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<br />88-- 100795
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<br />DEBTt III W"'tHAN'I'S ANU CO\"';NANTS: (I) Thnt e)(cept for thp spcurily IntAre.tllran"'" '..'n'hy Dphtor i., or to till' t'X-
<br />tel1tthat Collateral is acquired aCter the date herpof, will b.., the owner of the Collateral free from any ndv"nle li.'n. spcurity intN.'st or
<br />.'ncumbronce; nnd that Debtor will defend th.. Collnteral allalnst all claim. and d,'mand. of all persons at any time claiming the same
<br />or Rny interest therein. (2) That no finnncinll statement covering the Collateral or any proce..ds thereof is on filt- in any puhlic
<br />ornc" and that at the request of Secured Party, Debtor will join with Secured Party in executing one or more linancinll statemE'nts
<br />pursuant to the Nebr.....ka Unlfonn Commercial Code in form satl.factory to Secured Party and will pay th.. cost of filing such
<br />financing statement, this spcurlty agreement and any continuation or termination statement, in all public offices wherever filing i.
<br />deemed by Secured Party to be necessary or desirable; and If the Collateral is attached to real estate prior to the p'i!rfection of the
<br />security interest granted hereby or If the Collateral Includes crops or oil, "118 or minerals to be extracted or timher to be cut, Debtor
<br />will. on demand of Secured Party, furnish Secured Party with a disclaimer or disclaimers or subordination agreement signed by all
<br />persons having an interest in the real estate, disclaiming or subordinating any intel'est in the Collateral which is prior to the interest
<br />of Secured Party. (3) Not to sell. tranafer or lIi.po.e of the Collateral, nor take the same or attempt to take the snme from the county
<br />where kept as abovr .tated, without the prior written ..onspnt of thE' Secured Party. (4) To pay all tay.p. and asspssm..nt.s of pVf'ry
<br />natur.. which may hI' Ipv1E'd or BARelAI'd again.t Ih.. CollatNal. (5) Not to permit or allow any adv",se Iipn, srcurity int...,..t or "n.
<br />eumhrancp whalJltlt'vrr upon thp Collatpral, IlIltt not to pprmit Ihl' samp to h., allachE'd or r..pll'vi.w.1. (6) ThaI tllP ColI"t.'rnl is in
<br />I/ood conditilln, andthnl h., WIll At hi. own ,'xlwnKp, kN'p the sam" in gnod (.tJtlllilion and from tin... to linw, forthwith, "'pin".' nnd
<br />i'i'pnir all ~HJ("h pnrtJ\ or Ih., (~()lIntprRI lUO nwy hi' htokf'n. worn oul or dnmnWNi without ullflwin~ any Ii"n lo III' {'rI'nltlll ..pun ttw
<br />l'nllntt.rnl on IlI't'OU". or Hllf'h n'pI8cpm,'nt or r('(wirs, lIud 'hul Ih,.. Sr.'ufl'd Party mny rxaminr nnd inNpp{'t lh.. (~olliltflrulllt IIny (illH',
<br />whflr~Vf'r locnl..d (7) Thnt Ill' will ot hik own ,'xJwnN." kl'('P lh.. Colln1f1rHI insured in 8 company sutisfucLury 10 SlnC"url"d Party a~ainsl
<br />10... aK appropriatp, hy thpft, cnllision, rirr and ,'xl,'nllp.1 ..ov..ral/", with los>< payabl.. to S....ur..d Party as it.s inlt',,'st may apprar.
<br />ftnd will on demand d,.livrr said poli"il's of insurancp or furni.h proof of such in.uran('e 10 Srcured Parly. (II) At ils option Securpd
<br />Purfy may prol"un' su('h insurnncp. diM('hltq,~f.' lax:ps, IIpns ur !'Iftcurity inlt"rpsls or flllu'r encunlbrancps at nny limp I('vied or pla(,f'd oil
<br />the CollalE'r,,1 :nHI may ,la,' for the "'pair of any dama!!r or injury to or fUl lh.. pres..rvation and maintenanc.. of the Collat",aL
<br />Debtor agre... lo rplOlbursp Secured Party on dpOland for any paympnt or I'xppnsp in('urrpd by SpcurE'd Party pursuant to the fore-
<br />going aulhoril.aUon Until such rp.imburspmpnt. thl' amount ur any such paympnt. with interest at tlw rale of 11o/...,per annum from
<br />lIat.. of payment unlil rpimbursemenl. .hall bp added to lh.. inclpblNln..ss ow('(1 by Debtor and shall be s,'"ured by this agrpplI\rnt.
<br />(9) That hp will not usp the Collateral in violation of any applicablp statutI'. rel/ulation or ordinanc.. and if any of thr Collateral
<br />is motor vehicles lilt' samp will not be rentt'd, usrd in rpntal sE'rvie,' nor in any sp"pd or pncluran('e COli test.
<br />
<br />UNTIL DEF AlJL T Debtor may hav.. possession of th.. Collateral anll nse it in any lawful manner not in('onsistent with this
<br />agreement and not inconsistent with any policy of insurance thereon, and upon default Se..ured Party shall have the imm..diatr
<br />right to the possession of the Collatergl.
<br />
<br />DEBTOR SHALL BE IN DEFAULT undt'r this agrt'pment upon the happeninl/ of any of the following pvents or conditions:
<br />(l \ default in the payment or perrormance of any obligation. covenant or liabilily ('ontained or referred to h...e;n or in any note
<br />evid('neing the same; (2) any warranty, representation or financial statemenl madp or furnished to Secur..d Party by or on behalr of
<br />/)(,btor is discov",ed to havE' been false io any mat <'rial resppct whl'n madp or furnish..d; (:l) any ..vpnt which rrsults in the acceler-
<br />ation of Ihe maturity of thp indebtrdness of n,'htnr tn nth...s und..r any ind..nturp, aRrpempnl or undrrtakin!!: (-1) loss, theft.
<br />damage, deslruction ""Ie or pncumbrancp to or of any of th., Cnllat...al, or lhe making of any le,'y. seizure or alta..hmpnt th('rpof or
<br />thereon; (5) death, dissolution. termination nf existE'n"r, insolvl'ncy. business failur(', appoinlment nf a receiver of any part of thp
<br />properly of, assignment for the benefit of creditors by. or thp commencement of any proce('ding under any bankrupt('y or insolvency
<br />laws by or allainst Debtor or any guarantor or surety for DE'btor.
<br />
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<br />UPON StiCH DEFAULT and at any time thprean..r, or if it deE'ms itsplf insecure, Se('ur..d Parly may dpdare all Obligations
<br />secured hereby immrdiatE'ly dut' and payablE' IInd shall have tll(> rem..dies of a se..ured party und..r lh.. Nrhraska Uniform Comm..r..ial
<br />Code. Secured Party may require Debtor to assemhl.. Ihr Collateral and deliver or makp it availablE' 10 S('..ured Party at a place to be
<br />designated by Securt'd Party which is reasonably convenlt'nt to both parties_ Unl..ss thE' Collatpral i. p<'rishahle or lhrealrns 10 dedin..
<br />spE'pdily in value or is or a typp customarily sntd on a reClJgniz..d market, S..curE'd Party will give Dpbtor reasonable noti,'" of the
<br />timr and place of any public sale therE'of or of Ihp time aft..r which any privatr sale or any nther inlend..d disposition thereof is to
<br />be madE'. The rE'quirements of reasonable notiC'e shall hI' m,'l if su..h nol;c(' is mailpd. poslage prepaid. 10 t hp addr.." of n..btor shown
<br />al th.. beglllning of 'his agrt'ernent al least live days hpfnre the time of the sale or disposition.
<br />
<br />No waiver by Spcured Party of any default shall opl'rate as a waiv,'r of any nther IIrfault or of thp same dpfault on a futur..
<br />occasion. The laking of this spcurity agreeml'nt shall nol waive or impair any othE'r securily said Se..u,,'1I Party may hO"" or herp.
<br />after a('quire for the payml'nt of the above indeblE'dnpss, nor shall Ihe laking of any su('h additional s....urity waivp or impair this
<br />se"urity agreement; but said Secured Party may resort to any security it may have in lhe order it may dpl'm proppr. and nolwith.
<br />standing any collateral security, Secur..d Party shall retain its rights of sel.oH againsl Debtor.
<br />
<br />All rights of Secured Party hereunder shall inure to the oonefit or its successors
<br />duties of Debtor shall bind his heirs. personal reprl'~pnlatives or his or its successors or
<br />Debtor, their liabilities hereunder shall 00 joint and several.
<br />
<br />This agreement shall become effective when it is signed by Debtor.
<br />
<br />and assigns; and all promises and
<br />assigns. If t here her 1ll<tr6 t\ntn one
<br />~ ~ ! 1 ~ ~ ..... . :
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<br />The undersigned. hereinafter "Owner/Debtor", owns or has an interest in the collateral desrribed on the reverse side of
<br />this agreement. but is not a party to the obligation seeured by this agreement. By executing this agreement. Ownor/Debtor
<br />undertakes no ohligation for repayment of such obligation except to the extent of providing said collateral as security for
<br />performance of the obligation. All provisions of this agreement apply to Owner/Debtor and the term "Debtor" as used in
<br />this agreement and any accompanying financing statement refers ('ollectively to the Debtor, Owner/Debtor or both as the
<br />context may require.
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<br />Owner In"hl or-
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