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<br />A55IGHKENT OF KORTGAGE - Corporation
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL HEN DV THESE PRESENTS, That Superior Hortgag~, Inc. ft
<br />Corporation, tha party of the firot port, in conoiderotlon of One Dollar and
<br />other valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by Colonial Central Savings
<br />Dank, rSD, a Corporation, the party of the second port, at or before the
<br />enoenllng ond delivery of these preoents, receipt whereof 1s hereby
<br />ocknowledged, hos granted, bargained, sold, Dssigned, transferred, and sel
<br />over, and, by thene presents, does grant, bargain, nell, asoign, transfer,
<br />trano!erred, and set over, unto the said party of the second port, its
<br />oucceooors and assigns, a certain INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Bearing date
<br />of March 18 19 87 , es 87-101461 in the offices
<br />of Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and made by Lynelle Rae Olson Nicks, a single person
<br />to, or currently assigned to, Superior Korlgage, Inc. and 011 its right, title
<br />end interest to the premises therein described, aB follow8, la-wit:
<br />
<br />Lot 27, in Amick Acres, Hall County, Nebraska, beign a part of the West ~ of the
<br />Southwest! of Section 2, Township 9 North, Ra~ge 10 West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Togelhe~ with the nole therein described, ond the money due or to become due
<br />thereunder, including interest thereon, TO HAVE AIID TO 1I0:'D the oame unto the
<br />soid porty of the second part, its succeooorp and asoigns forever, subject
<br />only lo lhe provioiona of oaid INDENTURE OF nORTGAGE therein conloined.
<br />
<br />And the porly of lhe first part does hereby make, constitute and appoint lhe
<br />onid party of lhe oecond purt, its true ond lowful attorney, irrevocable, in
<br />ita nome, or olherwioe, but at their own proper costs and charges, lo have,
<br />uoe, ond loke 011 lowful ways and means for the recovery of lhe said noney and
<br />inlereot, and, in cese of p.y..nt, to dischorge the Dame es lhe part of lh.
<br />firsl part might, or could do, if these presents were not ~ude.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, Superior "ortgage, Inc. a corporution of lhe State of
<br />Nebreoka .hDs ceused this Assignllent of Ifortgage to be execuled by its Vie.
<br />~~,.la.~\~:~~~d .ttested by its A..t. Secretary .nd its Corpor.te S..l to b.
<br />,,~h"r~~"~f,..lf,~~ed the 19th day of November in the year 19 87 .
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<br />
<br />Bya
<br />Roy
<br />
<br />T1 ((~.o
<br />
<br />Hofrichter. . e President
<br />
<br />ss.
<br />
<br />
<br />Cp}!nty of Hull
<br />
<br />On the Date above stated, before me, 0 Nolary Public, duly commissioned
<br />and qualified in and lor said County and State, Personally come lhe above
<br />nallled Roy lIo[richteT, Vice President nnd Karen G. Beilke, ^ssist<lnt Secretary
<br />of' Superior "ortgage, Inc. who are peroonolly known to me to be lhe identical
<br />peroonu whooe nomes ore affixed to lhe above Dooignment of Mortgage 8S lhe
<br />Vice Presldenl Bnd Aout. Secretary of s.id Corporation, end they .ckno~ledg.d
<br />the instrullenl to be their volunt.ry .ct end de.d, and the voluntary act and
<br />d..d of lh. s.ld Corpor.tion.
<br />
<br />
<br />...1, in Grend Island, in said County, the'dat.
<br />
<br />L~~~bQ 1:J~.~c~
<br />
<br />P.O. BOX HUH
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />
<br />;"1 FORK KODInED 151 9-87
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