest .n the Property <br /> <br />(g) RKCM\Vey.nce. UD-on payme-nt ot all sums se-curN b)' l"'~s Oe-e-d 0' T.ost len,de' slllal1 reoueM"1 'u\1l'"!" to r~com,'e.,.lhe PropeT1V ana !,hall ~u"ender <br />thiS Deed of Trust and aU notes eVidenCing IOdebte<Sness secufe-d by thlS Dee-o 0' Trost to l''Ostff TruSle-e shall rl?coo,,'ey the Propeny -."thout warranty a0l1 <br />Without charge to the person or persons lega;ly entitled thereto SUCh person 0' pefs.Gns s.haH P3)' all costs of feCOTCJatIQ"_ " any <br /> <br />(h) Penon.' Proper1y. Security AgrHmenL As addlhonal S-&ur~ty 'or the payment ot UU," Note all f..tures eQulpment_ and other per~onal property used <br />mconnechon With the reat estate or Imp.o\'ements located thereon and no1 othe'"4Is.eC1e.ClZue-tI or deeme-d to be a pari of the real es1ate secured hereby _ shall be <br />subject to a secuflty Interest 10 lavor 01 the lender undN the Nebraska UOIfofm CommerCla1 COl1€' ThiS ms.l'um~nl shall be construed asa Secuftty Agreement <br />under said Code. and 'he lender shall have all the fights and remediES of a se-cured party un~' ~ld Coae.n addition to the fights and remedies Cfeated under <br />and accorded the Lender pursuant to thiS Deed of Trust <br /> <br />(I) SewerllbHity. In the event thai any p-fO'liISlon of Ihls Deed 0' Trust confhct '#wIth apphcable la'A or alE> de-elare-d ,n"alto Of othE>rWIs.e un(>nforceatl!E> s.uCh <br />conflict or Invalidity shall not alleet Ihe other prOVISions of thiS OeeiJ ot Tri.Jst or the NolE." ""hlen can be 9,\(>n ('He-et 1I\o.thQu1 the conflicting J'lfO"ISlon and '0 thl'S <br />,., '" "0"'''0"' 00 '" "'"' 00 ''"'' .", ,", No<, ... -...., <0 " ..~"." .' '---J.--.... ....'~. . <br /> <br /> <br />..<<~, '" "oO"'~ ,"" ""'" o. ''"'' .., "" """" .,,~ : :\~t~~..[~~. . <br /> <br />(Robcrt K. Pol and r Borrower Pres i dent) <br /> <br />BOTrov.'('! <br /> <br />~ <br />