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<br />~ <br />~". <br />I <br /> <br /> ("f,)5 <br /> co <br /> ~ <br />, 0 <br />0 6, <br /> ..., <br /> , <br /> 00 7. <br /> 00 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Insurance premIUms, Qlound rents, and iJlI other charges wllatsoever levlerl upon or assessed, placed or made agamst the Trust <br />Property. T,usto,lurthel agrees, upon wllllen request by Belleliclaw to plOmptly deliver to Benellclary alllecelpts lor the payment 01 <br />such cha/ges, Trustor tlkewlse agrees to pay all taxes, assessments and other charges leVied upon or assessed, placed 0' made <br />against. 0' measured by, thiS Deed 01 Trust 0' the recordation 11ereol, <br />Application 01 Payments, All payments received by Beneliclary as to any debt, liability or obligation owed to Benellclary hI' Trusto, <br />may be applied by Beneliciary to the payment 01 the Indebtedness 0' to anv such other debt, liability or obligation. in any order or <br />manne' 01 application which Beneficiary, m its absolute discretion. deems applOpllate, Unless othe,wlse elected by Beneliciary. any <br />such payment shall be deemed applied lirst to the payment of anv debt, liability 0' obtigatlon othe, than the Note, <br />Charges; Uens, Trustor will keep the Trust PlOperty free flOm all liens and encumbrances wNch in any way may, in the judgment of <br />Beneficiary, have priority over, or impair the se-::urity of, this Deed 01 Trust but Trusto, need not discharge any such lien so long as <br />Trustor shall agree, in w,iting, to pay the obligation seculed by such lien In a manner acceptable to Beneficiary and shall in good faith <br />contest such lien by applOpriate legal plOceedings effective to pie vent the enforcement of the lien and the loss 01 any interest in or <br />part of the 1 rust PlOperty. <br />Hazard Insu/8nce. Trustor shall keep the buildings and other implOvements now existing or helealter erected on the Trust Property <br />insured by insurance carriers satisfactory to BenefiCiary against loss by fire, hazards included in the term "extended coverage" and <br />such other hazards, casualties and contingencies as may be required by Beneficiary, in such amounts and for such periods as may be <br />required by Beneficiary. The policy of insurance shall be in form acceptable to Beneficiary, plOvide that the same may not be <br />cancelled 0' modified without filteen (15) days prior written notice to Beneficiary, and shall have loss payable provisions m favor of and <br />in form acceptable to Beneficiary. All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner p,ovided under paragraph 4 hereol <br />a', if not paid in such manner, by Trustor making payment at least filteen (15) days prior to the due date, directly to the insurance <br />carrier. Beneficiary shall have the ,ight to hold the policies and lenewals thereof and Trustor shall promptly lurnish to Beneficiary all <br />renewal notices and all paid premium receipts leceived by it, In no event shall Beneficiary or Trustee be held responsible for failule to <br />pay insurance premiums or for any loss or damage a,ising out of a defect in any policy or arising out of any failure of any insurance <br />company to pay for any loss or damage msured against or for failure by Trustor to effect the insurance required hereunder, In the event <br />of loss, Trustor shall give prompt notice by mail to the insurance carrier and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may make proof of loss if not <br />made plOmptly or in proper lorm by Trustor, All policies of insurance and any and all relunds of unearned premiums are hereby <br />assigned to Beneficiary as additional security fo, the payment 01 the Indebtedness, In the event of Beneficiary's exercise of the powe, <br />of sale contained herein, or in the event of foreclosure, all right. title and interest of Trustor in and to any insurance policy then in force <br />shall pass to the purchaser at the trustee's sale or loreclosure sale. In case 01 any loss, the insu,ance proceeds may, at the option of <br />Beneficiary, be applied by Beneficiary upon the Indebtedness, or any part thereof, and in such order and amount as Beneficiary may <br />determine; or said insurance proceeds. at the option of Beneficiary, may either be used in replacing or restoring the Trust Property <br />partially or totally destroyed to a condition satisfactory to Beneficiary; or said insulance proceeds, or any portion theroof, may be <br />released to Trustor, Unless Beneliciary and Trustor otherwise agree in writing, any sllch application of insurance proceeds shall not <br />extend or postpone the due date of the Note, or any installments called for therein, or change the amount of such installments. /I the <br />Trust Property is acquired by Beneficiary pursuant to the exercise of the power of sale or other foreclosure, all light, title and interest 01 <br />Trustor in and to any insurance proceeds payable as a result 01 damage to the Trust Property prior to the sale or acquisition shall pass <br />to Beneficiary and shall be applied first to the costs and expenses, including attorney fees, incurred in collecting such proceeds, then <br />in the manner and in the order provided herein, <br />8. Preservation and Maintenance of Trust Property, Trusto, will keep the buildings and other improvements now 0' herealter elected on <br />the Trust Property in good repair and condition and Will not commit or pe,mit waste, will not alter the design or structulal character <br />constituting any building now or herealter erected on and constituting the Trust Property without the prior written consent of <br />Beneficiary, will not do any act or thing which would unduly Impair or depreCiate the value of the Tlust Property and will not abandon <br />the Tlust Property, Trustor will not remove any fixtures constituting the Trust Property unless the same are Immediately ,eplaced with <br />like property subject to the lien and secumy interest of this Deed of Trust and of at least equal value and utility, Trusto, Will comply with <br />all present and future ordinances. regulations and requirements of any governmental body which a/8 applicable to the Trust Property <br />and to the occupancy and use thereof. /I this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned Untt development. Trustor shall <br />perform all of Trustor's obligations under the declarations or covenants c,-eating or governtng the condommlum or the planned unit <br />development, the bylaws and regulations of the condominium or planned unit development, and the constituent documents. <br />9. Inspection. Beneficiary or its agents may, at all reasonable times, ente,upon the Trust Property for the purpose of mspection, <br />Beneficiary shall have no duty to make such inspection and shall not be liable to Trustor or to any person In possession if it makes 0' <br />fails to make any such inspection. <br />10. Protection of Security. /I Trustor fails to perform any of the covenants and agreements contamed m thiS Deed 01 Trust, 0' if any action <br />or proceeding is commenced which does or may adversely affect the Trust Property or the interest 01 Trusto, or Beneficiary therein or <br />the title of Trustor thereto, then Beneficiary, at its option, may perform such convenants and agreements, make such appea,ances, <br />defend against and investigate such action or proceeding and take such other action as Beneficiary deems necessary to protect its <br />interest including, but not limited to, disbursement of reasonable attorney fees and entry upon the Trust Property to make repairs. Any <br />amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this paragraph 10. with interest thereon. shall constitute Indebtedness of Trustor <br />secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless Trusto, and Beneficiary agree to other terms of payment. such amounts shall be payable upon <br />notice from Beneficiary to Trustor requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at the default rate. <br />if any, set forth in the Note, or otherwise at the highest rate permitted by law. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall require <br />Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any action hereunde" Trustor irrevocably authorizes and empowers Beneficiary to emer upon <br />the Trust Property as Trustor's agent and. in Trustor's name or otherwise to perform any and all covenants and agreements to be <br />performed by Trustor as herein provided, Beneficiary shall, at its option, be subrogated to any encumbrance. lien, claim or demand <br />and to all rights and securities for the payment thereof paid 0' discha'ged by Beneficiary under the provisions hereof and any such <br />subrogation rights shall be additional and cumulative security for thiS Deed of Trust. <br />11. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or ciaim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation 0' <br />other taking of the Trust Property, or any part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of or in anticipation of condemnation, are hereby <br />assigned to and shall be paid to Beneficiary, Trustor will file and prosecute, in good faith and with due diligence. its claim for any such <br />award or payment, and will cause the same to be collected and paid to Beneficiary, and, should it fail to do so. Trustor irrevocably <br />authorizes and empowers Beneficiary, m the name of Trustor or otherwise. to file. prosecute, settle or compromise any such claim and <br />to collect, receipt for and retain the proceeds, If the Trust Property is abandoned by Trustor, or, alter notice by Beneficiary to Trusto, <br />that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages. Trustor fails to respond to Beneficiary within thirty (30) days <br />after the date such notice is mailed. Beneflc/ary is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds in the manne, indicated herein. The <br />proceeds of any award or claim may, alter deducting a/l reasonable costs and expenses, including attorney fees, which may have <br />been incurred by Beneficiary in the collection thereof, at the sole discretion of BenefiCiary, be released to Trusto" applied to <br />restoration of Trust Property. or applied to the payment of the Indebtedness, Unless Beneficiary and Trusto, otherwise agree IfJ writing, <br />any such application of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date of the Note or the payment of any <br />installments called for thereunder. <br />12, Trustor Not Released, Extension of the time for payment 0' modification of any amortization of the Indebtedness glanted by BenefiCiary <br />to any successor in interest of Trustor shall not operate to release. in any manner, the liability of Trustor and Trusto,'s successo,s IfJ <br />interest. Beneficiary shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor 0' refuse to extend time fa, payment I)( <br />otherwise modify amortization of the Indebtedness by reason of any demand made by Trusto, and Trustors successors <br />in IfJterest. <br />13, Financial Information. Upon request of Beneficiary, Trusto, will proVide to BenefiCiary, within fJ/nety (90) days of the ciose of each Ilscal <br />year of Trustor, the consolidated balance sheet and statp.ment of earmngs 01 Trustor and any and all guaranto,s of the In(lebtedness <br />secured he,eby, If any, and will proVide and deliver to Beneflc/ary such olhe, linancial mfOIl1Jatloll and IfJ such manner as BenefiCiary <br />may reasonably request from time to lime, <br />14 FlfJanc/al Covenants, In addlt/on to any oth8l1lfJanclal covenants of Trusto, made IfJ any othe, agleement, IfJst/Ument 0' documellt <br />TrustOl shall comply With and shall cause any and all gU8lanto,s 01 the Indebtedness secured IJereby to comply With, 0' be 111 <br />comphance wltl), the followlIlg Ilnanc/al covenants (7hls palaglaph shall not apply d covenants ilnd reqwremonts arp not Sf>t <br />10,thlw,euJ ) /I <br /> <br />15 SC/leclulo 01 L.98SeS Wit/JIll ton (10) (Jays alter (Iemand, T'ustor shalf lurll/sh 10 Boneflclarv a schedule, ("eltif,pc! fo Ily Tn:sf/1! ';pt/lI1(1 <br />forlh all leas os of fhe trust Propony, Of any portion thereof. mcluellng III each case the nilme of the tendnl,." ,"'ClIflilnts d (!pSCIIP(",1l <br />of tho spacn OCCllfJ/P(/ tJY sllch tOf)l,nl 01 occupant. 1110 rental payablo for sucll spacp and C}uc!' (lfllpr ifl'lllln'/!!ll.'J (l/Hf (/Ocurnpn/s w1fh <br />(eSpect to Such IOH.SfJ5 and /onanclOs as f3onoftClHry (nay rOlJsonalJ/Y {POl/OS' <br /> <br /> <br />{;f <br />f~1 <br />.!~I <br /> <br />\, <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />~ <br />