<br />I
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<br />88-
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<br />101115
<br />
<br />9. EVI-:NTS OF DEFAl'I.T '\/l\" ,,' Ih.. Inll""IIW "\I'm>, "h,dl h., d("'II1<'d all ..\ .'II( ,,( d,'("ull tWl'<'uIHI!'r:
<br />tal Trustor shall han' ("tI"j (" ll1ak",J;"Il1,'nl ,,' 'lln' 111>'(allll1<'nl tit II1t"I'I,,,t. pnn"lp,d. or pnncipal and interest or any
<br />other sum secured hereby wtwn du,': m
<br />(b) There has occurred a bn.ach pf Iff dt:fault ulldt'r ,ill",,- tl'nn. t'tl\"t'Il,lllt. ,lgn't'IlH'nt. l'lllUhtltllL pro\-isioJl. fepn."sentation
<br />or warranty contained in any of tile Loan Instruments
<br />
<br />10_ ACCELERATI01\' l:PON DEFAl'LT AI JlHTI01\'AL HE:\II-:J lIE:->, :-;hould an ('\'Pnt o( default occur Beneficiary
<br />mav declare all indebtn,'Ss secured Il<'rt,b\" to b,' due and payabl!' and Ih,' ""Ill<' "hall tfwf<'upon become due and payable
<br />without any presentment. dema:ld. proIe~t or notice of any kind, Th"fl'aft,'r Helwticiar\" may:
<br />(i) Either in person or by agent. with or without bringing any action or prncfl'<llIlg. ,'r hy a receiver appointed by a court
<br />and without regard to the adequacy of its security. PIller upon and take pos,,!'ssion oftll(' Trust Estate. or any part thereof. in
<br />its own name or in the name of Trustee. and do any acts which it deems npcpssa!)' or desirahle to preserve the \'aiue, market.
<br />ability or rentability of the Trust Estal!', or part thert'(,f or interpst thpf<'m. lI1en'ase th", income therefrom or protect the
<br />security hereof and. with or without talung poss",ssion tlf the Trust I-:state. sup for or otherwise collect the rents. issues and
<br />profits thereof. including those past due and un;-"~id. and apply the same. II's" costs and expenses of operation and collection
<br />including attorneys' fees. upon any ind",btedness Si'('ured herE-by. all in such order as Beneficiary may determine. The
<br />entering upon and taking possession of the Trust Estate. the collection of such n'nrs. issues and profits and the application
<br />thereof as aforesaid. shall not cure or waive any default or notice oi default hereunder or invalidate any act done in response
<br />to such default or pursuant to such no tic.. of default and. nut withstanding the continuance in possession of the Trust Estate
<br />or the collection. ret:eipt and application of rents. issues or profits. Trustet> or Beneficia!)' shall be entitled to exercise every
<br />right provided for in any of the Loan InstrumenL" or by law upon ,x'Currence of any e\'ent of default. including the right to
<br />exercise the power of sale:
<br />(H) Commence an action to fOH.dos\' this Ilt't'd of Trust .IS a mortgag,'. appoint a receiver. or specifically enforce any of
<br />the covenants hereof:
<br />(iii) De[iver to Trustee a written dPt'laration of de;'ault and dpmana for sal~. and a \\Titten notice of default and election
<br />to cause Trustor's interest in th.. Trusl Estate to !)(~ ",,!d, which notl('t. TnL"tee shall cause 10 be duly filed for record in the
<br />appropriate Official Record;; of the < 'ounly in which th,' Trust Est,lIe is iucat,>d
<br />
<br />II. FORECLOSl'RE H Y PO\\'E H OF S:\LE- Should Bl'npllnary l'ift1 to iOft'i.'iose by expn.:,se of the Power of Snle
<br />herein contained. Beneficiary shall noUI\ TnIstft. and shall depusit with TfID'!ft' this Deetl of 'I' rust imd the :-\ote and such
<br />receipts and evidence of ..xp..nditures mark and ",--('ufe..:i iwreby 'b Truste,' may n'quin>.
<br />(al Upon receipt of such noUn' from Bl'lll"/lela!)'. Trustee shall cause to 11.. n'COrded. publish,,,-I and delivered to Trustor
<br />such Notice of Default and 1\'ulln' of :->alp '''' then I'P<IUlrPd b~ law and hy this Di'ftl oiTrust. Trustee shall. without demand
<br />on Trustor. after such tim,' as may tl1<'n I... rr"IUlre<1 hy law and aftN fl',:omation of such 1\'oticeofDefauit and after Notice of
<br />Sale having been h'J\'I.'n as rt'<IUln.d h~' iaw. ,;ell the Trust Estalt'at the time and placeofs.lie fixed byit in such :-\llticeofSale.
<br />either as a whole. or in separatt. lots or pan'pis or items a" Trust('-l' shall d"'-'m expedit'nt. and in such ordl'r as it may deter.
<br />mine. at public auction to the lug-hest hICld,'r for cash in lawiui mone\' "jthe l'nitedSt.lIes payable at the timellfsale. Trustee
<br />shall deliver to such purch,L"..r or purcha",-'r:' thpn..:.i it." g"",j and sufliei..nt dl""/ of rl,,<ods ''tmn'Ylnl! till' pTl"X'ny so ""Id. hut
<br />\vithout any covpnant or warrant~.. pxpn'"s or implit>d, Tlw re~:itals III such d,,,'d oj any mattl'l'>' or facts ,;halllX' l''Onclusi\'('
<br />proof of the truth fulm's" thpn't,f .-\11\- p"I'>'Hn. indudmg_ withoutlimitati,'n. Tru"lor. Trusll... and Rpnpticiary. may purchase
<br />at such sale and TnIstor fWrl'll\' '~'\'('nants to warranl and d,'iend lh.. lili,' ..f such pun-haspr or purchas..n<.
<br />(b) As may be permitt€'d by law. aftl'r deducting 1'rustw Fees in the amount of . Trustee shall apply the
<br />proceeds of the sale in the foll'l\\ing order: I al to all reasonabll' l'OSl.s and l'xpt'nse:s of the sale. including, but not limited to.
<br />trustee fees of not mon> than I :! of' ': of the gross sales price, ri'<lsonahip anorney'" f<<-"Sand costs oftitlee\'idence; (b) to all
<br />sums secured by this \)i'ftl of TnIst; (cl to the payment oi junior Trust I>Pedl'. mongagl'S or other lien holde.rs; and (d) the
<br />balance. if any, to the person or persons legaily emitllod thereto.
<br />IC) TnIstee ma~' III th,. rnalll1l'r pru\1d,..1 h~- law _ ''''''',.onl' :'<,!,. ,,' all "1' '1Il~- ,>onl..n ..I' Ihe Trust Est.lte.
<br />
<br />12. REMEDIES;o.;()T EX<'I.l'SI,'E TnIsI('(' ami B"Ilt'Uinan'. and ,'ach ojllwnu,halllK>elllitlrd llll'nfoTt'!' payment
<br />and performance of any ind..hll'(ln,'''''' or "hhg-allnns "'....uft..llwl'l.!>\- and In "X,'fl'IS,' all rll!hts and PO\WI'>' undpr thi" Ik'{'<l of
<br />Trusl or under an~' I ~)al1 In,;trunwnt ..r "llll'r al-'T""'!lWIll "I' an\'laws n..w nr Iwo'after in forn'. nol\\;thslanding wmt:> or all
<br />of Ihe sach intlehtedlwss and ohhg-atltlns sl....uo.,llwTt.hy may n..w..r Ill'n'alil'r Ill' othl'n\1Se secuo:d. whPlher hy mllrtglll!e,
<br />deed of tnlst. p!,'tl"... Iil'n. ;L~SIg-nnWIll ..r ollwrw.s,._ ;o.;,'II!wr tlw al'.....ptann.ufthis I ),....'llof1'rust nor it.'il'nfon"t'ment whether
<br />by court action nr pursuant 10 .Ilt' ,~.w.'r..1 sa'" nr "llwr ,"'Wl'l'>' Ill'Tt'in l'..ntall1l'd. shall pn>judin' or in <lilY malllll'r affect
<br />Tru"le..'s or B{'I1l'lkiar~"s rig-ht t.. r('aIiLt' upon nr enfnn',' any oth,'r ,,{'('uril~' nnw..r h.'o';I/It:>r Iwld hy TIU"h..... or Bl'neficiary,
<br />it being agr,',,,1 that Tru"tt". and B"Ilt'linan'. aml.'adl..f Ihl'l!1_ shall I... ..ntitl....lt.. ,'ni..o.., this 1>......I..fTru"t and any otlwr
<br />",,,-'uritv now nr ht'o.aft..r Iwld h\. B"llt'linan' or 1'nlsh'" in such ..rd,.r alld lIlallllt'r ;1" tlw\' or t'Illll'r oftlwm lIla\' in their
<br />absoluie discH.tlon d,'ll'rrnlll" ;0.;.. r..I1I...h Ih'ft'in ."nft'rr...l U'''Hl ..r fl'''''I'Y.~1 t.. Tru~lt-.. ".r B"lwli"lar~' I" intendl'll to lll'
<br />excloJsive nf any lItlwr "'II1....h h,'n'm "1' hv la\\' pn,\'id,'(I..r ",'rlllltlt..1. hul ..a..h ~h;\lll",. nllllulal.\". and shall!>>.' in addition
<br />to e\'l'ry nlh!'r rpllll'dy "in.n Ill'fl.undl'r..r no\\'..r IWfl'aftpr "XI"lInj! alia\\' ..r III "llIIh ..r h\ "tatult. En'r~' power or n>ml'lly
<br />IOven by any ofth..I.oan Instnllll.'n,,, I.. Tru""'(' or 1I.'n..ltnan- or t.. w I".h ,'lIh,'r..j 110"111111;\\ 1.....lh..rwl"l..'ntitll'i:l.may he
<br />exerci!l(,{1. conl'urr,'nll~' or IIld","'IHI.'nll\, Irllmllrn.. t.. tllll.. .In.l a" ..11t'n a" 1ll.1\ I... d....IlI..I..,,'....h..nl h\' l'rllstt"t' or Ben...
<br />ficiary and (litlll'r ,.f tlH'rn In~l\- J'ur...u... llh',n:-:I~lt'nt r'.nh,"th..~_ :'\ulhlllJ! tn-no!ll ...h,aU h.". "'n~tnu.d a~ PTHhihilint.: Bt-"npficiary
<br />from sl....king- a dl.li,'ll'IW\ Jlldj!III,'nl .Il:alll~t th.. Tru~".r I.. Ih. ,''''''1l1 ~u. h ."11"11 ,- ,,,.rlllll..1 I" 1.1\\
<br />
<br />RE(~LJEST FOR 1\'1 )TI<'E TrU..IlIr 1".Tt'h\' fl',!U'''''' .1 ,"p\'1I1 .In\ n..lIn...1 d"'..uh "ncllll;1I .1Il\' n..tlt'~'lIf sal.. hr'n'lllld,'r
<br />h,' maill'lllo II at lilt' .Idtln'"s -l'! f..nh In 11\1' lil..1 ",.r;\j!1'.ll'h ..,' th." 11t,,1 .., Trll~1
<br />
<br />I.\. l;C )\'EI{;o.; 1 1\'1 ; J..\ \\' Thl>' II..~I ..I' '1'",,,: ,hall I",. ':0\ ,'rn.,,1 h\ Ih.. i.t\\~ ..I Ih.. ~I"lt-..t 1\'..t'r;\~ka In lilt' ,'v,'nt thlll
<br />any provision or daust' IIi all\ ,,1111<' I ,~In In..lrunlt'llb ....lll1ltt.. \\ IIh "ppl.. ..hlt. la\\S "u..h n'llll.l'l" "hall 11111 affpt.t otlwr
<br />pnl\'isinn" of su('h 1~"1ll Inslrlllll,'nl~ "h...h elll I>t' ):'I\...n 1'11.,1'1 \\Ith..utlh.. ,..nllwllll': pr..\isillll. and tlllhis t'nd Ihe pro.
<br />\'isions of thl' I~}an In"lrulll,'lll.. ..... ,ft.d......1 t.. h.. ..,.\ ,'r.,h!" r!"" Ill.-trllll)('lll ,."1Il..1 I.. \\al\l'(1. chang-...1. disr'ha~l>d or
<br />I..rminat..d orally. hUI "llh h\ .In lI1>,trllllll'nt In \\f1II1lg- "I/!n...i 10\ tilt' part\ .1g-alll"l \\hlllll .'nf"fl','n\l'nt of an\' wai\'er.
<br />chang.., diseharg-l' lIr tl'rlllmall"" I>' ~oll,:hL .
<br />
<br />15. RECONVEY A1\'t'E HY THl':->T~:E l'p..n wnlh'n ""IUt.,.1 "I B"lwlinar\' slallng-Ihat all sunb s,nlrt"llwn.h\' hll\'p
<br />bePn paid. and IIp''n surn.nd..r "I thl>' 1)..,1 . ,I Trll~t .Inti tilt. ;o.;"h' :,. Tn"'h'" '''r ..ann'II,'II..n "lid Tt'lt.ntlOn and up,,'n pay-
<br />ment hy 'li'Ustllr "fTrllst...:" f.".~. Trll"l... "1,,,11 "'. "'1\ ..\ I.. Tn."I"... "1' IIII' I,,'rs"n or 1".......lIn" I,',:alh' "111111,..1 tlll'rd... \\'Ilhout
<br />warranty. any "01111111 o( II,.. Trll"l E,,'alt' th,'n h,.ld !wn'und,'r Th,. n'nlats m "uch n"',m\"'\.tIln' ,,( all\' mall,'rs"r fads
<br />shall beconclusi\'t, pfl..flll till' Irlllhlllln.,,..,,, th.,,,,,t Th.. l!r.lIlt'.., III OlIn """11\.'\';111'''' 111;1\ ....d..s..nh"l.'" ".111' pl'rslln Ill'
<br />persons Ipl!lIl1y l'lIlilh,,1 tlll'r.....
<br />
<br />16. NOTICES \\'Ill'np\'t'f H"lwtict:ln Tnl>"..r..r TnISI'~' "hall tI..sin> 1111.'1\'" "1' s..rn' an\ nnll('('. d,'nMlld. 1'l"lu,'St or
<br />other communication with "'''I"...t t.. th... 11."..1 "fTrllsL ..,\('h "u..h 11..1"'" fit-malld. n..,ut'''' IIr lit/WI' ,'..mmulllcatilln "hall!lt'
<br />in writing IInd shall I", ,,(f''('II\.. ..nh II t h" "am.' I>' .:..hn'r<~II" 1"'~lIn,,1 ",'r\'I('('..r mallt~I"\ ,,'rllti..d mall. p""tag-(' pr..pmd.
<br />f{lturn rl'C'ejJ)t re<lt1eSh"tL addn's.~l'd tll t ht, ~uldn>:-o~ ...,., tllr1 h .it tlu" ht't!Jfl fll Ill":: of (tll~ I >t'('1.i III Tru~t .\11\ pal1 \" Ina~' at tins tir1le
<br />('hangl~ it..'i addn'~~ for ~\H"h Hulin'.... h," dt.li\"t'nng Ilr In;lIl1l\l~ In t h~. lit lH'r pilr1 w... hpn-Ill. .I.' .:1111"1.......11.1 .l noll('1' of sllch t'han~('
<br />
<br />17 A< '('EI'TA:'\( 'I,: IIY THl'"TU-: Tnl~l... .,' \ "pt- ,hi" Tit'" .\ ,.,,, thl>' 1)",1 ..I Trll~t .jlll\ . ,.., Ilt,.d ,'IIt1 ackllllW'
<br />1t'(ll!l~1. is l11ad.. ., pllhllt ...........1.1>' p""\ld,.d h\ 11\\
<br />
<br />1:'\ \\'1'1':'\1-::->:-; \\'lll-:l{Ft II. Inl"t,., h", ,\" "1'.1 th,. 11,.,..1
<br />THl':->TEE Tru"I," ,""'I'I~ 'h" I,"-I \\h,., '111_
<br />h.dU't'il. 1.0; rnad...t puhlH not Ilrd ,l~ pr..\ \ft...! It, LI\\
<br />
<br />I'lll...t
<br />
<br />II". 01.1\
<br />I'ru"'!
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<br />Iljl: \1.iI :''':--.i .dli,\t' \\"1"11(('11
<br />:-i; \ . \t'l llf,",! ;ll1d ;Il'k I1p\\
<br />
<br />,... ,,'
<br />
<br />: 1,,-.:
<br />
<br />..'
<br />
<br />I" \\'1'1'''\ I'::->~; \\111 i( 1 , >I
<br />
<br />l"'II....l,'1 h,j... .'\t"t ult.d ,hi'"
<br />
<br />II. ".'r'" 111'''''11'' 1'/1.' d,t\ ""'.
<br />. 'l,.!v't (J ,.:'"./<--c{l L.
<br />n';\v T [') .1. BACON
<br />
<br />\" ,II (II"" ,11111\ I' \\"J 111,'11
<br />
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<br />