<br />I
<br />
<br />3 Additional Repre~~a;:.~2n2s~iZg~menIS l'eD"" "'~~~,::~~r~~~a:~~r~:~~a~NS
<br />
<br />(al Dobra' h8. S (or IV/If hav,e Jl~D ~' e:(i:otol "cllln'S fightS ffI COif,;!eral !1f.Yl.'<1ftcr df/Slf/gJ aOsolute tII/r t(l each ItCfl) of Cai/iik';""! frt'{~ ,P(7I)fW 'Jf d/! se(:uflft" miff:'S') /I('OS and ('n~Umbrances... e~cept
<br />tile Seconry Interest Jnd 1\"/1 de~ C "ri" all ,,'Ialms of demands of all persons ofh!'!, Inil" Sccu,('fI Parry pcblOr WIN 'wf St:/I Of Orhrrv, Ic,e dlSfJOSC of rfJe Collaleral or any m!tfresl ther~Jn without
<br />the Of/Of wnlten consent 01 SC'ctlil ft. hill. lIthe occurrence 0/ an rvenl 01 Dc/aull Jnd (he revocatIOn tw Secured Pa'0' 01 deDfor '; nI]fI1 {Q 110 SO Debtor may self dO,! mventory cons!llufmg Co/~
<br />lat!Jral to buyers III tile ordmary course 0/ bUSineSS and use and consume af1}i farm products con~1illJting Calfateral in Debtor's farmmg operatIon If Debtor IS .1 comaratlOn ftus Agreement has been dufy and
<br />valIdly authO(flfJd by all necessary corporate action and. "Deblof 1$ a paHn(]rshlfJ the partf/fJr(s) nxecufmg (f/l5 Agreemunr has rh8\.el JufhOflf}. to act lor tne par!nerstllp
<br />(bJ Debtor IV'" not perrmt any tan(}lble Collateral to De locawa m any state (am!. If counn' lilm9 IS reQUlre(J. In any county) m whIch iJ ffflancmg statemenl covermg such Collateral IS requ/fed to Dc. but
<br />has not In lact been. filed In order to oelfecr the Secuflty Intcres,
<br />(C) Each fight to payment and cacti /fIslrumen! document. challel {JapCI and orlwr agreemenl cOflStltutmg or evldencmg Collateral IS (or will be when .losing or Issued) the valld, genume and legalfy
<br />enlolceable obligatIOn. suiJJeclto no delense. set.off 01 countelcla'm (olllellDan Ihose al/Smg 10 Ihe oldmary course of businessl 01 Ihe account deb/ol or other obligor named Iherem 01 10 oeblor's records
<br />perrammg IDerelo as bemg obligaled 10 pay such ObligatIOn oeblor Will nellher agree 10 any male".' modllleal,on or amendment nOI agree 10 any cancellalion of any such obllgallon wlI'''oul Secured Party's
<br />pr;or wrftten consent, and lVill not subordmate any such flgnt to Odvment to claJ.'""~ 01 alher Cferf1!ors 01 Sllch account deMof or ct.f1er oMqor
<br />(d) Debtor WIll (I) keep alllang'ble Collatelal 10 good mpalf workmg Older and condlllOn normal depreGial'On excepled. andw,ll 110m lime to IlIlle. replace air,. worn. broken 01 delecl,ve parts Ihereof.
<br />(/I) promplly pay aI/ laxes and olher governmental c,1alges icvled 01 assessed upon 01 aoamsl any Col/atelal or upon 01 agamS/lhe cleallOn. perfecllOn or conlmuance ollhe Secunty Inlelest. 11//) kBep all Col.
<br />lacerallree and cleal of all secunty mferesls. liens and encumbrances excepl IIle SeclJfltv Inlwes/. (IV) al allleasonable I,mes. permll Secured PaITy or ,Is lepresenlallves 10 examme or mspecf any Collaleral.
<br />wherever localed and 10 examll1e /Osoecl and coW oeblors boo/o; and lecords oerrammg 10 Ihe Collaleral and lis Cvsmess and Imanclal condillon ana to diSCUSS wilh a,counl deblors and oln~r obligors reQues(s
<br />101 venllcallOns 01 amounls ower! to oeblOf. fvl keep acculale anr! complele recolds pellall1mg 10 Ihe Collalelal and peltammg 10 oeblor's Dusmess and fmanClal condiflOn and submil 10 Seculed Party such
<br />perlOd'c reporrs concernmg Ihe Collaleral and oebtols busmess alld Imanclal cond,lIon as Secured Party may from lime to lime leasonably reouest (viI promplly nollfy Secured Party 01 any lOSS 0101 malenal
<br />damage (0 any Collaleral or 01 any adverse Change known 10 oeblor /II /lIe prospect 01 paVlllenl 01 any sums due on 01 undel any I/lstrumeM challel paper or account conslllulmg Collateral. (v//) If Secured
<br />Party at any lime so leQuesls !lVhelDer /he reQueslls made belole or aller IIIe occurrence al an I yenl of oelaul/). promptly deliver 10 Seculed Party any mslrument. documem or chanel paper conSlllulmg Col
<br />laleral. dUty endorsed or aSSIgned by oeblor: (VIII) al all limes keep alllanglDle Collalelal msurnd agamsl nsks of IlIe Imcludl/lg so-called exlended coveragej. IDelt. Collls'on (In case 01 Collaleral cOnslslmg 01
<br />molar vehICles) and such olDer ns/o; and I/l such amounls as Secured Party may masona1Jly It'OlleSI w'ID any loss payable 10 Secured Party 10 Ihe extent ollIS mlerest. rlx)lrom lime to lime execule such Imancmo
<br />statements as Secured Palty may reasonably reqUIre In order to perfect thr';rctlllf}' Interes/ d .f if any Collateral consists 01 a motor vehfcle, execute such docliments as may be reqUired to have Ihe Secunty
<br />Interest properly nOled on a cemficale of fIIIe. ,xI !Jay when due or reimburse Secured Palty on oemand la, all COSIS 01 collecllOn 01 any 01 the obllgallons and all olher out.ol.pockel expenses (II/Cludmg 10 each
<br />case all reasonable attorneys' lees) mcurred by Secured Party I/l connectIOn WI(h Ihe creallOn pellecllon. sallslactlon. prolectlOn. defense 01 enlorcsmenl ollhe Secunty Interesl ollhe creallOn. conlmuance.
<br />protection. delense 01 enlorcement 01 thIS Agleemenr or any or all 01 me oed,g.wons m(luamg ewenses I/lcUlled I/l aflY 1,IIgallOn 01 bankruptcy or I/lsotvency proceedmgs. (xrJJxecufe. delIver or endorse any
<br />and all Instruments. documents, assfgnments. secuflty agreements and of/:er agreemrflfs and l'r'l/tmqs wtlfch Secured Parry may at any time reasonably reQuest in order to secure. protect. oerfect 01 enforce
<br />the Secunty Interest ana Secured Prut(S fights U'1der ~.rllS Agref.'ment IJ.II! '10r USf' or *.r-ep ,if1\-' Cof/alera! or permIt it to be used Dr kept. lor any un/J'Nlu! pUfpose or m VIolat'on 0/ any federal, state or local
<br />law. statute or ordmance {.(flll perml; Seei.Hed Party a1 art'! tm1e ana /10m UTJe 10 time f(l spnc1 requests (both belore and after the occurrence of an Event at Default! to account deb/ars or other obltgors for
<br />venbCi1l10n or amounts owea to Debtor, and (.n" j -'lot oermlt any tanQlble Collatelal to DC!corrle oar,' 01 or to be aftl):eo to arw real property Without firs! assurmg!c the !eaSonable satlsfact![J/1 of Secured Party
<br />thaI ,he Secuflty Interesl WII/ be pnor ana senlOI :0 any,nterest or I,en IDen .~ela or therea"8I dCQUlled by af~' mOllgagee 01 such feal property or Ihe owne, 01 purchaser of any mlerest Iherem. If Debtor at any
<br />lIme larls to perform Dr observe alrf agreement contamed m thiS SecflOn 3(di ana II such la,lure sl,al/ cOlllmue 101 a peflod alien calendal days altel Seculed Party g,ves Debtor wfltten nollce Ihereol lor. m
<br />/he case allhe agreef'1ents contamed m Clauses (VIII) and Ilxl 01 Ihls Secl,on 3IdJ. Immedlalel~' upon Ihe occurrence 01 such fal/ure IVllhaul notice 01 lapse 01 IimeJ. Secured Party may (bul need nOI) perform
<br />01 observe suCh agreemenl on beDalf and 10 Ihe name. place and stead 01 Debtol 101. al Secured ParTYS OODon. m Secured />arty sawn .oame! and may lbul need nOli take any ana all olher acllons wh'Ch Secured
<br />Party may reasonalJly deem necessary 10 cure or correct sucf? faIlure ffnC'urJmg WIthout 11l7l1tatl0n the varmen! 0' taxes, the satlsfact/on of secunty Interests, liens. Dr encumbrances. the oerlormance of obligatIons
<br />under contracts or agreements With account debtors or OitJer obligors. the J)rOCUlemenr and maIntenance of Insurance ttle execution of finanCing statements the endorsement 01 Instruments. and I/ie pro-
<br />curement 01 repiJirs. fransporrallon or msurance). and. except 10 Ihe extentlhal the effecl of such payment would be 10 render any loan or lorbearance 01 money usunous 01 o/helWlse Illegal under any applIcable
<br />law Deblor shaJ/ Ihereupon oay Secured Party on demand Ihe amounl 01 ali moneys expended ana dll costs and expenses (Including reasonable attorneys. lees! "'currea by Secured Party iii connection It'llh
<br />at as a res/I/r of Secured Party's performing or aDserv!;1g such 2greements or taking SUCh actIons together WIth mterest lhereon from the date eme:1ded Of mcurred by Secured Parry at the hlgnest rate then
<br />applfcable;o any of the Db/Hid!fOns To faCilitate the perfOlmance or oOsErvaflce Dr Secured Party of SuCh agreements at Demor Debtor neret,.,. rrrevocaDl.v apoomts (whiCh apPointment IS coupled WIth an mterest)
<br />Secured Parn~ or Its aelegate. as the aflomey.m.lac! Of Debtor .....,th the ngnt iDut no! the duty.! from tlme!O Ome to create ~.1feoare. co"-:plete. execute. delIver endorse or hie. m the name ana on behalf of Debtor.
<br />any and alllfistruments. documents. linanClflg staremenis. aOD/lcat.'Ofls tor rnsur~nc-e and ;:I!l1er agreeme-'lis ana wfllm~s reoLHed to be obtamed execute(} aellvered or enaorsea by Debtor under thIS Section
<br />3 and SectIOn 4
<br />
<br />4. Lock Box, ClJllatelal Account. If Secured Parl} 50 'eQup.s!s at afT'r' lime j l\.netner Defore or alrer !tle occurrence 0./ afJ Event ot Defauf;; Debror wilt dfrec' eac/1 of It5 aCCoul7l deorors to makE payments
<br />due under the re/~ant account or chattel paper dlffCtl}' to a speCla! lOCi;: box to toe onder the canlrof of Secureo Partv Debtor hereby authorfz;JS and DJ/ects Secured Pam: to G-GPOSlt mto a sDecfai collateral account
<br />to be established ana mamtained WltIi Secured Pa'!',' aN CneckS. dran:; anO cash OJvments received m saId lOcK DDx AU aeOQs!ts In san! collaleral account shalf constitute o!Oceeds at Cof/atelal and shall not
<br />cor.slllute payment cl anr ObligatIOn AI lIs 00110." SecureO Parlr mar al air, !Ime apply Imaily collectfa lunds 001 depos'l 111 sa,a cOl'lleral account to tne payment ollhe ObligatIOns m suCD Older 01 appllca.
<br />tlon as Secured Party may determme. or permit Debtor to wlthd'~\' all 0' any (Jart of the balance on de;Jos/lln saId cof/ateral account If a colfateral account IS 50 establtsheo Deotor agrees mat It wffl promptly
<br />dellVel 10 SeC/!let1 Party. lor depos't rnro sa,d collalera' account all oayments on accounts and chattel paper lecelVed by 'I All such paymenls shall be t1elivered 10 Secured ParTY III Ihe lorm reCeived (exCepl
<br />lor Debtors endorsement where necessary) Untl} so Oflpos/ted at! oarments on accounts and chatrel paper receIved lJ)' Debtor slJalJ be held In truS( t;y Debtor for ana" 3S the oroDertv of Sen,rea Party and shaff
<br />.001 be commlllgled w,l,' any lunds or property 01 Debtor
<br />
<br />5. CoJ/eclion Rlghls 01 Secured Party. NOMllhSlandmg Secured Palty s flghls under SeCllon 4 "";III respecllo any ana all debl mSlruments. chalfel papers accounls. and olher f/gnrs 10 paymenr con.
<br />stltulrng Collaleral (mcludmg proceedsJ. Secured ParTY mav al any time (both belore and affel the occU'rence 01 an Evenl 01 Delauff) nollly any account aebtor. or .;ny orhel person obllgaleD 10 pay alrf amounl
<br />due. Ihal such chattel paper. accounf. 01 othel (/gnlto payment hasDeen aSSigned 01 translerred 10 Seculed Partj' lor securrty ana shall De paid dlfeclly 10 Seculed Pall)' /I Secured Party so requests al any
<br />time. Debtor Will so notify such account debtois i1f1d offJer obligors m wT/tmg and WIJ/ malcate on aJlIU\'Dlces to such account debtors or other obligors rhat tr.e amount due IS payable directly to Secured Party.
<br />AI any lime alter Seculed Party 01 Debtor gIves such !lotlce 10 all accaunt deb/alar other obllgol Seculed Party mal' (bul need noo. 10 ItS awn name or 10 Debtor's /lame. demand. sue far. collecl or lecelve
<br />any money or propeny at any time payable or recel~'atJle on account of Of secuffng arry SuCh chattel paper account. or ottler nght fa payment, or grant afT}' extenS!Of! 10. make ii/J)' compromise or set1lement
<br />IVllh or otherwIse agree to waive. modl/y amend 01 cllange the obllgallons Irncludmg collalp.ral oblloallOnS} at any sucll accounl deb/or or olhel obllgol
<br />
<br />6. Assignment of Insurance. Oeblor hereby ass'gns 10 Secured Party. as add;',onal secufll}' tal the payment 01 Ihe obllgafiOns any and all moneys (mcludmg bul nOlllm"ed fa proceeds 01 msurance and
<br />relund, 01 unearnel.! PI[ ..,iums) due 01 10 become due under. and all other rrghls 01 oeblor under OIIVllh respecl to. any and all poliCies 01 msurance covermg the Collateral. ana oebtol hereby d/fecls the ,ssuer
<br />01 any such oollcy 10 par any such moneys directlv 10 Secured Party Both before and alter Ihe occurrence 01 an Evenl 01 Defaul/. Secured Party may (bul neea nof). rn Ifs OIVO name or m oebtor's name execute
<br />and delrver fJfOOfS 01 ClaIm receive ali sucn monevs enOorse [heos arrc Or,7e! inSfruments refJreSenrmg Diwment ot suCh moneys. and ad/us! litlqafe compromfSe or Ie/ease any ClamJ agamst (/Je fssuer 01
<br />any such policy
<br />
<br />7. Events of Delault. Each 01 the lollowlllg occurrences shall cons/l/ule an event 01 delault under Ihls Agleement I.helem calleo hent a! oelaul/) (/) oeDlor shall fa,'!O pay any 01 ail 01 the obllgaliOns
<br />when due or {II payable on demand} on demana'. or shaJl 1.11/ 10 observe Of oerform any covenant or agreement herem bmdmg on It /It! am' representatIOn or warrant}' fJ;' Debtor sPl torUI In ltilS Agreement or
<br />made 10 Secured Party ffl any fmanClal statements or reoorts submitted to See-urea Part\' by or on Dehalf of Debtor shalf prm'E matenalfy false or nllsleadmg. {Ii!} a garmshmem. summons or a wnt 01 attach
<br />ment shall be Issued agamst or served upon {tIe Secured Party ;'Jr tfle attachment or any properry Of t.he Debtor ar am maeDfedness owmg fa Debtor IfVJ Debtor or any guarantor oj any Ooflgatlon shall (A) be
<br />or become msolvent (however defmed), or (Bj vOlunta(1ly file. or have Mea agalflst It Jf7VOJuntanly a pel1llOn tinder the Un/fed States Bam.Tuotey Code. or {Cj tI a corporation JJartne,~sh1fJ. Dr organizatIOn. be
<br />dIssolved or liquidated Of. if a partnerS/lip sutler the deat" of a J)ar~'1er or d an mdH'lduat die, or (D) go out of busmess Of (v) Secured Party shall In good faIth believe that the prospect of due anrJ ounctuat
<br />payment of an}' Dr af/ of the DOI/gatlOns '5 ImJ]i1lfed
<br />
<br />8. Remedies upon Event of Default. Upon /he oecul/ence ot an hem 01 Jelauff "nGer Secllon ;' ana al any lime mereaffer. Secured Parry mal' exerCise any one or more of Ihe 10lfowIfIg fights ana remed,es
<br />(I) dedare all unmalured obllgal/ons 10 be Immedlalely due and payable and Ihe same shalllttereupon De ImmedIate!)' due and payable. wllhoul presentment 01 olher nOllce or demand. (if) exerCise and enlorce
<br />any or all rights and lemed,es available upon delauft 10 a seculed party undelthe Uniform CommerCial COOf!. IfIctudmg DUI nolllflllled 10 Ihe fight to lake possesS/on of any Collatelal. ploceeding wllhoul judiCIal
<br />plocess 0/ by ludlclal process (""rhoul a prIOr nearoog or oollce Iheleo! ...hlch Deblor hereby express!)' ..awesl and Ihe fight 10 sell lease or o/helWlse dispose of an.,. or all ofthe Coflaleral and 10 connecfron
<br />thereWith. Secured Party may reqUIre Debtof fa ma~:e {he Col/a,era! ,w;.nlaDle ro Secured Party at a place to De deSignated Dy Secured Party which 15 reasonably convement to bot,.., parties and If notIce to Debtor
<br />of any mtended dIspOSItIOn of Collateral Of an\-, other mtent1ed action IS reClllrea~. !if....' In a Da~t/cular instance, suCh notice shall De t1eemed commerCia!;y reasonaDle tI gIven (In the manner soecll1ed In SectIOn
<br />10) at least 10 calendar dayspffol to the dale 01 mtenoed DispOSltlOn!y other action {/I/) exerCIse or enlorce dfTy or aU other (fgtlls or remedies available to Secured Party bl' law Of agreement agamst the COl.
<br />laleral. agamsl Debtol or aga/llsl an; olllel oelson 0' oropenv Uaon me occurrence 01 Ihe Event 01 Delaull describea m Secllon lrrv) IBi all Obllgallons shall De ,mmedlalely aue and oavable wllhoUI demand
<br />01 nollce Ihereol Secured Party's hereDy grant~a a nonexclusIVe ;vorldw,ue ana rDyallv.llee license 10 IIse 01 o//lerwlse explo,l all tradema"" I'aae seclels. Iranchlses. coPYllglJIS and patents 01 Debtor Ihal
<br />Secured Party deems necessary or JDntOOf1J!e to!hf dlspos/tlO'! Of .'lr~ Collateral
<br />
<br />9. Other Personal Property, Unless af ttle tIme S!"!curea Partv fakES ;JOSseSSlon 0' an)' tangible CoiJaterai or wltfJm se-.'en days thereafiet. DeblOl gIVes wntten notIce to Secureo Paltv of the eXistence of
<br />a~ goods. papers nr ather property at DeDtor not ahi..."d to or r.onsfftu/mg f! oan Of suCh Collatelal but ~tJlcn arE located or iQund upon or wlthm SuCh Collateral. descrtbmg such property Securea Party shall
<br />not De responsfbfe or lIable:o Demor tal an-I actIon taken or OfTlltreo ll}. Or on Dehaff ot 5ecurccJ P3rtr ....'lit: respect to suet"! f)rODerrV "vlthout actual knowfedge of the eXIstence 0' am' suetl oroperty or WIthout
<br />actual knowledge lhat /t was locared or to be found u{)On or wltIlrn suer, Co!latera!
<br />
<br />10. Miscellaneous. TDIS Agreemenl aoe5 nol C011emplale a 5ale 01 accounts. or chane/ pane' oeDlo' agrees //Iat eacn prOVISIOn whose box IS checked IS parr ol/h,s Agreemenl ThiS Agreemenl can De
<br />waIved. modifIed. amended. lermllla1ed 01 discharged and the Secullty Interesl can De releasea only expliCitly III a wl'lmg sIgned IJ}' Secured Partj, A waIver SIgned Iff Secured Parly shall be effecllve only
<br />In rhe specifIC m~'ance and fOf the spectlfc DUlDose gIVen Mere de/a)' or !allure to act stlall 'lOf orec/uoe Un' exerCise or enforcement of a11\-' of Secured Party's nghts 01 remedies All ((Qhls and remedms of Securer!
<br />Part}' shall be cumulalll'e and may De exerC!sed smgularl.. or concurrenflr al Secured Party s option eJ.1{] the ererClse or efJforcemenr 0,1 any one suCh fight or remedy shalf neither tJf! a COf1[f/(lon to nOf bar
<br />the exercise or enlorcement 01 af1y other. All notices to be g/ve.1 to DelJtor shall be deemed sufflcfenllf gfliFn " delwerea or maIled Dy reg/sterea or ceft1frea mall, postage prepalG. to Debtor af fts address set
<br />lorlh above 01 at /he mosl recent addless shown on Seculed Party's recoras Secured Party's duty of care w,lh respect 10 Collaleral in ,Is possess,on ras Irnposell by lawl shall be deemed lul/Hled" Seculed
<br />Party exerCises reasonable care In physlcall}' safekeeJ]mg such Collateral or In Ihe case of Collateral in the custody 01 possession of a bailee or other Ihlfd person. exerCises reasonable care m the selectIOn
<br />01 the baIlee or other thfr;} person and Secured Rlrtr nee'" not otherwise f}reservP profect. Insure or care lor any Col/aleral Secured p.arty shall not De obtlgated to orescrvc am' fights Debtor mar ha~'e agams!
<br />{JfJOf parties to rea!lle on tne Collateral at ali Dr many oar!fCular manner or oraer or fa apply ar/';. caSh proceeds of Colfaferai w. afT, piJrtfcuiar order 0' applicatIOn ThiS 4qrpemenr shall De brndmq upon ana
<br />mUle to the tJene/Jt of Debtor and Secured Party and thefr resoect,ve helfs. representatives, successors and iJSSlgn~ arld sha/J take ettec! wnen sfgnea btt. Debtor anD .1f'flvereo !o SecweC1 Part}1 ani] Deblor wawes
<br />notice of Secured Party.s acceptance hereof Secured Party may Execute thiS Agreement If apPfOJ]"ate for the pWDOSf' of fIlmg Dut [he failure of Secured ParTy :0 execute "us Agreement shalf nor dftect 01 fmoafr
<br />Ihe validity 01 effectIVeness ollh,s Agreement A carbon phOlographlC 01 01lJel reproducfion at thIS 4greemenlol Of al1\' flllanrmg slalement s'oned by Ihe oeblo' shalll,ave the same lorce and e/fecls a5 Ihe
<br />oT/gmallo! all Durposes 1)/11 '/flancmg statement Except fa 'he e,'.1enf othf'fl.\'lse rEQUired by law rhls Agreement shall De governed lJ)' the mternal laws ol/f1e state nameo as part of Secured Party 5 adoress
<br />atJow '1 any prOVISion or .l{J{J!Jcatlon Of INs Agreement IS fleij untJ\'r-luf Of unenfO/:eable In any respect SUCh '"egdfltr or unenlorceaOfl!ty s1laIJ no/ dflect O!;/(:I nrovlsfO.f)S Of app/lcatlOns whIch can tx! gwe,'1
<br />effect alld thiS Agreement snail De construed as If /fIe iinta.'t'lul Of Urleniorccable prOVISIOn or ,J{)fJllcatlOn nad flf'Vt>f ON!!: [D.,..,tdmed herem Of oreSCflbed hereb}' All representations and ~arraf1tfCS cofltampo
<br />III /I/lS Agreement shall survIVe Ihe executIOn. ael1ver~. alld performaoce 01 /.hls Agreemenl and 'Dc creal'oo and naVf))elll 0' the ODllgalrons IIlh!s Agleemenl/S s,gned by 1Il0re Ihan one persall as Debto! f'If'
<br />t(!:lm Debtor. shall refer to earl! of them separately aile! '0 both or aU 0/ them lomffr. all such persons ShdiJ be DoUflrJ t){)fI1 'it'\-"Wdflr and IOf(J{IVwlth the othenSI, ana the UbtlgatlO!1!j sh,1fJlhclllOe aI/deNs. tNiDllf!1P.S
<br />(lna oDJJQatfons O",'Pd to .)eCUH'(j .~r!y by arty DeD/Of so/rd.. or ~'bot/I 01 s~erdi 01 all Debtors !O/fltl~' or IOInf!~' ana )('V;'!rl.!/~. -jfJO aJi Drooerty- Lfeser/N'd!f' Sf'c:iOn 1 shaff be J.'1c!/J(ird as par' nt 'l}r ('ollatf'r.:l.
<br />wh1?!/mr /t I~ owned fOintly Dr hath or,if! Dehtor~: 0' '" .').HWtf trI t...!loir O! m [!drr l.,.,. om: {or rrlOfF'1 nf ttlr.r~
<br />
<br />>,
<br />