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<br />88- 100517 <br /> <br />ASS I G N " E N T <br /> <br />o F <br /> <br />T R U S T <br /> <br />DEE 0 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />KNOW ALL KEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior Mortgage, Inc. a Corporation, <br />the party of the first part, in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable <br />consideration, to it in hand paid by Colonial Central Savings Bank, FSB, a <br />Corporation, the party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, <br />has granted, assigned, and transferred, and, by these presents, does grant, <br />assign, and transfer unto the party of the second part, its successors and <br />assigns, a certain Trust Deed, wherein the said Superior Mortgage, Inc. is current <br />beneficiary, SlF.VEN F. SORAHAN AND DEBORAlI L. SORAHAN HUSBAND AND HIFE <br /> <br />1s Trustor, and ~JEST BANK NEBRASKA, NAL"'IONAL ASSOCIATIoo is <br />Trust Deed was dated the 26 day of JUNE , 1987 <br />the 26 day of JUNE , 19 87 , as 00::. 00. 87- .103834 <br />of Register of Deeds Hall County, Nebraska <br />r~ll County, Nebraska , and all its right, title and interest <br />to the property therein described, as follows, to wit: <br /> <br />PART OF 1lIE ooRllJ.olEST ~ARlER OF 1lIE SaJI'HEAST ~ARlER (~SE%) OF SECIToo TIURlEEN (13), IN'lThJNSHIP <br />ElEVEN (II) NJRlli, RAm: NINE (9) WEST OF 1lIE 61ll P.l'!. HAIL currnv, NEBRASKA l>DRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED <br />AS F(ll(].1S: BEGINNING AT A POINT 00 1llE S(JJlH LlllE OF 1llE ooRIH..JEST ~ARlliR OF TIlE SOO1llEAST Q1ARlER <br />(m!4 SE%) OF SAID SECIToo THIR1EEN (13), WHICH POINT IS 410,0 FElIT WEST OF 1lIE SOO1llEAST mRNER OF SAID <br />m!4 SE%; RIJNNIN; 'I'HEOCE 00RlH PARAllEL wrrn 1llE EAST LINE OF SAID ~~%SEt 200 FEIIT; RlJNNIN; 1HEOCE \olEST, <br />PARAllEL WIlll 1llE soorn LINE OF SAID ~W.SE% 200.0 FEIIT; RIJNNIN; mun: sarrn PARAllEL \ITI'H 1lIE EAST LINE <br />OF SAID ~SE%, 200. OFEET 'ill A POINT 00 1llE sarrn LINE OF 1llE N.f'4SE% OF SAID SECrm~ 13; RlJNNTh'G 'I"dEOCE EAST, <br />ALOOG AND UPOO 1lIE srurn LINE OF SAID ~-h OF SECIToo 13, FOR A DlSTMl:E OF 200.0 FEET 'ill TIlE AClliI\L POINT OF <br />BEGINNOC. <br />Said Deed OI Trust initially made to tmIWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIOOAL ASSOCIAI'IOO and assigned to Superior <br />l-brtgage, Inc. by an Assignrent of Deed of Trust dated June 26, I 987 and Iiled in 00::. 00. 87-103835 on <br />T8WitlPlff 98Jii'h thth~Co~~o~~>>:b~~rfdteNebt~~ein described, and the money due or to <br />become due theraunder, including interest thereon, subject only to the provisions <br />of said Trust Deed therein contained. <br /> <br />Trustee, which <br />, and recorded <br />in the offices <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Superior "ortgage, Inc. B corporation, has caused this <br />Assign.ent of Trust Deed to be executod by its Vice President, and attested by its <br />Asst. Secretary, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 19th day <br />of ~Ui/~,;>., 19 87 . <br />.', '.' ; "~., <br />, .' _.OJ'I',~J~;; j. :\~ <br />'f,\ . ~C',", ~,:..:":- <br /> <br />.~ ;-~;~;~ t\ i; <br />. . .'~ t' !..~, <br /> <br />r~,.. . <br /><,J./:, ~~. D. t~. . <br /> <br />SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. <br /> <br />Byz <br /> <br />( <br />li'i "- <br />~rt ,I 'vi /~, <br />Hofri hter~ Vice P~ide~t <br /> <br />./ ~~ ) ~ / / /4' / <br />G. Beilke. Assis. ant Secretary <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> <br /> <br />ssz <br /> <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br /> <br />On this date above stated, before .e, a Notary Public duly co.misoioned and <br />qualified in and for said county and state, personally ca~e the above na~ed <br />Roy Hofrichter, Vice President & Karen G. Beilke, Assistant Secretary <br />of Superior Mortgage, Ino. who are personally known to me to be the identical <br />persons whose are affixed to the above AS8ign~ent of Trust Deed as the Vice <br />President and Asst. Secretary of said corporation, and they acknowledge the <br />instru.ent to be their voluntary Gct and deed and the voluntary act and deed of <br />.aid Corporation. <br /> <br />WITNESS .Y hand and official seal, at Grand Island, NE., in said county, the <br />d.t. afore.aid. <br /> <br />r=-.t;:'rnIT.'~l~;~T;~~'~;~~~:J';~~~: ~;-l <br />I l"~ . 0",11:: A. .~t;CvE\!/ I <br />l~~;~:-e~~ ~b CGmfil hn t,:.~;r 10 it"1:0 > <br />-~~';i-; :~,.,=~~c"t,<.~c_~~",,~ ',,,,.::~':':J,;:c"~-<:r~,:;,,"-,~ <br /> <br />J-~~!.. ~ U-\y\c.~ <br /> <br />Hota'ry Public Dixie A. HcCord <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />"y co..i..ion Expire.z <br /> <br />R.turn to! <br /> <br />CENTF~AL. MOI:;:TGAGE CDHP. <br />P.o. BOX 1SH7 <br />GRAND ISL.AND, NE 68802 <br /> <br />SKI FORM MODIFIED 150 6-87 <br /> <br />~ <br />